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  1. http://www.quartetrecords.com/total-recall.html
  2. C6040 Caldera Records is proud to present Ennio Morricone’s music for Roberto Faenza’s film “Sostiene Pereira”. When Antonio Tabucchi’s novel “Sostiene Pereira – Pereira Maintains” in the English language – was published in 1994, it became an immediate literary sensation. The novel’s leading character is the titular Pereira, a newspaper editor who is responsible for compiling the paper’s cultural pages. However, Pereira is not interested in publishing his political views. If all of Portugal was out on the streets demonstrating against the government, Pereira would quietly sit at home and read a good book. He is not a supporter but an enabler. His political reluctance is challenged when he meets a young man named Rossi. Pereira’s life soon changes radically. Screenwriter and director Roberto Faenza was a perfect choice to turn the novel into a feature film. The Italian film maker had for decades depicted revolts against tyrannical governments. Here, he cast Marcello Mastroianni as the overweight editor who suffers from a heart problem. Popular French actor Daniel Auteil played Pereira’s doctor, Nicoletta Braschi (“Life is Beautiful”) and Marthe Keller (“Marathon Man”) were splendidly cast in minor roles. The director had tasked Ennio Morricone with writing music for his feature debut “Escalation” in 1967, and they had worked together ever since. By 1995, their collaboration spanned seven films, eight including “Sostiene Pereira.” The latter is one of Morricone’s most ingenious works for a Faenza film. It is intricate and subversive, subtle and stimulating. For the first time, the composer worked with Portugese singer Dulce Pontes when they recorded the song “A brisa do coração” which makes its appearance several times in the film and is presented here both in its original form and in a shorter, edited version. His score subtly features Fado, a Portugese style of music in which a woman as the singer is accompanied by one or two guitars. Morricone’s score consists of several themes and motifs the composer cleverly weaves together. “Sostiene Pereira” starts with a rhythmic pattern for wood blocks, one that recurs throughout the score and serves as its backbone before several instrumental groups consecutively join in with various motifs. The score is intricately developed in that Morricone uses all these various separate elements in other cues but in different arrangements and constellations. Ennio Morricone’s rich and vibrant score was released on CD in 1995. In collaboration with Sony Music Germany, we are proud to re-release it with detailed liner notes by Stephan Eicke, featuring Christopher Slaski’s precise transcription of the film’s main theme for study purposes. The 40th CD-release of Caldera Records also features elegant artwork by Luis Miguel Rojas. The CD was produced by Stephan Eicke and John Elborg. Music Composed and Conducted by Ennio Morricone Album Produced by Stephan Eicke Executive Producers for Caldera Records: John Elborg, Stephan Eicke 1. A brisa do coração (La Brezza Del Cuore) (6:51)* 2. Il Simbolo (6:31) 3. Vendetta (1:18) 4. Chitarre (4:52) 5. Sostiene Pereira (3:35) 6. Valori Ritrovati (3:55) 7. Assassinato (2:49) 8. Manifestazioni (1:57) 9. Sostiene Pereira (Edit Version) (3:25) 10. Rotativa (4:12) 11. A brisa do coração (Edit Version) (6:27)* *sung by Dulce Pontes For more information and sound clips please visit: www.caldera-records.com/portfolio/sostiene-pereira/
  3. Erscheint am 14.8.2020 https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/art/john-williams-anne-sophie-mutter-john-williams-in-vienna/hnum/9843487?lang=en
  4. Ich wollte die gerade spannende Diskussion im "kleinen VÖ Thread" zum Thema Fried /BSX etc. nicht unterbrechen, zudem ist diese VÖ für mich persönlich keine kleine Veröffentlichung, sondern eher eine ganz große - wenn auch Klangqualität etc. abzuwarten bleibt. Deshalb für die Doppel-CD einen eigenen Beitrag. IKUMA DAN FILM MUSIC COLLECTION: TOHO FILMS (2CD) Label: THREE SHELLS (JPN) CD No: 3SCD-0057 Release Date: 2020/12/15 Format: 2CD Original Soundtracks collection music by Ikuma Dan composed for 24 Toho films including THE RICKSHAW MAN. Featuring 39 tracks, 160 mins of music on double discs, and including 20 pages of full color booklet contains his filmography and some rare pictures from Ikuma Dan's archives. Limited 300 copies. Release Date: 2020.12.15 Track List Disc1: 1 Musashi Miyamoto M-1T2 2 Musashi Miyamoto M-2T3 3 Musashi Miyamoto M-6 4 Musashi Miyamoto M-9 5 Musashi Miyamoto M-19 6 Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple M-13 7 Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island M-1A 8 Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island M-8T2 9 Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island M-16 10 Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island M-24A 11 Mugibue (The Grass Whistle) M-4 12 Meoto zenzai M-1 13 Meoto zenzai M-24 14 The Maiden Courtesan M-1 15 Madame White Snake M-25 Re-edit 16 Snow Country M-1T2 17 Snow Country M-3 18 Snow Country M-7 19 Snow Country M-19 20 Snow Country M-24 21 Snow Country M-32 22 Snow Country (カンヌ版)M-1T2 23 Yoshita to Sanpei Monogatari: Kaze no Naka no Kodomo M-1T4 24 The Rickshaw Man M-1T3 25 The Rickshaw Man M-7T3 26 The Rickshaw Man M-9 27 The Rickshaw Man M-11T2 28 The Rickshaw Man M-27T2 29 The Rickshaw Man M-32T2 30 The Rickshaw Man M-35T3 31 Bonus Track O.S.C 32 Bonus Track: Storm Over the Pacific - Title Credits 33 Bonus Track: The Last War - Title Credits 34 Bonus Track: Attack Squadron! (Kamikaze) - Title Credits 35 Bonus Track: Retreat from Kiska - Title Credits 36 Bonus Track: Pi Disc2: 1 Songoku: The Road to the West (The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung) M-1 2 Songoku: The Road to the West (The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung) PS-12T2 3 Songoku: The Road to the West (The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung) M-25 4 Songoku: The Road to the West (The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung) PS-69 5 Songoku: The Road to the West (The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung) M-30 6 Songoku: The Road to the West (The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung) M-31 7 Submarine I-57 Will Not Surrender M-14A 8 Submarine I-57 Will Not Surrender M-24 9 The Saga of the Vagabonds M-1 10 Storm Over the Pacific M-1 11 Storm Over the Pacific M-17B 12 Storm Over the Pacific M-27T2 13 Storm Over the Pacific M-33 14 The Country Doctor M-1 15 The Country Doctor M-4 16 The Angry Sea (People Who Live at TheEnd of the Earth) M-1 17 The Angry Sea (People Who Live at TheEnd of the Earth) M-5 18 The Youth and His Amulet (Gen and Acala) M-1 19 The Youth and His Amulet (Gen and Acala) M-4 20 The Youth and His Amulet (Gen and Acala) M-11 21 The Youth and His Amulet (Gen and Acala) M-19 22 The Youth and His Amulet (Gen and Acala) M-30 23 The Youth and His Amulet (Gen and Acala) M-33 24 The Last War M-3 25 The Last War M-33 26 Attack Squadron! (Kamikaze) M-1 27 Attack Squadron! (Kamikaze) M-10 28 Outpost of Hell M-1 29 Operation Mad Dog M-1 30 Operation Mad Dog M-27 31 Operation Mad Dog M-31 32 Garakuta M-1T2 33 Retreat from Kiska M-7 34 Retreat from Kiska M-13T2 35 Retreat from Kiska M-23 36 Senjo Ni Nagareru Uta ( We Will Remember) M-1T2 37 Senjo Ni Nagareru Uta ( We Will Remember) M-9 38 Senjo Ni Nagareru Uta ( We Will Remember) M-17 39 Senjo Ni Nagareru Uta ( We Will Remember) M-27 ----------------------- Mit einer Veröffentlichung der Musik zur Samurai-Triologie hatte ich nicht mehr gerechnet, daher ist das Release schon eine kleine Sensation.
  5. Bereits im September 2015 wurde die Filmmusik zu "An Inspector calls" von Dominik Scherrer von Silva Screen Records auf auf den gebräuchlichen Streamingplattformen (Apple, Amazon, Spotify) als Download veröffentlicht. Zu einer CD- oder Vinyl Veröffentlichung habe ich keine Informationen finden können. Ohne den Film zu kennen nahm mich der Score mit seinen melancholischen Melodien und Motiven (perfekt passend zum aktuell tristen Wetter) sofort gefangen. Wunderbare Pianopassagen und Arpeggio (die ein wenig an Ludovico Einaudi erinnern), ergänzt durch gefühlvolle Streicher (eingespielt durch das Chamber Orchestra of London) und ab und an gewürzt mit pulsierenden, teils düsteren Synthieklängen trifft dies ganz genau meinen Geschmack. Auf die recht kurze Laufzeit von ca. 25 Minuten kommt genügend Stimmung und keine Langeweile auf. Meine persönlichen Anspieltipps sind in der nachfolgendne Trackliste fett hervorgehoben 01. Do You Believe in God? 02. A Place by the Sea 03. Her Name Was Eva Smith 04. The Birling Factory 05. Dismissed 06. She Changed Her Name to Daisy Renton 07. You’ve Heard Our Decision 08. The Ring 09. No Suicides, No girl 10. A Girl Has Died
  6. Ich habe sehr lange drauf gewartet und hatte die Hoffnung beinahe aufgegeben. Aber nun von MSM digital und Quartet auf CD. ? https://quartetrecords.com/product/agatha-christie-marple/ https://open.spotify.com/album/0VcZfpEPumtSyW1odZAbZQ
  7. Der nächste Dragonheart-Score von Mark McKenzie, und damit hat er 4 der insgesamt 5 Filme dieser Reihe vertont.
  8. Alan hat ein Foto auf Instagram gepostet, wie er Zemeckis am Set von THE WITCHES besucht. Ich denke, man darf davon ausgehen, dass er die Musik hierzu komponieren wird. Der Streifen soll 2020 erscheinen. Erfahrungen mit Hexen hat Silvestri bereits. Und verzaubern kann er einen ja ohnehin. ?
