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FSM kauft ein - Wunschzettel möglich!


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Lukas Kendall hat im FSM board verkündet, dass sein Label in Kürze auf einkaufstour bei MGM und Warner Bros. sein wird und hat jeden aufgefordert, persönliche Wunschkandidaten aus deren Katalogen aufzulisten. Einzige Bedingung: Der score muss aus der Zeit vor 1980 stammen.

Hier das originale statement:

Hi Folks,

If you want to suggest specific M-G-M and Warner Bros. catalog scores we should look into releasing, now is a good time to post here. Let 'er rip. Pre-1980 please.

I may respond to say if something is NOT possible due to rights or missing elements; however, a LACK of a reply should be read as confirmation that we're doing it!



P.S. Because this will surely come up -- this regards pre-1980s M-G-M films that were produced and distributed by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film company. It does NOT regard the equivalent era of United Artists releases! You can easily look up the company at imdb.com.

Das topic in dem ihr eure kandidaten vorschlagen könnt findet ihr hier:


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Gast suizoscore

Ich habe da folgende Liste gepostet, was prompt bei einigen harsche Reaktionen auslöste, weil die gleich annahmen, es handle sich quasi um ein planlose Zusammenstellung, was es in Wirklich keit nicht ist. Eigentlich bin ich erstaunt, dass Kendall uns zu solchen Vorschlägen auffordert. Ich nahm an, der wüsste schon alles.

A FINE MADNESS by John Addison (Warner)


THE LOVED ONE by John Addison (MGM)

LOOK BACK IN ANGER by John Addison (Warner)

THE HOOK by Larry Adler (MGM)

SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS by David Amram (Warner)

THE ARRANGEMENT by David Amram (Warner)

DUNKIRK by Malcolm Arnold (MGM)

TAMAHINE by Malcolm Arnold (MGM)

THE SAFECRACKER by Richard Rodney Bennett (MGM)

THE ANGRY HILLS by Richard Rodney Bennett (MGM)

FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD b Richard Rodney Bennett (MGM)

THE BUTTERCUP CHAIN by Richard Rodney Benntt (Warner)

PERMISSION TO KILL by Richard Rodney Bennett (Warner)

MOVIOLA: THIS YEAR'S BLONDE (Mini Series) by Elmer Bernstein (co-prod. with Warner and others)

BLOODBROTHER by Elmer Bernstein (Warner)

DEADLY HONEYMOON by Elmer Bernstein (MGM)

CAHILL, U.S. MARSHALL by Elmer Bernstein (Warner)

I LOVE YOU ALICE B. TOKLAS by Elmer Bernstein (Warner)

RAMPAGE by Elmer Bernstein (Warner)

THE MIRACLE by Elmer Bernstein (Warner)

SOME CAME RUNNING by Elmer Bernstein (MGM)

CATLOW by Roy Budd (MGM)

DIRTY MONEY (UN FLIC) by Michel Colombier (Warner)

BLUME IN LOVE by Bill Conti (Warner)

THE LEFT HANDED GUN by Alexander Courage (Warner)

THE DEVILS by Peter Maxwell Davis (Warner)

LE POINT DE MIRRE by Georges Delerue (Warner)

CHERE LOUISE by Georges Delerue (Warner)

DAY FOR NIGHT (LA NUIT AMERICAINE) by Georges Delerue (Warner)




DOC SAVAGE, THE MAN OF BRONZE by Frank De Vol (Warner)

THE FRISCO KID by Frank De Vol (Warner)

CHISUM by Dominic Frontiere (Warner)


TOO MUCH TOO SOON by Ernest Gold (Warner)

THE LAST OF SHEILA by Billy Goldenberg (Warner)


THE GOODBYE GIRL by David Grusin (Warner)

THE CHAMP by David Grusin (MGM/UA)

FLAP by Marvin Hamlisch (Warner)

MAN IN THE WILDERNESS by Johnny Harris (Warner)

SEX AND THE SINGLE GIRL by Neal Hefti (Warner)

GRAND PRIX by Maurice Jarre (MGM)

THE FIXER by Maurice Jarre (MGM)

RYANS DAUGHTER by Maurice Jarre (MGM)

THE MACKINTOSH MAN by Maurice Jarre (Warner)

THE SPLIT by Quincy Jones (MGM)

LAST OF THE MOBILE HOT-SHOTS by Quincy Jones (Warner)

GIRL OF THE NIGHT by Sol Kaplan (Warner)

THE BOBO by Francis Lai (Warner)

SWEET NOVEMBER by Michel Legrand (Warner)

ONE IS A LONELY NUMBER by Michel Legrand (MGM)

PORTNOYS COMPLAINT by Michel Legrand (Warner)

OUR TIME by Michel Legrand (Warner)

