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    Basil Poledouris


    Varese Sarabande VSD-5390



    Hallo zusammen,


    nachdem ich mir nun auch Intradas Edition zugelegt habe, möchte ich meine VSD-Ausgabe des Soundtracks (Varese Sarabande VSD-5390) CONAN THE BARBARIAN weitergeben. Ich habe die Ausgabe vor zwei Jahren selbst hier auf dem Board gewonnen und werde daher zwar auf jedweden eigenen Gewinn verzichten, möchte aber dennoch um Gebote bitten. Das beste Gebot soll dann nach dem Vorbild von Santa der Finanzierung des soundtrack-board.de zu Gute kommen. Standardversand (Großbrief) übernehme ich.


    Das 1CD-Set ist gut erhalten, hat aber auf der Unterseite der Disc etwas Gebrauchsspuren und drei offenbar mit Edding auf die Oberseite geschriebene Buchstaben. Ich habe die Wiedergabe gerade noch einmal ausprobiert und es traten keinerlei Probleme dabei auf. Enthalten sind 16 Tracks mit einer Laufzeit von 67:55.


    Ich bitte alle Interessenten und Interessentinnen, mir ihr Gebot bis Freitag, 22. März 2013, 20.00 Uhr per PM zukommen zu lassen. Ausdrücklich möchte ich auch diejenigen ermuntern, mitzubieten, die nur kleine Gebote abgeben können – durch Intradas Ausgabe dürfte der Druck ein wenig nachgelassen haben.





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  2. Ich spendiere mal trotz der bereits erfolgten Kurzankündigung noch eine eigenständige Annonce:





    Bill Conti

    BAD BOYS (1983)

    Intrada Special Collection Volume 239


    Treat for Bill Conti fans! World premiere release of Bill Conti score to intense, dramatic Rick Rosenthal juvenile incarceration tale with Sean Penn, Esai Morales, Ally Sheedy, Reni Santoni. Conti anchors with tender theme in keeping with emotional weight of story but quickly ushers in dramatic tension, vivid urban flavor. Conti wrote considerable action music, mirroring violence in film but, interestingly, most action segments were dropped from final film. These are heard here for the first time ever! Elsewhere, Conti uses strings with emphasis on darker ideas. One cool highlight is austere woodwind chordal sequence identifying Rainford juvenile detention facility where action takes place. Here, clarinets dominate with cold, inhumane feel. Recurring idea plays in contrast to gentler melodic material. Great music! Courtesy Studiocanal, Intrada presents entire score in stereo from composer's own personal two-track tapes, the only known complete copies anywhere. After 57-minute score plays, CD offers 7 minutes of additional alternate and unused source cues. Flipper packaging gives you two distinct covers to choose from. Bill Conti conducts. Intrada Special Collection release available while quantities and interest remain!

    The Album
    01. Titles 2:16
    02. Chicago Night 1:10
    03. Meet Paco 3:37
    04. The Plan 1:36
    05. Don't Dream 2:48
    06. The Crime 5:43
    07. Music Of The Night 2:12
    08. Source #3 2:15
    09. Welcome To Rainford 1:14
    10. Vow For Revenge 1:03
    11. It Was An Accident 0:49
    12. They Got Me 4:24
    13. Soda Punch 3:02
    14. New Barn Boss 0:49
    15. Food Fight 1:14
    16. The Rape 3:29
    17. After The Rape 0:41
    18. The Lineup 0:48
    19. Reunion 3:00
    20. Hospital Source 2:40
    21. Calm Before The Storm 6:23
    22. Redemption And Credits 5:26
          Total Album Time: 57:31

    The Extras
    23. New Barn Boss (Alternate) 0:50
    24. Jailbird Source 2:25
    25. Country Slammer #1 (Unused) 1:54
    26. Country Slammer #2 (Unused) 2:12
          Total Extras Time: 7:25

    Total Disc Time: 65:06





    Jerry Goldsmith


    Intrada Special Collection Volume 237


    World premiere of two full Jerry Goldsmith soundtracks in stereo! New elements & technology allow presentation of 20th Century Fox's SHOCK TREATMENT & FATE IS THE HUNTER to play both expanded and with audio previously not possible. First score accompanies Aaron Rosenberg production starring Stuart Whitman, Roddy McDowall, Lauren Bacall. Shocker from 1964 finds Goldsmith writing eerie, suspenseful music for strings, harp, twin pianos, percussion, experimental electronics, more! Intense ideas showcase composer's gift for unique orchestrational effects. "Shock Treatment Main Title" is one such chilling piece. Dynamic "Nelson's Escape" sets exciting trend for still-to-come PLANET OF THE APES. Sensational, scary music! Second up is soundtrack for Aaron Rosenberg's production of FATE IS THE HUNTER, starring Glenn Ford, Rod Taylor, Nancy Kwan, Suzanne Pleshette. Here, Goldsmith anchors with gorgeous major-key solo trumpet theme, joined soon by orchestra with chorus. Rich melody one of composer's absolute finest! Cues that follow provide haunting variants of melody, now for gentle unison violins with vibraphone, now for woodwind solo with bell tree. One of Goldsmith's gentlest cues, "Moon Fish", looks forward to classic A PATCH OF BLUE with haunting harp/vibraphone arpeggios balanced by transparent strings. Keen ears will even note melodic slant of later THE BLUE MAX during opening of gorgeous "Forest Scene". When finished, composer ushers return of trumpet theme to bring score to sublime finish. All beautiful, all in stereo! Jerry Goldsmith, Lionel Newman co-conduct. Intrada Special Collection release available while quantities and interest remain!

    Shock Treatment The Album
    01. Shock Treatment Main Title 2:32
    02. Home Work 0:59
    03. Broken Glass 0:40
    04. The New Patients 1:28
    05. Night Scene 3:46
    06. No More Shock 1:02
    07. Aftershock 1:46
    08. Edwina Wants The Money 1:11
    09. Martin Comes To 1:11
    10. Nelson's Seduction 2:03
    11. Shot In The Neck (Mono) 2:03
    12. Another Treatment 2:25
    13. Ashley's Plight 2:05
    14. Nelson's Escape 3:00
    15. Hot Money 5:11
    16. End Title 0:51

    Shock Treatment The Extras
    17. Main Title Effects 2:27
    18. Shock Treatment Main Title (Mono) 2:31
    19. The New Patients (Mono) 1:29
    20. No More Schock (Mono) 1:02

    Fate Is The Hunter The Album
    21. Fate Is The Hunter Main Title 1:25
    22. The Room 2:06
    23. The Room Revisited 0:32
    24. Moon Fish 1:25
    25. Forest Scene 2:19
    26. Night Scene 0:55
    27. Fate Is The Hunter End Title 1:15

    Fate Is The Hunter The Extras
    28. Bar Room (Source) 2:24
    29. Jerry Wright Vocal 1:07
    30. Fate Is The Hunter End Title Chorus 1:08

    Total Disc Time: 55:03


    Beide Titel kosten bei Intrada selbst jeweils $19.99 zuzüglich Versand und ggf. Steuern.

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