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  1. C6048 Caldera Records is proud to present “The Roy Budd Playathon”, a previously unpublished selection of a legendary jazz marathon featuring Roy Budd, drummer Chris Karan and bass player Pete Morgan. In 1989, the trio played a 24 hour Playathon in Knightsbridge, London. The tapes were recently recovered from Budd’s estate and showcase the composer and pianist at the height of his talent as a supremely gifted entertainer with an incomparable knack for breathing new life into standards that were especially close to his heart. In the late 80s, Budd decided to set up an Anti-Drug Abuse Foundation (ADA) after he had seen close friends of his get addicted to crack and other substances. In order to collect funds, he and his colleagues Pete Morgan and Chris Karan staged a 24 hour jazz marathon in London. While playing feverishly, they took calls from friends and supporters such as Henry Mancini, Dudley Moore, Jeremy Irons and George Fenton. Roy Budd was at the time in the throes of depression. On top of his psychological problems came physical ones: throughout the Playathon, Budd was under constant, strict observation of a French doctor who had to give him multiple back injections due to severe pain. Over the course of the 24 hours, Budd also complained of nose bleed several times. His pain is never evident in his music: the performance of his trio is one of unbridled joy. In close collaboration with Sylvia Budd, we decided to release a selection of the concert on disc. Choosing the numbers was challenging: Budd, Morgan and Karan had repeated only a few standards. Since they didn’t want to repeat themselves, it left us with roughly 280 untitled pieces that we could choose from. We decided to put a varied selection on this CD: film music (the Legrand suite), French chansons (“Sous le ciel de Paris”), Brazilian songs (“Aguas de marco” by Jobim of which Budd was a great admirer and personal friend), standards (“Tea for Two”), and two conversations between Budd and celebrities Henry Mancini and Jeremy Irons to fully capture the mood and diversity of the Playathon. The 48th CD-release of Caldera Records features a detailed booklet-text by Stephan Eicke and elegant artwork by Luis Miguel Rojas. The CD was mastered by Richard Moore and produced by Stephan Eicke and John Elborg. Music Performed by Roy Budd, Chris Karan and Pete Morgan Album Produced by Stephan Eicke Executive Producers for Caldera Records: John Elborg, Stephan Eicke The Roy Budd Playathon 1. Anoiteceu/Berimbau (10:44) 2. Michel Legrand Suite (18:45) I Will Wait For You/Watch What Happens/You Must Believe in Spring/Parapluies/Lola 3. Conversation with Henry Mancini (5:16) Moon River/The Pink Panther 4. Sous le ciel de Paris/Sous les ponts de Paris/I Love Paris (12:47) 5. Ja-da/Tea for Two (7:48) 6. Conversation with Jeremy Irons (3:18) 7. I’m Looking Over A Four-Leaf Clover (5:13) 8. Upa Neguinho/Aguas de marco/Opao/Corcovado (13:54) For more information and sound clips, please visit: http://caldera-records.com/portfolio/the-roy-budd-playathon/
  2. Jemand eine Ahnung, ob da mal eine Veröffentlichung geplant ist?
  3. After 45 years, the most acclaimed, revered horror franchise in film history reaches its epic, terrifying conclusion as Laurie Strode faces off for the last time against the embodiment of evil, Michael Myers, in a final confrontation unlike any captured on-screen before, one where only one of them will survive. As Halloween Ends marks the last chapter of the David Gordon Green trilogy, so it ushers the essential return of original director and composer John Carpenter to score the iconically hair-raising soundtrack alongside Cody Carpenter and Daniel Davies. Recorded in its entirety at Carpenter’s home studio and Davies’ studio, the unmistakable mix of software synths, vintage analogue equipment, and live instrumentation once again provides the signature sound of Halloween, one of the most distinctive aspects of the movie franchise to date. The soundtrack was tracked scene by scene but the album itself plays like a stand alone piece of music. The general atmosphere is one of dread yet the record includes some groove laden moments reminiscent of Escape From New York or some of Carpenter’s other more dance-able scores. Exquisite and delicate ambient pieces weave their way between some of the score’s more arresting moments and yet maintain a subtle pop sensibility. The overall achievement showcases three master musicians, one of whom invented the entire horror-synth genre, crafting an evocative, playful and deeply listenable score that honors a legacy and expands on the decades of work that have been leading to this triumphant climax. Halloween Ends is the soundtrack of the final battle against evil. Watch your back this Halloween, Michael may be near you. Digital Release Date: 10/14/2022 Physical Release Date: 1/20/2023
  4. Am 12. September macht LLL einen Traum wahr! Jetzt bekommen wir endlich auch das originale Album von 1982 in einer remasterten Version.