THE THIEF WHO CAME TO DINNER by Henry Mancini (Warner)

GUNN by Henry Mancini (Warner)

DEAR HEART by Henry Mancini (Warner)

DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES by Henry Mancini (Warner)

AN AMERICAN DREAM by Johnny Mandel (Warner)

DRUMS OF AFRICA by Johnny Mandel (MGM)

THE MASTER TOUCH by Ennio Morricone (Warner)

BLAZING SADDLES by John Morris (Warner)

KALEIDOSCOPE by Stanley Myers (Warner)

THE WALKING STICK by Stanley Myers (MGM)

SITTING TARGET by Stanley Myers (MGM)


LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA by Mario Nascimbene (MGM)

WHERE THE SPIES ARE by Mario Nascimbene (MGM)

UNCHAINED by Alex North (Warner)


THE COMEDIANS by Laurence Rosenthal (MGM)

HOTEL PARADISO by Laurence Rosenthal (MGM)

BRASS TARGET by Laurence Rosenthal (MGM/UA)


RAGE by Lalo Schifrin (Warner)

ONCE A THIEF by Lalo Schifrin (MGM)

THE LIQUIDATOR by Lalo Schifrin (MGM)


SOL MADRID by Lalo Schifrin (MGM)


ST. IVES by Lalo Schifrin (Warner)

TELEFON by Lalo Schifrin (MGM/UA)

BOULEVARD NIGHTS by Lalo Schifrin (Warner)

THE LOST CONTINENT by Gerard Schurmann (Warner)

SOPHIES PLACE by John Scott (Warner)

CRAZE by John Scott (Warner)

CLASS OF 44 by David Shire (Warner)

ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN by David Shire (Warner)

STRAIGHT TIME by David Shire (Warner)

THE SEA GYPSIES by Fred Steiner (Warner)

FIRST TO FIGHT by Fred Steiner (Warner)

HOW, WHEN AND WITH WHOM by Armando Trovajoli (Warner)

THE GAZEBO by Jeff Alexander (MGM)

TEA AND SYMPATHY by Adolph Deutsch (MGM)

THE DEADLY TRACKERS by Jerry Fielding (Warner)


ADA by Bronislau Kaper (MGM)

ILLEGAL by Max Steiner (Warner)

RIO BRAVO by Dimitri Tiomkin (Warner)

DRUM BEAT by Victor Young (Warner)

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Einige Leute auf dem FSM-Board pöbeln auch einfach grundsätzlich drauf los.

Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil - denk ich mir manchmal wenn ich Beiträge dort lese. Ausserdem gerät manchmal nur allzu oft der Kern des Themas zur Nebensache. Die ewigen Sticheleien und unnötigen Diskussionen gehen einem dort recht schnell auf die E**r, so dass man die ernsten Beiträge fast schon überfliegt.

@ thegeigergroup: Schöne Liste hast da zusammengestellt.

R.R. Bennett?

Da muss ich mir mal einige Informationen besorgen.

Hab bis jetzt kaum was über ihn (sorry, von ihm) gehört.

Meine Favioriten deiner Liste:



THE MIRACLE by Elmer Bernstein (Warner)

SWEET NOVEMBER by Michel Legrand (Warner)

UNCHAINED by Alex North (Warner)

THE LIQUIDATOR by Lalo Schifrin (MGM)

RIO BRAVO by Dimitri Tiomkin (Warner)

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Gast suizoscore
Mir fehlt ja der Name von Franz Waxman in der Liste. Hat der kaum für die Studios gearbeitet? Seit 1947 war er ja Freelancer und nicht vertraglich an ein Studio gebunden.

Doch, doch, er wurde von anderen Leuten x-mal vorgeschlagen für die verschiedensten WB-Titel. Ich habe ihn bewusst ausgelassen (wie auch Goldsmith oder Williams), weil er eh geläufig ist, und ich mal davon ausgehe, dass Lukas Kendall Bescheid weiss, ob und welche Tapes zur Veröffentlichung in Frage kommen könnten.

Inzwischen ist die Vorschlagsliste auf über 300 Titel angewachsen. Wenn nur die Hälfte davon realisiert werden kann, dauert es bei der gegenwärtigen Veröffentlichungskadenz rund 10 Jahre, bis die durch sind.

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Gast suizoscore
R.R. Bennett?

Da muss ich mir mal einige Informationen besorgen.

Hab bis jetzt kaum was über ihn (sorry, von ihm) gehört.

Bei Bennett (Jahrgang 1936) wird, wie bei vielen MGM- oder WB-Produktionen aus Grossbritannien, das Problem sein, das die Originalbänder vernichtet wurden.

