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Matthew Margeson - Musik für "The Curse of Downers Grove"


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Neben der Co-Arbeit bei "Kick-Ass 2" und "Captain Philips" schreibt nun Matthew Margeson auch die Musik für "The Curse of Downers Grove"


Matthew Margeson is currently scoring the upcoming indie thriller The Curse of Downers Grove. The film is directed by Derick Martini (Lymelife, Hick) and stars Bella Heathcote, Lucas Till, Penelope Mitchell, Kevin Zegers, Helen Slater and Tom Arnold. The movie based on a novel by Michael Hornburg is set in Downers Grove, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago and follows a paranoid high school senior who is worried about an apparent curse that takes the life of one student every year at the school. Martini has co-written the screenplay with Bret Easton Ellis (American Psycho, The Rules of Attraction). Oren Segal, Jason Dubin and Chiara Trento are producing the project. Margeson has previously scored the Segal-produced 2010 film Burning Palms. The Curse of Downers Grove is currently in post-production and is expected to be released in 2014.

Margeson whose previous scoring credits include Skyline and Transformers Prime has recently co-scored Kick-Ass 2 with Henry Jackman and is also working with the composer on his music for the upcoming drama Captain Phillips directed by Paul Greengrass and Tom Hanks.

Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2013/07/23/matthew-margeson-scoring-the-curse-of-downers-grove/



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