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Milan Records: TABLOID von John Kusiak


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Errol Morris hat immer sehr konkrete musikalische Vorstellungen, klanglich sind die Filmmusiken zu seinen Kino- und TV-Arbeiten sehr ähnlich. Für seine neue Doku TABLOID hat wieder Morris' langjähriger Komponist John Kusiak den Soundtrack gemacht, bei MIlan gibt es zwei Tracks als offenbar kostenlosen Download und auf der "Milan Records Band Page" auf Facebook heute das ganze Album als Stream


Hier noch die Eckdaten:



Album released on July 12, 2011. By turns funny, strange, and disturbing, TABLOID, Errol Morris' new documentary film, is a vivid portrayal of a phenomenally driven woman whose romantic obsessions and delusions catapult her over the edge into scandal sheet notoriety and an unimaginable life.

The music, which plays a key role in the fillm, was composed by John Kusiak. Kusiak has scored hundreds of projects, including television documentaries (HBO, PBS, IFC and Sundance), large-screen exhibitions (Yellowstone National Park and the Smithsonian) and feature films (Tabloid, Secrecy, The Singing Revolution and additional music for the The Fog of War, winner of an Academy Award for best documentary in 2004).

In Errol Morris' own words, "Tabloid is a difficult job for a composer, because the movie balances so many contradictory themes and images. It runs from the sublime to the ridiculous. From the tawdry to the tragic. How do you evoke such a range of emotions and ideas? John Kusiak has been able to achieve the seemingly impossible: Balance disparate elements and yet create a hauntingly beautiful score that highlights Joyce McKinney and her pursuit of love."

1. Open

2. Special Guy

3. Pageants

4. Rescue Mission

5. Rescue Two

6. Kidnapped

7. Sacred Underwear

8. Taboo

9. The Court

10. Sects

11. Sacred Knowledge

12. Released

13. The Premier

14. Out of Control

15. Two Souls

16. May 22, 1978

17. Bleak Future

18. Spirit Booger

19. Dr Hong

20. Close

21. Credits

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