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Maurice Jarre: Jesus Of Nazareth (expanded)

Gast Stefan Jania

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Gast Stefan Jania


Da es hier noch keiner gepostet hat: das italienische Label Legend bringt eine leicht erweiterte Fassung von Maurice Jarres Jesus Of Nazareth heraus. Sowohl die alte LP als auch beide CDs (von RCA Italien und Cinephile England) klangen ziemlich grenzwertig. Beide CD-Fassungen haben auch den "Main Title" am Ende abgeschnitten. Gleiches gilt jetzt, wenn man auf die Laufzeit des Tracks schaut, für die Legend. Die neuen Tracks stammen vom US-Dialog-Album, das RCA damals produziert hat. Zudem gibt es das Stück "The Beatitudes" mit englischem Voice-Over (Robert Powell, wie auf der Cinephile-CD) und italienischem Voice-Over (Pino Colizzi, wie auf der RCA-CD). Ich befürchte, klanglich wird sich hier leider nicht viel tun und was die Bonus-Tracks vom Album-Master der Dialog-LP bringen, wird man hören, wenn die CD rauskommt.


1. Jesus Of Nazareth 2:32

2. Annunciation 4:04

3. Three Kings 4:19

4. Herod's Proclamation 0:52 *

5. Baptism 3:04

6. Miracle Of The Fish 2:48

7. Salome 4:15

8. Jairus' Daughter 2:25

9. Jerusalem 3:42

10. The Beatitudes 3:51 (Voice: Robert Powell)

11. Raising Of Lazarus 1:43 *

12. Entrance Into Jerusalem 1:09 *

13. Agony In The Garden 1:06 *

14. The Crucifixion (Part 1) 6:58

15. The Crucifixion (Part 2) 0:56 *

16. The Resurrection 2:13

17. Exit Music 2:15 *

Bonus Track

18. Le Beatitudini 3:52 (Voice: Pino Colizzi)

* Previously unreleased tracks

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  • 3 Wochen später...
Gast Stefan Jania

Was viele ja schon vermutet haben: die "neuen" Tracks haben Dialoge und Soundeffekte. Aus dem FSM-Forum:

Yep, you read that right, the new release of J.o.N. has got dialog tracks inserted. it isn't mentioned anywhere on the jewel case or anywhere that I've seen it advertised, BUT all the extra tracks that are on the cd have been lifted from the ENGLISH language version of the DVD (I suspect) soundwise, the music has never sounded so good, the original album tracks are fantastically clear, but why oh why muck it all up with dialog tracks, I have the DVD I don't need the dialog on the soundtrack as well.

Rant over, the End Title is dialog free as is Herod's Proclamation, but as far as I can tell all the other extra tracks have either loud sound effects or dialog.

So buyer beware!!!

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  • 3 Wochen später...
Gast Stefan Jania

Und noch was Interessantes aus dem FSM-Board. Anscheinend stammt das komplette Release von LPs:

Well, I'm sorry to say that I was quite disappointed in this release. The music is great but this is NOT the groundbreaking release that Legend Record claims it is.

First of all none of the tracks are from any "RCA Master Tape"; they are all "remastered" from LPs! The sources are the 1977 British PYE NSPH 2850 LP, the 1982 U.S. RCA Records ABL1-4284 LP, and the 1977 Italian Dischi Ricordi SMRL 6205 LP. You can quite clearly hear vinyl ticks and pops, most notably at 1:42 and 1:44 and 1:58 of track 14 (and what's that phone chatter from 1:48 to 1:53?) and throughout the "Exit Music" (track 17 is actually the End Credits music).

Also what's with the disconcerting seam between two unrelated cues at the 0:53 mark of "Raising of Lazarus" (track 11)? Not only this an example of poor editing, but whoever put this together (Alessandro Cutolo?) hadn't even noticed that the "new" music from 0:53 to 1:38 of track 11 had been already included by Jarre in his original "Resurrection" track (track 16, from 0:51 to 1:29).

If you own the original British and American LPs, you can safely bypass this release until James Fitzpatrick pays the score the respect that it deserves.

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