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Soundtrack Board

- Mychael Danna meets Little Miss Sunshine

Thomas Nofz

Empfohlene Beiträge

Mychael Danna scores Little Miss Sunshine

Award winning film composer Mychael Danna, most notably recognized for scoring Oscar-winning Capote, creates an emotionally poignant score to Fox Searchlight Pictures' Little Miss Sunshine. The Fox Searchlight release starring Golden Globe nominee Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette and Steven Carrell remain in the top ten after two months in theaters, taking the film by director Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris to #3 at the box office. Film composer Mychael Danna is a pioneer in the combination of non-Western sound sources with orchestral and electronic minimalism. For "Little Miss Sunshine," he collaborated with folk-indie rock band DeVotchka. Danna's score sets the mood for the sardonic tale of an American family determined to succeed, whilst enduring with each other's discernible neuroses.

Little Miss Sunshine is a comedy-drama directed by the husband-wife team of Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, and this is their first feature. The movie has had high praise and acclaim, including winning the Best Feature - World Cinema Audience Award at the 2006 Sydney Film Festival, and standing ovations at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.

Cheers, Tom

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