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  1. Hat er am Wochenende in Gent bestätigt, dass er bei den Hunger Games an Bord bleibt. Regie führt Francis Lawrence der bereits bei I Am Legnd und Water for Elephants auf JNH setzte. Jedenfalls bleibt so der Musikstil erhalten, das gibt Newton Howard die Möglichkeit seine Musik zu Teil 1 auszubauen und zu entwickeln. Wobei ein richtiges Thema gabs da auch nicht oder ? Aber erstmal gut dass nicht der Komponist gewechselt wurde.
  2. Kritzerland is proud to present a new limited edition release – three great scores on two CDs at a 1-CD price: JOHN WAYNE AT FOX – THE WESTERNS THE COMANCHEROS, NORTH TO ALASKA, THE UNDEFEATED Composed by Elmer Bernstein, Lionel Newman, Hugo Montenegro John Wayne at Fox – not a lot of films, but some extraordinarily entertaining ones. The Comancheros (1961), based on the 1952 novel by Paul I. Wellman, was directed by Michael Curtiz, the great director who’d done any number of classics, including some of the most beloved films of all time – Casablanca, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Captain Blood, Angels With Dirty Faces, The Sea Hawk, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Mildred Pierce, White Christmas, to name just a handful. Starring were Wayne, Stuart Whitman, Ina Balin, Lee Marvin, Nehemiah Persoff and Bruce Cabot. It’s a wonderful film with colorful performances, gorgeous photography, and a rousing musical score by Elmer Bernstein. At the time, Bernstein had just written what would become one of the most iconic western scores ever, The Magnificent Seven. The Comancheros was his follow up western score, and it, like the film it graces, is colorful, bigger than life, and filled with action and adventure. You know what you’re in for as soon as the first chords of the main title music begin, one of Bernstein’s all-time classic themes. But the score is rife with melody and invention and Bernstein’s music is as iconic and big as the Duke himself. A year earlier, the John Wayne Fox western was North to Alaska, a big, sprawling comedy western starring the Duke, Stewart Granger, enticing Capucine, Ernie Kovacs and teen heartthrob Fabian. The score, credited solely to Lionel Newman, but containing music by several others, fits the film like a glove. It’s got a tuneful title song by Mike Phillips, a nice song for Fabian called “If You Knew” and some fun original orchestral cues by Newman. Next we jump to the third of the Fox Wayne westerns, the 1969 film The Undefeated, starring Wayne and Rock Hudson, along with Roman Gabriel, Lee Meriwether, Bruce Cabot, Ben Johnson, Jan-Michael Vincent, Harry Carey, Jr., Paul Fix, Richard Mulligan, John Agar and Dub Taylor. Hugo Montenegro’s music for The Undefeated is big as all outdoors, with strong themes and a real sense of storytelling. As with many Western scores, there’s a lot of Copland “Americana” as well as a stirring main theme, some great dramatic scoring, some Mexican-flavored cues and even a hoedown Both The Comancheros and The Undefeated were previously released on CD by FSM, and North to Alaska was released on CD by Intrada – all are out of print – in the case of The Comancheros, for many years. But we’re pleased to bring them all together in one great 2-CD set – they’ve all been newly remastered for this release. John Wayne at Fox – The Westerns is limited to 1000 copies only and is priced at $19.98, plus shipping. Our hope is that CDs will ship by the last week of December or hopefully even sooner, but this is the busiest time of year for pressing plants, so there is the off chance that it could be early January. But the hope is to have them out the door before Christmas. Quelle:
  3. Hallo zusammen, wir von Alhambra Records sind froh, die Musik zu einem aktuellen Western präsentieren zu können: IN EINEM WILDEN LAND Über den Film: "Schlesien, 1844: Die junge Arbeiterin Mila und ihr Mann Mats stehen an vorderster Front des Weberaufstandes, der vom Militär blutig niedergeschlagen wird. Mats wird tödlich verletzt und nimmt seiner Frau das Versprechen ab, sich in Amerika ein neues Leben aufzubauen. Mit einer Landurkunde und der Hoffnung auf Freiheit schifft sich Mila nach Amerika ein. Dort organisiert Prinz Carl zu Kronach einen Treck deutscher Siedler nach Texas. Mila will sich anschließen, doch es kommt anders: Sie hilft der jungen Gräfin Hohenberg als die von ihrem gewalttätigen Ehemann Arnim angegriffen wird. Arnim wird schwer verletzt. Die Frauen fliehen ins Gebiet der Komantschen und geraten in Gefangenschaft des jungen Kriegers Buffalo Hump. Die Indianer wollen die weißen