  9. Hans Zimmer macht die Musik für den neuen Film von Christopher Nolan.. keine wirkliche Überraschung.. While I expected him to be doing the music, I definitely didn’t think he would have started writing it yet, especially since the film doesn’t get released until November of 2014. With Zimmer and Nolan having done some amazing work together over the past decade, I truly cannot wait to hear and see their next collaboration next year. Here’s what Zimmer told me about Interstellar. Look for the full interview very soon. It’s a good one. Quelle: http://collider.com/hans-zimmer-interstellar/ Auf der Seite befindet sich übrigens ein Interview mit Zimmer..
  10. Wow!!! Einer meiner holy grails endlich komplett: Für mich das Beste, was McNeely (trotz derben Anleihen bei Silverado und Williams‘ Olympia 84 Musik) je geschrieben hat. Ein absolutes Muss!!!
  11. Kein David Newman beim dritten Teil von Bill & Ted, sondern fast schon überraschend Mark Isham. Wenn dieser aber seinen "Racing Stripes"-Stil auspackt, kann das schon in Sachen Musik richtig viel Spaß machen.
  12. Nach 30 Jahren hat's Kultfilmer Richard Stanley tatsächlich geschafft mal wieder einen Film zu machen und ich bin sehr gespannt. Score kommt bei Milan demnächst raus, gibts aber auch schon auf Spotify... Trippy Synth Score passend zur Trippy Alien Invasion einer Farbe aus dem All... führt zu Nicholas Cage Overacting und Lovecraftian Monstern... mir gefällt's, kann man gut nebenher hören. Sicherlich sehr filmgebunden und ne Menge "Rauschen" nenn ich das mal, aber hat was... für Freunde elektronischer Soundcollagen, sphärisch meistens aber... Mit Stetsons Score zu HEREDITARY konnt ich nicht viel anfangen, das hier ist weit mehr gelungen finde ich...
  13. Sporify: The Queen‘s Gambit - Carlos Rafael Riviera wundert mich ja, dass den keiner erwähnt hat bisher. Die Serie glotzen ja grad alle. Rousing Main Titles, die immer wieder eingewoben werden in den sonst eher ruhigen, schönen Score. Im gewissen Sinne könnte man das einen Sportfilm Score ja nennen, an entsprechenden Stellen untermalt es ja flotte Schachsequenzen. Ein unerwartetes Highlight!
  14. Brian Eno has announced the first-ever collection of his film and television music. It’s titled, appropriately enough, Film Music 1976 – 2020. The album includes songs and themes from classic films like David Lynch’s Dune, Danny Boyle’s Trainspotting, Jonathan Demme’s Married to the Mob, and Michael Mann’s Heat. Film Music will be released on November 13 via UMC. Find the cover art and complete tracklist below. Plus, listen to “Ship in a Bottle” from Peter Jackson’s 2009 film The Lovely Bones. Eno’s work in film, television, and documentary scores and soundtracks spans five decades. He has crafted complete scores for over 20 films. Film Music includes some of Eno’s more recognizable compositions, in addition to seven previously unreleased tracks. Trackliste: 01 “Top Boy (Theme)” from Top Boy - Series 1, directed by Yann Demange, 2011 02 “Ship in a Bottle” from The Lovely Bones, directed by Peter Jackson, 2009 03 “Blood Red” from Francis Bacon’s Arena, directed by Adam Low, 2005 04 “Under” from Cool World, directed by Ralph Bakshi, 1992 05 “Decline and Fall” from O Nome da Morte, directed by Henrique Goldman, 2017 06 “Prophecy Theme” from Dune, directed by David Lynch, 1984 07 “Reasonable Question” from We Are As Gods, directed by David Alvarado / Jason Sussberg, 2020 08 “Late Evening in Jersey” from Heat, directed by Michael Mann, 1995 09 “Beach Sequence” from Beyond the Clouds, directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, 1995 10 “You Don’t Miss Your Water” from Married to the Mob, directed by Jonathan Demme, 1988 11 “Deep Blue Day” from Trainspotting, directed by Danny Boyle, 1996 12 “The Sombre” from Top Boy - Series 2, directed by Jonathan van Tulleken, 2013 13 “Dover Beach” from Jubilee, directed by Derek Jarman, 1978 14 “Design as Reduction” from Rams, directed by Gary Hustwit, 2018 15 “Undersea Steps” from Hammerhead, directed by George Chan, 2004 16 “Final Sunset” from Sebastiane, directed by Derek Jarman, 1976 17 “An Ending (Ascent)” from For All Mankind, directed by Al Reinert, 1989 Quelle: https://pitchfork.com/news/brian-eno-announces-new-album-film-music-1976-2020/
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