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Babylon 5: The Lost Tales

Marcus Stöhr

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Warner Bros. Television und Warner Home Video haben die Produktion eines neuen Babylon 5-Films angekündigt.

13 NOVEMBER 2006





BURBANK, CA, November 13, 2006 - Warner Home Video (WHV) and Warner Bros. Television (WBTV) have announced the start of production of "Babylon 5: The Lost Tales," a made-for-video movie that will be targeted towards the Babylon 5 loyal audience and science-fiction fans in general .

The announcement was jointly made by Jeff Brown, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Non-theatrical Franchise, Warner Home Video and Gregg Maday, Senior Vice President, Movies and Miniseries, WBTV

WHV will be the home entertainment distributor for this made-for-DVD release which will include two new Babylon 5 stories collectively entitled "Voices of the Dark" in one film plus exclusive behind the scenes content. The stories will be written and directed by executive producer and original "Babylon 5" creator J. Michael Straczynski. Executive producer Doug Netter also returns in that role. Actors from the original series that have signed on to participate in the project include Bruce Boxleitner ("President John Sheridan"), Tracy Scoggins ("Captain Elizabeth Lochley") and Peter Woodward ("Galen").

Babylon 5 is a top selling franchise on DVD to date with over $44 million in consumer sales. Launched in February 1993, the award winning series was a top rated show on television with more than 13.7 million viewers in its debut season. After its original planned five-year run - introducing the concept of a five year arc before other TV series began to use multi-season arcs -- the show went on to enjoy 9 successful years in syndication and Cable on the Sci-Fi Channel and TNT. It also spurred the creation of five feature length movies based on the series including The Gathering, In the Beginning, Thirdspace, River of Souls and A Call to Arms, as well as the limited series Crusade. Babylon 5 has received numerous awards including two Emmys, two consecutive Hugo Awards, the Ray Bradbury Award for Dramatic Screenwriting from the Science Fiction Writers of America, five English Media 'Cult TV, Awards, the E Pluribus Unum Award from the American Cinema Foundation, the Sci-Fi Universe Reader Choice Award for Best TV Series and was the winner of the TV Guide Poll for Best Sci-Fi Show.

"We are very excited to be releasing this new made-for-video release filled with original content for 'Babylon 5' one of the most successful science fiction series of all time," said Jeff Brown. "This popular TV show which has been off the air for a few years continues to have a strong loyal fan base that is hungry for more content. This is the first time we're utilizing one of our popular TV franchises as a made-for-video title, and we have a strong commitment to the growth of this sector.

"It's great to be reunited with Joe and Doug once again," commented Maday. "I have always been very proud to be associated with their wonderful work on Babylon 5 and I'm confident the 'Lost Tales' will add to the legacy of this very special franchise.

On an immense space station built by the Earth Alliance in the 2250s, the crew of Babylon 5 are charged with maintaining the peace among the various alien races by providing a sanctuary where grievances and negotiations can be worked out among duly appointed ambassadors. Aside from its diplomatic function, Babylon 5 also serves as a military post for Earth and a port of call for travelers, traders, businessmen, criminals, and Rangers. The story of The Lost Tales picks up several years after the events of its original story, and follows several of its major characters in new adventures set against the backdrop of the Babylon 5 universe.

Quelle: ISN News

Das ist wirklich genial. Endlich gibt es wieder was aus dem Babylon 5-Universum und es ist zu hoffen, dass auch Christopher Franke wieder für die Musik verantwortlich sein wird.

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Wäre wünschenswert, also viele Score von Ewan D. Chen (besonders zu Waffenbrüder) sindwohl die mieseste Filmmusik aller Zeiten. Ich konnte mich nicht auf den Film konzentrieren weil diese...ähm....Ansammlung von Geräuschen nie zu den Bildern passte.Das ist wohl wieder moderne Kunst.;)

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  • 1 Monat später...

Bezugnehmend auf diesen Bericht, scheint Christopher Franke als Komponist für die "Lost Tales" aus dem Babylon 5 Universum gewonnen worden zu sein.

Dort heißt es:

"Die Namen der Schauspieler bleiben zwar weiterhin im Dunkeln, aber die Besetzung eines anderen, für viele Fans sicherlich ebenfalls wichtigen, Postens wurde schon verkündet: Christopher Franke wird wieder für die Musik verantwortlich sein. Die Verhandlungen sind zwar noch nicht endgültig abgeschlossen, aber er hat sich bereit erklärt, seinen Platz als B5-Komponist wieder einzunehmen."

Da diese Meldung vom 20.10. ist und hier, eine Meldung vom 19. Oktober steht in der das gleiche erwähnt wird, direkt aus J.M. Straczynskis Mund, scheint das ganze unter Dach und Fach zu sein.

Ich freue mich jedenfalls schon.

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  • 1 Monat später...
Gast Christian Kühn


(Sorry, aber was Neues von Babylon 5? Gelobt sei der große Schöpfer!).

Muß nur noch eine CD davon geben!


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  • 1 Monat später...

Die DVD ist mittlerweile bei [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Babylon-5-The-Lost-Tales/dp/B000PHX8RA/filmmusikinfo-21]Amazon.com[/ame] gelistet und es gibt auch [ame=http://www.babylon5scripts.com/TLT-JMS-Photos.html]einige Bilder[/ame], u.a. vom Set.

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