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Varese Sarabande: Jerry Goldsmith - Love Field: Deluxe Edition


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Jerry Goldsmith was delighted to turn to “people pictures” in the early 1990s, seeking a change of pace from the action and genre movies that had dominated his schedule. The Russia House was the first, followed not long thereafter by another drama starring Michelle Pfeiffer: Love Field, directed by Jonathan Kaplan (The Accused). Pfeiffer and Dennis Haybert starred in an interracial romance amidst the racial strife of 1963 Texas, in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination.

Goldsmith composed a tender Americana score for Love Field, with lyrical strings and bluesy piano offering warmth and period flavorings, not unlike his gentle, humanistic music for actual 1960s dramas. The film also features moments of suspense and action—as society looked askance on relations between races at the time—which Goldsmith captured with more intense strains.

Released by Varèse Sarabande at the time of the film, Goldsmith’s Love Field soundtrack has been expanded to nearly double the length for this Deluxe Edition. Also included is a bonus section of blues piano tracks performed by the prestigious rock and blues pianist, Bill Payne, which replaced some of Goldsmith’s music in the finished film.

Liner notes by Tim Greiving include new interview comments with Jonathan Kaplan and Bill Payne. Kaplan recalls advice from his father, the composer Sol Kaplan: “If you ever get the chance to work with Jerry Goldsmith, take it.” Good advice!

Limited to 2000 copies



1. Family Album (1:48)
2. The Posters (1:38)
3. The Assassination (2:28)
4. The Note (1:16)
5. On The Bus (1:56)
6. You Win (1:52)
7. The Accident (3:24)
8. First Words (1:08)
9. The Photos (1:17)
10. Lost Luggage (10:33)
11. Repairs (1:02)
12. I Don't Mind (:36)
13. The Map (1:05)
14. What's Going On? (1:08)
15. Roadside Incident (2:44)
16. The Visitors (1:43)
17. Pretending (2:07)
18. We’re Not Alone (2:32)
19. Staying Behind (1:34)
20. The Motel (6:29)
21. The Locket (1:22)
22. Together Again (5:37)
23. Sweet Girl Blues* (1:48)
24. Travelers Blues* (:59)
25. America: Thunder, Tears, Defiance (version one)* (:55)
26. Night Rollin’ On* (:35)
27. Mixed Signals* (2:17)
28. America: Thunder, Tears, Defiance (version two)* (1:02)
29. Boogie On Out a Here* (:28)
30. So Long Blues* (:25)
31. L.F. Blues – America: Thunder, Tears, Defiance* (4:12)
32. L.F. Blues – America: Thunder, Tears, Defiance (alternate take)* (4:13)

Music Composed and Conducted by Jerry Goldsmith

*Composed by Bill Payne



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  • horner1980 änderte den Titel in Varese Sarabande: Jerry Goldsmith - Love Field: Deluxe Edition

Bin mit dem Score leider nur von dem kurzen alten Album vertraut. Müsste ich mal nachholen. Die Stücke von Bill Payne wurden jedenfalls schon länger gewünscht und sollen wohl im Film Musik von Goldsmith ersetzt haben. Daher schon nicht schlecht, dass Varese das jetzt so veröffentlicht und somit auch die Musik im Film präsentiert.

Intradas Doug Fake hatte sich zur fehlenden Musik von Goldsmith so geäußert, aber ich vermute es handelt sich eher um die generische 90s Actionmusik des Komponisten.

It's also worthy of note that much of the score in the film - which uses a larger orchestra including brass and actually features suspense and action material - is missing from the album, which is mostly the quiet and sedate pieces which may not even appear in the film. I didn't scrutinize too deeply but much of the Goldsmith score seemed to be re-scored later with a larger orchestra. I was very disappointed when I first listened to the album and discovered so much of the bigger music from the film was missing and only the smaller cues were included - with no explanation. Had the full orchestral Goldsmith score heard in the film been what was released, I imagine this score (and album) would be held in higher regard.


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Sowas wie dieser Clip hier ist ganz hüsch, könnte aber auch aus Star Trek: Nemesis stammen. Ich habe eigentlich genug gehört von diesem Goldsmith Action-/Spannungsscoring. Außerdem nervt mittlerweile diese ständige Elektronik neben dem Orchester.


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