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Varèse CD Club: Death Becomes Her: The Deluxe Edition (CD) (Alan Silvestri)

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From the storied collaboration of Robert Zemeckis and Alan Silvestri (Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Contact, The Polar Express) comes the devilishly fun 1992 horror–comedy score, Death Becomes Her.

Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn star as a feuding movie star and novelist, (with Bruce Willis caught in the middle as a plastic surgeon), as a miracle potion offering eternal youth goes off the rails: it continues to work even after death, allowing for ghoulish and groundbreaking visual effects as the characters try to maintain appearances despite their bodies being hopelessly mutilated.

Alan Silvestri’s score captures, as always, a perfect sense of the film’s tone: grand yet wry, large-scale and symphonic for the supernatural drama, but with a lighthearted touch of the macabre. Particularly noteworthy is a Devilish fiddle for the Faustian bargain the characters make with immortality.

“I always loved this idea,” says Silvestri in a new interview with Al Kaplan for this release, “while the world is unraveling, the Devil is just quietly sitting on a wine barrel or some such thing and just kinda fiddling along while everybody just shows up. There was something about the greed, all of these human qualities, the vanity…and the idea that, ‘Ah, the Devil’s just sitting there. He’s got nothing but time.’” 

Death Becomes Her was released by Varèse Sarabande in a 16-track, 35-minute album at the time of the film. This Deluxe Edition CD expands the program to 27 tracks and over 51 minutes, with new liner notes by Al Kaplan.

Limited to 2000 copies.


  1. Main Title (From The Motion Picture "Death Becomes Her") 1:36
  2. Me 3:28
  3. Woman On The Verge 1:03
  4. Lisle 1:07
  5. The Altar / Sexual 0:45
  6. A Touch Of Magic 2:20
  7. Now, A Warning 0:54
  8. Sempre Viva 1:48
  9. Another Drunk Driver 2:11
  10. Self Defense / New Mad Arrives Home 1:50
  11. Hurry Up, You Wimp 2:22
  12. It's Alive 3:04
  13. Violation Of Natural Law 1:07
  14. To The Morgue 1:11
  15. Helen Spies 2:04
  16. She Was A Bad Actress 0:46
  17. Another Miracle 2:35
  18. I'll Be Upstairs 0:43
  19. Loving You 3:14
  20. Seal The Room 0:46
  21. I'd Rather Die 2:58
  22. Switzerland 1:36
  23. End Credits (From The Motion Picture "Death Becomes Her") 5:49
  24. Dark Windows (Source) 1:12
  25. Book Party (Source) 1:49
  26. Woman On The Verge 1:13
  27. Self Defense 1:10


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Also für mich hat der Score nen großen nostalgischen Wert. Er ist leider nicht so einfallsreich wie beispielsweise SOAPDISH. Die zusätzliche Musik beinhaltet andere Variationen der bekannten „Motive“, was mir persönlich aber ausreicht und für eine Anschaffung. Grad auch die Source-Cues sind von Alan mit dem DBH Themen - das macht Spaß. 

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