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Sony Masterworks kauft Milan Records


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Sony kauft Milan, welches aber trotzdem als eigenes Label bestehen bleibt, aber halt nun Rechenschaft an Sony ablegen muss. Aktuell weiß ich aber nicht, was das nun im Detail zu bedeuten hat und sich was im Bezug zu Milan Records groß ändern wird. Könnte aber auch sein, dass der Deal nur mehr finanzielle Sicherheit für Milan Records bedeutet. Na ja die Zukunft wird das beantworten können.



Milan Records, one of the leading soundtrack labels, has been acquired by Sony Music Masterworks, it was announced today. Following the merger, Milan will continue to be run by JC Chamboredon, the imprint’s senior VP and the son of Emmanuel Chamboredon, who founded the label 41 years ago; he’ll report to Mark Cavell, the U.S. label head of Sony Masterworks and its international COO.

Some of Milan’s more recent releases include the scores for films from “Green Book” to “Midsommar,” with a history that includes everything from “Diva” and “Ghost” to “Deadpool” and “Birdman.” Upcoming releases under the alliance include “The Farewell,” “The Lighthouse,” “La Belle Époque” and the soundtrack for HBO’s “Succession.”

Sony Music Masterworks has also picked up Jade, Milan’s sister label, which has roughly 500 classical and liturgical albums in its catalog.

Said Cavell in a statement, “The acquisition of Milan Records, under the leadership of JC, underscores our commitment to soundtracks, further developing important relationships on the West Coast with both film studios and composers. I am delighted to welcome Milan Records to Sony Music Masterworks and look forward to bringing its projects, artists and unique identity to a global audience.”

“I have been incredibly fortunate to watch my father, Emmanuel Chamboredon, run Milan Records for the past 30 years,” said JC Chamboredon. “Witnessing his hard work through my young eyes was the most formative schooling in music and business I could have ever had. I am thrilled that 40 years following its foundation, Milan Records will now join the Sony Music Masterworks family.  It was evident to both Emmanuel and me that Mark Cavell clearly understands what has always made Milan Records a special label. I am honored to be able to build upon what my father started and bring Milan Records to the next level in this new and exciting time for soundtracks.”

His father also expressed excitement about the acquisition. “My dream was to ensure that Milan Records and Jade, both of which I started 41 years ago, would continue once I hung up my gloves.  Today that dream has come true,” said Emmanuel Chamboredon. “Sony Music Masterworks is the ideal home for Milan and Jade, under the experienced leadership of my son JC and the label’s incredible team. I am very grateful to Mark Cavell, who showed lots of energy and imagination in carving out the right place for Milan and Jade at Sony Music Masterworks.”
Quelle: https://variety.com/2019/music/news/milan-records-soundtrack-label-acquired-sony-masterworks-1203286552/?fbclid=IwAR2S-yqt0F6Juz2yHHqsujqOxVJ_xlXYlpedsVBsm8TIS13yFw38boEf1dQ



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