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Buch: "A Dream Come True - David Lynch & Angelo Badalamenti"

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A Message from Caldera's co-founder and producer Stephan Eicke:

On September 4, Bloomsbury will publish my third book, “A Dream Come True: The Collaboration of David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti.” 

I wish I could announce this news under happier circumstances. Alas, David Lynch passed away on January 15. 

Fittingly, I had a dream the night before he died: my friends Gary, Matthew and I were attending an Oscar ceremony with David. We were early, and the auditorium was nearly empty. I took the opportunity to excuse myself. When I returned from the bathroom, David’s seat was empty. Gary, who had been sitting next to him, looked at me and held out his hand. “David left, but he asked me to give this to you.” Gary handed me a handcrafted bracelet, a skull made out of bones attached to a row of beads. I searched the room. David was gone. I closed my hands around his gift and woke up.

David Lynch has been an important person in my life. While I never liked any of his films when I first watched them as a teenager, I eventually noticed how they touched something deep within me. I returned to them and found more aspects to appreciate. I may not have understood the meaning of his symbols, but I felt curiously drawn to them. 

I was sucked in by their darkness.

The world is a scary place. As a young adult, I felt that finally an artist had accurately put on celluloid my anxieties and nightmares. At the same time I became aware that this was the reason why I had been put off by them initially.
I met David in 2011 for an interview. He was gracious, elegant and kind. Inspired by him, I took up Transcendental Meditation in 2019.

There are various ways to investigate Lynch’s creative approach. One is by examining music and its use in his films. Although David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti’s collaboration lasted close to 40 years and brought us popular themes such as ‘Falling’ from Twin Peaks, no book had been written about their work and their approach to it. It’s especially curious since Lynch has become an active, performing musician himself, and is one of the most-discussed American filmmakers of the 20th and 21stcentury. I felt eager to explore the works of Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch, who in interviews have often called themselves brothers.

A Dream Come True is a portrayal of Lynch the filmmaker through an analysis of his use of sound, of music in particular. The book will show how the scores by Angelo Badalamenti came to be, how they were recorded, inserted into the individual films, and mixed. Via analyses and exclusive interviews, I will examine how music and sound design not only set the required mood and enhance emotion, but also how they serve as aspects of storytelling that often gives valuable clues to the unlocking of a drama’s possible mysteries.


This is Bloomsbury’s official blurb:

A Dream Come True is an extensive investigation of the working relationship between two revered artists, David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti, as an insightful collage that bridges the gap between academic analysis and investigative journalism.

The working-relationship between director David Lynch and composer Angelo Badalamenti is one of the most fruitful and celebrated in cinema history. Yet despite their success and fame, this is the first book written about their decades-long collaboration. It offers new, valuable insights to fans of both Lynch's and Badalamenti's work.

The book analyses David Lynch the filmmaker through the lens of Angelo Badalamenti's music via extensive creative biographies of both, in-depth investigations into how the individual music pieces and scores came to be, how they were altered and changed during the editing process, and what clues both music and sound design can give to unlock the mysteries of individual works. It includes several of their collaborations, including Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway, The Straight Story, and Mulholland Drive, among others. The result is an insightful collage of exclusive interviews with many of Lynch's and Badalamenti's colleagues and friends, transcribed music examples, direct quotes, previously unpublished photographs, dialogue taken from the films, and a careful examination of secondary-sometimes contradictory-sources.

More than 15 industry professionals, including Oscar-winning sound designer Randy Thom, music editor Lori Eschler, music editor and composer John Neff, musician Barry Adamson, PA John Wentworth and film director Mark Pellington share their experiences and insights in exclusive interviews. For each film, an analysis of both music and sound design reveals how the use of these twin elements helps establish and amplify moods and emotions, and how they serve as keys to interpret the individual films and TV shows.


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