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- Morgan und Stromberg gründen eigenes Label

Gast Stefan Jania

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Gast Stefan Jania

Schöne News für Filmmusik-Fans. Besonders die Herrmann-Freunde (moi! ;)) können sich freuen. :(

Bill Stromberg, Anna Bonn and I would like to announce

the formation of a new record label: TRIBUTE FILM

CLASSICS. Our new label will continue recording great

film music from the Golden Age through the Silver Age,

and beyond. For those who are familiar with our Marco

Polo (Naxos) rerecordings, we hope to continue

recording deserved scores that have been either

ignored or survive in less than pristine condition. We

plan on continuing our mantra of complete renditions -

including music that may have been omitted or edited

in the final film. We will record both music from

famous films and composers, as well as the more

esoteric repertoire.

Although we still plan on continuing with Naxos, we

feel there are so many wonderful scores that need and

deserve restoration and recording, that by creating

our own label would help get more recordings to the

public. For those who have followed our recordings, we

started with Marco Polo back in 1994. The first

several years, we averaged 4 albums per year, but in

recent times, we have been averaging only one CD per

year. So far, we have recorded something like 35 CDs

of classic film music. There are still hundreds of

scores worthy of recording and we just feel the time

is right to launch our label while we all are still

alive and possess most of our faculties.

We plan on doing our first two albums early in 2007,

and we hope they can be ready by summer. We will be

working with Screen Archives, who will produce the

actual CDs.

I am sure the next question is what will be included

on our maiden voyage. So here is a list of what is

planned for our label and what we have lined up for



In the can is the complete recording of Korngold's THE

SEA HAWK and DECEPTION (including the film version of

the Cello Concerto) This will be our first double

disc. It should be released later next year.

Also on tap for Naxos, to be recorded early next year,

will be Max Steiner's complete score for the 1935

production of SHE, which is one of the most

adventurous scores of the thirties.

On that trip, we will also be recording an Americana

Bernard Herrmann CD that will include the complete THE




We are starting out with a (musical) bang. Our first

recording will be Bernard Herrmann's complete score

for MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, including music and portions of

cues that didn't make the final cut of the film.

Also, we are recording a complete FAHRENHEIT 451 by

the redoubtable Bernard Herrmann, along with our

arrangement of WALKING DISTANCE for large string

orchestra. We felt that this latter piece would be

ideal for a string orchestra in the manner of Barber's

ADAGIO adaptation for string orchestra.

Needless to say, Bill, Anna and I are very excited

about our new endeavor and hope we can count on you in

helping make it a success. Bill and I have worked as a

team for many years; Anna is both a superb musician

and that rarity in musicians, having a good business

sense. She has been invaluable in many of our recent

recordings and never received the credit she deserves.

She is also Bill's wife, which shows Bill's inherit

good taste.

John Morgan

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  • 5 Monate später...
Gast Stefan Jania

Die Einspielungen von Bernard Herrmanns Mysterious Island sowie Fahrenheit 451 sind mittlerweile gemacht und es gibt jetzt ein [ame=http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoID=2028550116]Video: The Balloon 2 von William Stromberg - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=2028550116@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@2028550116[/ame] eines Rehearsal-Takes von "The Balloon" aus Mysterious Island. Klingt schon sehr, sehr toll! :D

In der zugehörigen Diskussion im FSM-Board stellt John Morgan klar, dass der Ton allein von der Videokamera kommt und daher klanglich weder gut noch im Mix ausgewogen ist. :rolleyes:

Mehr zu den beiden Einspielungen gibt es auch in den folgenden FSM-Threads über Mysterious Island und Fahrenheit 451.

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Gast Stefan Jania

Und ein Videoclip der Aufnahmen zu Fahrenheit 451 ist nun auch [ame=http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoID=2029552120]Video: Fire Alarm von William Stromberg - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=2029552120@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@2029552120[/ame]. :D

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  • 3 Wochen später...
Gast Stefan Jania

Und noch ein [ame=http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=2033571115]Video: The Corridor von William Stromberg - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=2033571115@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@2033571115[/ame] zu Fahrenheit 451. Der im Film nicht benutzte Track "The Corridor". Sehr schön! ;)

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Große Klasse. Die Aufnahmen machen Lust auf mehr, die Durststrecke was Neueinspielungen angeht war leider auch sehr lang. Nun ist sind es wieder Morgan/Stromberg, die für frischen Wind sorgen.

Gibt es eigentlich eine Internetseite des neuen Labels, wo man sich ein Bild machen kann über Gestaltung, veröffentlichte Medien, Neuigkeiten. Ist ja unüblich, dass so etwas nicht publik gemacht wird oder gar nicht existiert.

Grüße, Jan

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  • 4 Wochen später...
Gast Stefan Jania

Wieder ein [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ossks9UmV_U]YouTube - Bernard Herrmann's The Giant Crab[/ame], diesmal von den Aufnahmen zu "The Giant Crab" aus Mysterious Island. :confused:

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  • 3 Monate später...

;) Jetzt scheint es bald soweit zu sein ...:D

The official announcement for our initial two CDs are only days away. Cover art and preorders will be at Screen Archives website, so we will let you know when things are up. In the meantime, Bill and Anna did a Tribute page on MYSPACE with some information on what we are doing, links and music examples. This is temporary until we get our own web page up so I know it can be a hassle avoiding all the popups and pretty woman selling naughty things. Also I see Bill posted our covers for these two releases.

Here is the link:


Link mit Soundbeispielen.

Kann es kaum erwarten, bis die CD´s endlich raus sind.



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