Frauen als Unterpfand für die anstehenden Friedensverhandlungen mit den Texanern nutzen. Und während Mila sich nach und nach bei den Komantschen einlebt, nutzt Cecilie eine günstige Gelegenheit zur Flucht…" Zur Einspielung (Auszug): - Musik komponiert, orchestriert und produziert von Karim Sebastian Elias - Eingespielt durch das Brandenburgische Staatsorchester Frankfurt - Chor: Singakademie FFO - aufgenommen in der Konzerthalle »Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach« in Frankfurt (Oder) - Dirigent: Jörg Iwer Tracklisting: 01 Die Siedler (1:51) 02 Aufbruch (4:21) 03 Ankunft im fernen Land (1:45) 04 Registrierung (2:43) 05 Hoffnung (2:39) 06 Schicksalsnacht (3:19) 07 Mila im fernen Land (3:47) 08 Indianerdorf (1:26) 09 Der Siedlertreck zieht los (1:18) 10 Hoffnung (1:34) 11 In einem wilden Land (2:30) 12 Indianer (2:20 ) 13 Mila und Buffalo Hump (1:48) 14 Gefangennahme (1:57) 15 Das Gewehr (3:55) 16 Zum Llano (7:42) 17 Verhandlungen (2:18) 18 Skalp (2:18) 19 Überfall (4:08) 20 Friedensabstimmung (3:29) 21 Donnerherz (2:58) 22 Nachtlager (1:57) 23 Massaker (3:20) 24 Friedensvertrag (1:54) 25 Ankunft am Llano (0:53) 26 Finale (4:12) Die CD ist bereits beim Soundtrack-Club gelistet: http://www.soundtrack-club.net/content/product_info.php?products_id=5835&osCsid=dfd6065ec2fcf35573c678a1a6de542b
  4. Am 14. Januar 2014 veröffentlicht Varèse Sarabande die Musik zu RIDE ALONG von Christopher Lennertz.
  5. Hier mal der Thread zum Christmas Carol von Silvestri, der ja bei Intrada erschienen ist..
  6. Da nun ein angeblicher erster Schnippsel von Betramis Carrie-Musik aufgetaucht ist und ich gemerkt habe, dass es noch gar kein Thread dazu gibt.. hab ich ihn einfach mal erstellt
  7. Intrada hat die Musik zu SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDER von Bruce Broughton veröffentlicht:
  8. Im Rahmen der Signature Edition-Serie hat Intrada die Musik zum Pilotfilm der Serie REMO WILLIAMS sowie MISSION OF THE SHARK: THE SAGA OF THE U.S.S. INDIANAPOLIS von Craig Safan veröffentlicht:
  9. http://www.comingsoo...ws.php?id=84868beide haben grade ne schwache phase.snow white wird wohl besser wenn man ihn läßt.green lantern war käse, green hornet hatte nur ein tolles actionfinale und sonst nix.
  10. Olivier Deriviere, der französische Komponist von Alone In The Dark, Remember Me und Of Orcs and Men hat die Musik für den Assassin's Creed 4 DLC "Freedom Cry" geschrieben. Samples klingen toll https://soundcloud.com/olivier-deriviere/sets/assassins-creed-iv-freedom-cry Soundtrack wird zum Release vom DLC digital erhältlich sein.
  11. Am 21. Oktober 2013 erscheint vom Label Music Box Records der Score zu Fitzwilly (Die Lady und ihre Gauner) mit 45 Minuten bisher unveröffentlichter Musik. Es handelt sich dabei um die originalen Filmtracks in Mono die nie zuvor erhältlich waren. Das Höralbum in Stereo ist ebenfalls dabei. Das ganze ist auf 1000 Stück limitiert. Weitere Infos und Soundclips: http://www.musicbox-records.com/en/49-fitzwilly.html
  12. Kommende Woche erscheint bei Intrada die Musik zu HOCUS POCUS von John Debney:
  13. Lorne Balfes Filmmusik zur schottischen Komödie Not Another Happy Ending wurde am 25.10.2013 digital veröffentlicht. Running Away (0:56) I Fall For You (3:25) * All I Want Is To Be Alone (2:04) I Was Loved (2:51) You Have My Notes (1:35) Not Another Happy Ending (3:20) * Enough Of The Past (0:42) We've Lost Her (2:25) Tristesse Books (2:04) Not Another Happy Ending (Slow Version) (3:55) * * Songs performed by Sandi Thom, written by Lorne Balfe & Sandi Thom http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G7FZAHU/ref=as_li_tf_til?tag=hanszimmercom-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B00G7FZAHU&adid=1AJK50QQ8QZ8APTDF7FF&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hans-zimmer.com%2Findex.php%3Frub%3Ddisco%26id%3D1203
  14. Label: Intrada Special Collection Volume 238 Date: 1965 Tracks: 32 Time = 76:26 Intrada proudly presents sumptuous, tuneful Max Steiner soundtrack for Walt Disney family classic, directed by Norman Tokar, with Brian Keith, Vera Miles, Brandon De Wilde, Linda Evans. Gorgeous New England setting plus dramatic tale of attempts to build sanctuary for wild geese being hunted for sport inspires Steiner to create magnificent waltzing main theme for geese plus proud Calloway family theme, lumbering idea for family bear, young lovers theme, Indian theme, much more. Dramatic material is strong, gentle material is beautiful. Steiner also finds room to create intense, powerful action music for hunt sequence pitting boy and dog against raging cat. Enough melodies for three movies! Adding to CD's appeal are two numbers written for movie by legendary Disney songwriters Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman. Intrada CD offers complete score in stereo from actual 1/2" three-channel scoring session masters preserved in mint condition in bountiful Disney vaults. Colorful "flipper" packaging allows choice of front cover artwork! Max Steiner conducts. Intrada Special Collection release available while quantities and interest remain! Quelle: http://store.intrada.com/s.nl/it.A/id.8017/.f
