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Varèse CD CLUB: WHAT LIES BENEATH (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Deluxe Edition CD) (Alan Silvestri)

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What Lies Beneath (2000) was a first for filmmaker Robert Zemeckis: a serious, adult-minded ghost story starring Michelle Pfeiffer and, in a rare turn (and twist) as the villain, Harrison Ford. Originally developed for Steven Spielberg, the film was a Hitchcockian throwback of slow-burn suspense, with gorgeous Vermont locations supporting the A-list talent.

Scoring What Lies Beneath was, as always for Zemeckis, his long-time collaborator, Alan Silvestri (Back to the Future, Forrest Gump). Silvestri conjured up a dark, moody soundscape of suspense, orchestral violence and eerie beauty for the supernatural hauntings and real-life threat that is closer than the heroine realizes—ably recalling the spirit of the classic Hitchcock–Herrmann partnership, with Silvestri’s own vernacular and modern dramatic sense.

Varèse Sarabande released What Lies Beneath as a 9-track, 30-minute program at the time of the film. This long-awaited Deluxe Edition premieres the complete score in a 25-track, 60-minute program, with new liner notes by Daniel Schweiger interviewing screenwriter Clark Gregg.

Produced by: Alan Silvestri and David Bifano
Recorded and Mixed by: Dennis Sands
Music Editor: Dan DiPrima, Jacqueline Tager and Lee Scott
Mastered by: Chas Ferry and Melinda Hurley

Track List:

1. ImageMovers Logo
2. Main Title
3. Panic Attack
4. Sobbing Neighbor
5. Claire Visits Feur House / I Thought I Saw / Watery What?
6. Broken Photo
7. Binocular Spy
8. Discover Key / Full Bath
9. Ouija Board
10. You Know
11. Newspaper Clipping
12. Madison’s Room
13. Forbidden Fruit
14. Jody Fesses Up / Electrocuted
15. I Opened The Door
16. Claire's Drive
17. Key Decision
18. Norman Attacks
19. Passive Aggressive Masterpiece / Norman Falls / Bloody Hand
20. Norman's Gone / Claire Steps In Blood / Hand Moves Sting
21. The Getaway
22. Reunited / Peace At Last
23. End Credits
24. Restaurant Source
25. The Four Seasons: Autumn

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  • 4 Wochen später...

Interessante kleine Hintergrundinfo von Lukas Kendall, der an der Produktion der neuen Club CD beteiligt war. Acht Jahre Produktionszeit wegen Lizenzfragen. Man hat schon öfter mal mitbekommen, dass auch Varese seine Scores mit Ewigkeitsrechten nicht so ohne Weiteres expandieren kann.


What Lies Beneath was actually something I put together maybe eight years ago (!) but it took that long to sort out the licensing.


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