  5. Ich flippe aus vor Freude ????? https://whatsondisneyplus.com/alan-silverstri-to-compose-disney-pinocchio/
  6. Nach der „The Great Pumpkin“ CD wird es Ende 2022 noch besser: Ein 4-CD-Set plus Blu-Ray mit den Recording Sessions zu „A Charlie Brown Christmas“: https://www.amazon.de/Charlie-Brown-Christmas-Vince-Guaraldi/dp/B0B9BZ6FCF/ref=sr_1_12?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1LZ3Y5GWHG47S&keywords=Charlie+Brown+Christmas&qid=1660992100&sprefix=charlie+brown+christmas%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-12
  7. SUPER FURBALL SAVES THE FUTURE ist ein themenreicher, bunter und lebhafter Score von Panu Aaltio. Die Tracks 2, 3 und das letzte Stück gefallen mir besonders gut. Der Score kann über die üblichen Streaming-Plattformen angehört werden (siehe Link). https://moviescoremedia.com/newsite/catalogue/super-furball-saves-the-future-panu-aaltio/?fbclid=IwAR2mLhmOOIf3MdYLuhTEOU_TxrjH_m1sZqwAoGIAUhWqSFZSjRQGW-XX7kA
  8. Neuverfilmung von Hellraiser. Ben Lovett hat Christopher Youngs Material ins neue Jahrtausend versetzt. Ich find's geil. 63 Minuten-Album von Lakeshore.
  9. Mehr Infos demnächst.2m1 Records Dark Night of the Scarecrow by Glenn Paxton
  10. Am 01. Oktober veröffenlticht Varése den Score zu THE CROW auf Doppel-LP, mit 30 Minuten bisher unveröffentlichter Musik.
  11. Wie schon im Gerüchte etc. Thread geschrieben, ist nun seit Freitag die Deluxe Edition von einen der (aus meiner Sicht) schönsten Scores von Jerry Goldsmith erhältlich. Ich kriege immer noch Gänsehaut, wenn im Track "Main Title" plötzlich Goldsmith zu hören ist, wie er das Thema mitsummt. Der Score gehörte ja auch zu seinen persönlichen Favoriten. Btw sehr interessant, dass Michael Abels damals bei den Scoring Sessions mitgearbeitet hat.
  12. Kommt am 31.05.2022 http://www.intrada.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8918
  13. Dieses imposante 4-CD-Set ist zwar schon vor mehr als einem Jahr erschienen, aber es erscheint mir angebracht, es hier einmal vorzustellen, denn inhaltlich hat es mich wirklich mehr als überzeugt. EL HOMBRE Y LA TIERRA ist eine Dokumentarserie, die von 1974 - 1981 im spanischen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt wurde und in ihrem Heimatland hohes Ansehen genießt. Ich war zuerst skeptisch wegen der bloßen Menge an Musik. Doch nach dem ersten Hördurchgang (auf zwei Tage verteilt) war ich von der Vielseitigkeit und dem Unterhaltungswert der Musik einfach begeistert. Abril konnte hier offensichtlich aus dem Vollen schöpfen. Grundsätzlich ist es eine klassisch angelegte Komposition. Dramatisch, verspielt, melancholisch, humorvoll. Die ganze Emotionspalette wird bedient, ohne dass stilistische Brüche entstünden. Stets originell und einfallsreich. Mal experimentierfreudig, mal mit Anklängen von Popmusik oder Western-Motivik. Vor allem die ethnische Musik der bereisten Länder kommt hier zum Zuge und wird von Abril in den sinfonischen Kontext mit einbezogen. Großartige Filmmusik, die zur Zeit bei Quartet zum Sonderpreis angeboten wird. Es lohnt sich.
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