  15. Liebwerte Buben und Mädels, Ihr müsst jetzt sehr, sehr tapfer sein! Denn Euere Geldbörse wird leer! Kritzerland is very proud to present a 2-CD set – the world premiere release of the original film tracks, along with a brand new mastering of the original LP re-recording of: THE MISSOURI BREAKS Music Composed and Conducted by John Williams Well, it seemed like a good idea: Pair two superstars coming off hugely successful films – Marlon Brando, whose last two films had been The Godfather and Last Tango in Paris, and Jack Nicholson, coming off Chinatown and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – add in screenwriter Thomas McGuane, a well-respected novelist turned screenwriter, with Rancho Deluxe and 92 in the Shade (based on his novel) to his credit, and top it off with the great director Arthur Penn, who’d made the brilliant The Miracle Worker, Bonnie and Clyde and Little Big Man. Then hire some of the best character actors working then – Harry Dean Stanton, John McLiam, Randy Quaid, Frederic Forrest, and a fetching, strong-minded leading lady, Kathleen Lloyd and how could it fail? But fail it did, with both critics and audiences. But thanks to TV and home video, people have come to embrace the pleasures of the film. It looks great, thanks to the beautiful photography of Michael Butler, but even more importantly it has a musical score that just brings the whole thing alive, thanks to the great John Williams. Williams had already done big, brash, outdoorsy Americana before with The Reivers and The Cowboys. But The Missouri Breaks wasn’t big and brash, and so required a different kind of score – smaller in scale, but one that would capture the characters and the drama as well as the period and the feel of the film. And, of course, Williams delivered a perfect score (albeit atypical for him during this period), mostly composed for guitars, harmonica, percussion, and a handful of other instruments. Williams never wants for coming up with an instantly memorable and beautiful theme and The Missouri Breaks has a beauty in its love theme – never overused, always right. His main title music sets the mood with tense bass notes, and off-kilter harmonica and guitar – it’s wonderfully evocative and haunting. There are up-tempo infectious cues and cues for Brando that are really off-kilter. It’s Williams doing what he did (and still does) better than anyone, and it’s a score that’s completely unique to him. There was an LP release at the time of the film – that was a re-recording, and Williams, as he did frequently, arranged the music differently than the film, to work as a cohesive thirty-six minute album. That LP release was issued on CD, first by Ryko, who added three bonus tracks from the original film cues – the first time those had been heard outside the film (although, interestingly, those three cues contained no music that wasn’t in the re-recording) – and then by Varese Sarabande, which was a virtual clone of the Ryko CD. For this CD release, we are really pleased to present all of the original film tracks for the very first time – their world premiere release – from the original superb-sounding session masters. It’s leaner and meaner than the re-recording, and a completely different listening experience. A handful of cues went unused in the film itself, but we’ve included everything for this release. We also are including the original LP presentation but we’ve gone back to the original album masters so we could be at the original source for the best possible sound. So, here, at long last, is the complete original soundtrack cues for The Missouri Breaks. They’ve been a long time coming, but we hope you’ll find they’ve been worth the wait. THE MISSOURI BREAKS is limited to 1200 copies only. The 2-CD set is priced at $19.98, plus shipping. CD will ship the second week of August, but preorders placed at Kritzerland usually ship one to five weeks early (we’ve been averaging four weeks). Und der Preis ist heiß: 19.98 $ Wenn Ihr dem Link folgt, dürft Ihr auch probehören: http://www.kritzerland.com/mo_breaks.htm
