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Anzahl Soundtracks & Scores

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  1. Neues von Rachel Portman am 22. Oktober Hier kann man schonmal in den Score reinhören und ich finde.. das hört sich nach einem sehr schönen Score an http://www.amazon.co...ag=filmmusikinfo-20
  2. Das Evil Dead Remake hat nun jemanden, der die Musik dafür schreibt
  3. Da bislang es noch keinen Thread darüber gab.. der Komponist ist wohl zu unbekannt.. dachte ich mir, dass ich das mal mache. Auch weil mich Joe Kraemer mit folgenden Facebook Status daran erinnert hat, dass er die Musik geschrieben hat. Er hatte nämlich auf eine Frage, ob die Musik im Trailer von ihm sei, das geantwortet: macht neugierig
  4. Kritzerland is proud to present a new limited edition soundtrack: THE GEISHA BOY - Music Composed by Walter Scharf The comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis was born in 1946. The duo quickly became a hugely popular act. At Paramount they did a string of successful comedies, which, along with their films and nightclub appearances, made them the hottest comedy team working – until 1956, that is, when Dean Martin ended the partnership. Jerry Lewis stayed at Paramount and became one of their biggest stars with his first solo feature, The Delicate Delinquent (1957). That was followed by Rock-a-Bye Baby and The Geisha Boy – both directed by the great Frank Tashlin (Lewis had yet to make his directorial debut – that would happen a couple of years later with The Bellboy). The Geisha Boy is one of Lewis's best films. It has everything, from gorgeous photography (in Technicolor and VistaVision) to huge laughs (there are sequences in the film that are fall-out-of-your-chair funny) to truly touching sequences that never become too maudlin. Tying all of the film's elements perfectly together is the tuneful and great score by Walter Scharf. Scharf became Lewis's go-to composer. Their relationship lasted for years, resulting in great scores for The Sad Sack, Rock-a-Bye Baby, The Bellboy, Cinderfella, The Ladies Man, The Errand Boy, It's Only Money, and, of course, The Nutty Professor. During his long and distinguished career, Scharf received ten Oscar nominations, mostly for his arranging work on such classics as Funny Girl and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. But his original scores for non-Lewis films were terrific and include Ben, Walking Tall, Where Love Has Gone, If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium, Pocketful of Miracles, as well as a host of TV scoring for such classic shows as The Man From U.N.C.L.E, Bonanza, Mission: Impossible, The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, The Love Boat and many, many others. Scharf was one of the great composers of comedy films. He knew what to score and what to leave unscored, and he had the uncanny ability to give frivolity and lightness some unexpected depth. The Geisha Boy is a seriously gorgeous score with a memorable main theme and beautiful variations on it that capture every mood and emotion, making the comedy even funnier and the pathos even more touching. Comedy scoring is an art, and Scharf was as good an artist at it as anyone. The Geisha Boy had an LP release on Jubilee Records. That LP version is presented here in its entirety, from the original stereo album masters. The original session scoring tapes for the film were missing material, but we include here everything that was on them – between them and the album master, it's pretty much everything complete. Walter Scharf is seriously underrepresented on CD, and it's a treat to be able to issue the first CD release of one of his classic Jerry Lewis films – in fact, the first CD release of any of the classic Golden Age Jerry Lewis films. Here's to many more. The Geisha Boy is limited to 1500 copies only. The price is $19.98, plus shipping. CDs are in stock and will ship within a day or two. Quelle: http://www.kritzerland.com/geisha.htm
  5. Sehr schade, kein John Ottman. Nur ein weiterer austauschbarer Brian Tyler Actionscore.. Hoffe Shane Black sagt ihm.. er soll mal anders vertonen
  6. Lakeshore Records wird den Score von Marco Beltrami zu dem Drama "The Sessions" rausbringen. Am 16. Oktober als digitaler Download und am 13. November als CD
  7. Milan Records wird den Score zu DAWN OF THE DEAD von Tyler Bates veröffentlichen. Bisher gab es nur eine Promo für den 2004 erschienenen Film. Quelle: Film Music Reporter
  8. Im Fahrwasser von Godzilla geht dieses filligrane Kleinod elektronischer Filmmusik-Kunst wohl gänzlich unter. http://buysoundtrax.stores.yahoo.net/shorsobytomh.html Die Clips sind gar nicht mal so übel. Ich habe schon den Kopf geschüttelt (über den Film, wohlgemerkt), als vor ein paar Monaten ein längeres Interview mit Tom Hiel bei Randall Larson zu lesen war. Ich meine: wer schaut so etwas? Der Trailer ist ja grässlich. Allerdings bei der letzten Szene im Trailer musste ich dann doch Lachen. Unten auf "Hide annotations" klicken, dann ist die blöde Einblendung weg.