Bennett arbeitet leider wie Barry nicht mehr für Filmeproduktionen, wobei erster trotz hervorragender Arbeiten (MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS, BILLION DOLLAR BRAIN oder LADY CAROLINE LAMB, FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD uvam.), nie so stark im Film engagiert war wie sein Kollege aus (New) York. Interessanterweise ist Bennett schon zum 'Sir' geadelt worden; er hat wohl die 'richtigen' politischen Freunde. - Als überzeugter Republikaner gebe ich darauf zwar nichts; aber viele Barry-aner finden die Adelung ihres Idols längst überfällig.

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Lukas Kendall hat eine Liste der Titel zusammengestellt, die nicht veröffentlicht werden können:

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your suggestions posted in the "FSM Going Shopping" thread -- and thanks to Chris1770 for collating them into alphabetical order.

This exercise has been extremely useful in organizing our plans, and we've begun to research many of the titles and put together our proposal to Warner Bros. (This is exclusively for WB-owned titles so the titles below marked "Not owned by Warner Bros." may come out at some other time; they're just not relevant now.)

As always, we're keeping our plans "top secret" (not the Maurice Jarre score) but I thought I would share with you this list of titles that we definitely will NOT release -- at least not anytime soon -- mostly due to lost master tapes.

Read 'em and weep -- although we reserve the right to correct any of this information.

IMPORTANT: Just because I did NOT put it on this list, does **NOT**!!! mean we are in fact releasing the title! Many of the other suggestions are also problematic if not impossible -- but I didn't want to get into the explanations...or I was not able to get confirmation of the problems. The following are "easy" because they are explained simply, and there is, alas, no hope. Or little hope (see below).



Adam's Rib: No elements.

Beast From 20,000 Fathoms: No elements.

A Big Hand for the Little Lady: No elements.

Black Patch: No elements.

Blowing Wild: Not owned by Warner Bros.

The Bribe: There is one cue lasting 22 seconds that survives from this Rozsa score. However, we will discount the CD to $9.99 because it is a 22-second release.

Chato's Land: Not owned by Warner Bros. (Owned by United Artists, which is current MGM film company).

Children of the Damned: No elements.

The Command: No elements.

Command Decision: No elements.

The Cowboys: I don't know what kind of issues might exist due to the Varese CD. Frankly I'm not one to try and mess with another label's projects.

The Deadly Trackers: Here's where I know people aren't really asking for things they want, but just typing off of lists. This score was tracked from The Wild Bunch.

The Devils: No elements.

A Doll's House: Not owned by Warner Bros.

Drum Beat: Not owned by Warner Bros.

Enchantment: No elements (there is nothing on RKO films -- The Thing and On Dangerous Ground came from acetates in private collections).

Escape in the Desert: No elements.

Far From the Madding Crowd: Only album master, previously released by Chapter III (which means I'm not inclined to do an identical reissue).

The Fixer: No elements.

Giant: Album rights are with Capitol Records.

Gunn: Not owned by Warner Bros. (owned by Paramount).

Hotel Paradiso & The Comedians (Rosenthal scores): Album masters only, previously released by Chapter III.

How, When and With Whom: Not owned by Warner Bros.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (original): Owned by Paramount.

The Loved One: No elements.

The Mechanic: Owned by United Artists (current MGM).

Miss Marples films: no elements.

The Naked and the Dead: No elements.

Permission to Kill: Not owned by Warner Bros.

The Red House: No elements.

Ryan's Daughter: Album master only, previously released by Chapter III.

Scorpio: Owned by United Artists (current MGM).

The Sea Gypsies: No elements.

Shalako: Owned by Disney.

Some Came Running: Friends, I have bad news...This is an obvious choice to release but there are some problems with the master tapes that may make a release impossible. It has to do with a missing channel (due to an improper transfer years ago) and it ruins half the recording because the piano is missing. Unfortunately, the LP is a re-recording and Elmer Bernstein did not have a tape of the OST in his private collection. Needless to say if any of you tape trading zealots have a bead on some source, come forward NOW.

Splendor in the Grass: No elements (argh!!!).

Tarzan's Fight for Life: No elements.

Them: No elements.

The Valley of Gwangi: No elements at studio. There is a bad-sounding mono tape floating around of around 23 minutes. Does anyone know how it originated? I would happily include it with something else but I would want to get the best possible source.

Village of the Damned: No elements.

The VIPs: Album only, prev. released by Chapter III.

The Wind and the Lion: Album rights with Arista in perpetuity.

Wenn jemand von Euch zufällig die alten Masterbänder von "Some Came Running" im Keller haben sollte, dann zahle ich gerne das Porto für ein Päckchen an Kendall! ;)

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Gast suizoscore
Wenn ich die ganzen "no elements" lese, werde ich ziemlich traurig.... ;)

Andererseits könnte die Verlustliste noch länger sein. Auf einige Knaller darf man also weiterhin sehr gespannt warten.

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