  16. Am 27. September veröffentlicht Milan den Soundtrack "Filth" von Clint Mansell.
  17. Sparks & Shadows veröffentlicht am 28. Mai den Soundtrack zu Bear McCrearys "Da Vinci's Demons", mit einer Laufzeit von über 90 Minuten, digital. Eine 2-CD Collectors Edition folgt später dieses Jahr. Das Theme allein wurde bereits im April einzeln veröffentlicht und kann man sich hier probehören. Tracklist: 1. Da Vinci’s Demons Main Title Theme 2. Assassination in Milan 3. The Glider 4. Starlings 5. Sons of Mithras 6. Flight of the Columbina 7. Lucrezia Donati 8. Secret Archives 9. Ben Venga Maggio 10. Hidden Map 11. Prayer to Saint Michael 12. Story of the Shield 13. Cheval Toutes 14. Jacopo 15. Vlad the Third 16. Misereis Omnium 17. Visions of Lucrezia 18. Treasures of The Vatican 19. The Lullaby 20. Red River 21. Future Sons Mithras 22. Visions and Demons 23. The Astrolabe 24. The Lovers 25. Easter Mass 26. Da Vinci’s Demons End Credits
  18. WaterTower Records wird zu BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS den Soundtrack von Christopher Drake veröffentlichen. Eine CD kann bereits bei Amazon.com bestellt werden: BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS - Christopher Drake Nächste Woche werden wohl Samples veröffentlicht. Einmal mehr bin ich ein wenig mehr abgetöent von Arkham Origins, da einfach zu viele Brüche mit den alten, wirklich hervorragenden Spielen vorhanden sind: Ein neuer Komponist, der sicherlich nicht mehr das Thema von Nick Arundel und Ron Fish verwenden wird, Kevin Conroy und Mark Hamill sind nicht dabei, Rocksteady hat nicht entwickelt... Eine reine Geldmacherei wahrscheinlich.
  19. Kritzerland is proud to present a new limited edition release – two world premiere scores on one CD: HEAVEN CAN WAIT and RACING WITH THE MOON Composed and Conducted by Dave Grusin Heaven Can Wait, the 1978 remake of Here Comes Mr. Jordan, received glowing reviews and was a huge hit for Paramount. Warren Beatty, in addition to starring, co-directed (with Buck Henry), and co-wrote the screenplay (with Elaine May). An absolutely first-rate, perfect cast was assembled – in addition to Beatty and Buck Henry, the film also starred Julie Christie, Charles Grodin, Dyan Cannon, Jack Warden, Joseph Maher, and James Mason as Mr. Jordan. At Academy Awards time, Heaven Can Wait received nine Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Actor (Beatty), Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Warden), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Cannon), Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, and a Best Music, Original Score nomination for the film’s composer, Dave Grusin. One of the key elements of the film that makes it work so well is Grusin’s score. Composers and directors have to decide how much music any film should have. In the case of Heaven Can Wait, Grusin wrote a short score – Beatty clearly didn’t want the film loaded with music from start to finish. In the end, there was only about fifteen minutes of original Grusin music used, but what music it is! It’s a testament to what Grusin wrote that it seems like there’s much more music in the film than there actually is. His main theme, the jaunty and captivating “Heaven Walk,” is one of Grusin’s most memorable melodies – it’s used throughout and every time it appears it’s like having an old friend say hello. And then there is the gorgeous, simple, but hugely touching music for the romance of the Beatty and Christie characters. This is the world premiere release for Heaven Can Wait. In addition to what ended up in the film, we present the unused cues as well as some alternates as bonus tracks. This release was newly mixed from the original 16-track tapes housed in the Paramount vaults. Six years later, Paramount made Racing With the Moon, a film directed by actor Richard Benjamin, who’d had a huge critical and audience success two years earlier with his first film, My Favorite Year. The cast featured three actors who had made their screen debuts not too long before this film, and who were all on the cusp of stardom – Sean Penn, Elizabeth McGovern and Nicholas Cage, each of whom gives an incredibly appealing performance. As with Heaven Can Wait, the score was by Dave Grusin and it’s a beauty. Its tender themes glow with an incandescent beauty – one is period-flavored, while the other is more timeless in feel. Those themes alternate throughout the score, along with an infectious “Moon Boogie” and “Mendocino Station.” In addition to Grusin’s stunning work, there are several big-band 1940s source music cues that are very much a part of the fabric of the film; those cues were arranged and conducted by the amazing Billy May. This is the score’s world premiere release, and it includes the complete Grusin score, along with all the big band source music cues, all taken from the original stereo session tapes housed in the Paramount vaults. Heaven Can Wait and Racing With the Moon – two never-before-released Dave Grusin scores. Heaven indeed. Heaven Can Wait/Racing With the Moon is limited to 1000 copies only and is priced at $19.98, plus shipping. CDs will ship the last week of November, but preorders placed at Kritzerland usually ship one to five weeks early (we’ve been averaging four weeks). Quelle: http://www.kritzerland.com/heavenWait_moon.htm
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