  9. Zum neuen Film von Alain Resnais schrieb wieder Mark Snow die Musik (wie schon bei "Coeurs" und "Les Herbes Folles"). Das Album gibt es wie bei "Les Herbes Folles" leider wieder nur als Download. Mark Snow - Vous n'avez encore rien vu
  10. Film Score Monthly veröffentlicht: John Barry KING KONG (1976) http://www.filmscore...l.cfm/CDID/487/ http://www.screenarc...E-EDITION-2-CD/
  11. Mal wieder ein neuer Name im Filmmusikgeschäft, wenigstens für mich...
  12. Hallo Gemeinde, der Komponist Matt Uelmen, der schon Diablo 1 und 2 vertont hat, hat nun Musik zum Computerspiel "Torchlight 2" komponiert. Der Publisher Runic Games hat sich entschieden den Soundtrack kostenlos zu veröffentlichen. Hier ist der Link: http://www.torchligh...load/soundtrack DIe Musik klingt wirklich toll, auch wenn sie keine Filmmusik im eigetnlichen Sinne ist. 73 Minuten, mit echtem Orchester eingespielt und dann auch noch kostenlos. Wer kann dazu schon "Nein" sagen???? Direx
  13. Soll im Oktober erscheinen. Mal schauen wie viel Score es dann am Ende auf CD sind.
  14. Oli das dürfte dich freuen, Varese bringt am 16. Oktober einen neuen Score von Dickon Hinchliffe:
  15. Ryan Shore schrieb die Musik zu einem Videospiel namens Spy Hunter, dem Remake des gleichnamigen Spiels von 1983. Nun ist auch ein Release des Scores geplant, der bei Watertower Music erscheinen wird.
  16. Das Alfred Hitchcock Biopic bekommt einen Danny Elfman Score verpasst:
  17. Kritzerland is pleased to present for the first time complete and in stereo, a new limited edition soundtrack release: DAVID AND BATHSHEBA Music Composed and Conducted by Alfred Newman David and Bathsheba was 20th Century-Fox’s initial entry in the Biblical-spectacular trend of the late 1940s and early ’50s. Released in August 1951, David and Bathsheba received five Academy Award nominations and became – at $7 million in domestic box-office rentals – not only the biggest moneymaker in Fox history to that time, but also the top box-office film for any studio that year. Starring Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, and a large cast of supporting players, David and Bathsheba, with a script by Phillip Dunne and direction by Henry King, was, as producer Darryl F. Zanuck put it, “an honest, sincere Biblical story dealing with one of the greatest characters of all time,” but also added the all-important “Plus, it is a violent, sexy love story that involves illegitimacy and even murder.” Of course, one of the key components of the film was Alfred Newman’s stunning score. Alfred Newman, then eleven years into his twenty-year tenure at Fox, had already won four Academy Awards and another twenty-four nominations for his dramatic scores, songs and music direction. Newman took more than forty-five studio hours, spread over thirteen days (mostly between late April and late May 1951), to record the entire score. The orchestra at its height contained sixty-eight players. And what he delivered was one of his all-time masterpieces, filled with melody, memorable themes, drama, pageantry, and emotion. The Hollywood Reporter noted that “Alfred Newman’s score develops in intensity in the same fashion as the story, rising to powerful crescendos that sweep the action to its conclusion.” Among Alfred Newman’s many scores for religious pictures – including The Song of Bernadette, The Robe and The Greatest Story Ever Told – the music of David and Bathsheba ranks as one of his finest. David and Bathsheba was previously released on CD by Intrada, running a bit over fifty-five minutes and from the then available best sources, which were optical mono tracks mixed in with transcription discs. They did include one tantalizing stereo track at the end of their presentation and their CD sold out in just a few months. But sometimes miracles happen and the complete tracks, in stereo, were found in a vault they should not have been in – they were mis-labeled. Those tracks, in superb condition, were lovingly transferred and aligned resulting in a breathtaking stereo presentation, perhaps one of the best-sounding recordings of any score of this vintage. It is, in a word, spectacular. For fans of biblical film music, music of the Golden Age of film scoring, and one of the greatest film composers of all time, the CD is a must. David and Bathsheba is limited to 1500 copies only. The price is $19.98, plus shipping. Hervorhebungen im Text durch mich Quelle: http://www.kritzerla...m/davidbath.htm
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