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BSX: Splinter (Elia Cmiral)

Gast Stefan Jania

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Gast Stefan Jania

Noch eine BSX-Scheibe, auf die die Welt gewartet hat...



It will get under your skin.

SPLINTER - Original Soundtrack by Elia Cmiral

The first 100 copies purchased through BUYSOUNDTRAX will be autographed by Composer Elia Cmiral

(October 29th, 2008, Los Angeles, CA) BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents SPLINTER, featuring music composed by Elia Cmiral for the 2008 horror film directed by Toby Wilkins and starring Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo and Jill Wagner.

SPLINTER is the first feature length film for director Toby Wilkins, from a script by Kai Barry, Ian Shorr and Wilkins. SPLINTER premiered at the recent ScreamFestLA and swept the awards ceremony, winning awards in six categories, including Best Editing, Best Makeup, Best Direction, Best Picture and, for Elia Cmirals efforts, Best Musical Score. SPLINTER tells the story of a convict and his girlfriend who carjack a couple on a weekend retreat in the woods. Both couples soon find themselves trapped together in an isolated gas station, on the run from a deadly parasite that occupies the woods outside. SPLINTER opens in theaters on October 31, 2008.

Born in Czechoslovakia, Elia Cmiral quickly established himself as one of Europes leading young composers after graduating from the prestigious Prague Music Conservatory. He wrote scores for several European films and three ballets before coming to the United States to attend USCs famous Film Scoring Program. Known for his work in thrillers such as APARTMENT ZERO and RONIN, Cmiral has begun to earn praise for his evocative and highly original scores in the horror genre, such as STIGMATA, BONES, THEY, WRONG TURN and, most recently, THE DEATHS OF IAN STONE, TOOTH & NAIL and PULSE 2: AFTERLIFE.

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents the original motion picture soundtrack to SPLINTER, featuring music composed by Elia Cmiral. SPLINTER is a limited edition release of 1000 units.

The first 100 copies ordered through the website will include a booklet signed by composer Elia Cmiral.

SPLINTER is available for pre-orders at Buysoundtrax.com and starts shipping on Nov 4, 2008.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Vielleicht sollte man einen Silberling erst dann Zunichte machen, wenn sich das gute Stück im CD-Player rotiert und man die Lauscher von der ersten bis zur letzten Sekunde nicht auf Durchzug geschaltet hatte.

Bevor die CD überhaupt bei mir angekommen ist, würde mich persönlich mal interessieren, ob BREAKDOWN auf dem PC entstanden ist, da ich den nicht kenne.

Wenn NEIN, dann kann von "selben Samples" schonmal nicht die Rede sein.

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