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Anzahl Soundtracks & Scores

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  1. Neben seinen gefühlten tausend TV-Jobs hat er wohl doch nochmal Zeit für einen Film gefunden.. auch wenn es wohl eher ein kleiner Film ist. Na ja.. vielleicht ist da dann wenigstens Material für die nächste CINEMA WORLD-HALLOWEEN-Sendung nächstes oder übernächstes Jahr dabei, falls die Musik veröffentlicht wird
  2. Nach Conan hat Philipp Pelster einen weiteren Klassiker für Orgel eingespielt. El Cid Oder etwas günstiger bei JPC: https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/art/miklos-rozsa-el-cid-fuer-orgel/hnum/8382489
  3. Kritzerland is proud to present a new limited edition soundtrack release: THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO Music Composed and Conducted by Bernard Herrmann In 1952, Twentieth Century Fox memorably brought Hemingway’s The Snows of Kilimanjaroto the screen in a lavish production directed by Henry King, with a screenplay by Casey Robinson, starring a stellar cast including Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, and Susan Hayward, along with Hildegard Knef, Leo G. Carroll, and Torin Thatcher. The beautiful cinematography was by Oscar-winner Leon Shamroy. With stunning location photography in Nairobi, Kenya, Cairo, Egypt and the French Riviera, the film was a Technicolor dazzler. The film was one of Fox’s biggest hits, earning huge grosses. It was nominated for two Academy Awards – one for Best Cinematography, Color and one for Best Art Direction, Color. There could not have been a better choice for composer than Bernard Herrmann, who gave the film his completely unique sound and sense of drama. Herrmann had already written many scores for Fox films, including Jane Eyre, Hangover Square, Anna and the King of Siam, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and 5 Fingers, and subsequent to The Snows of Kilimanjaro he would continue to compose brilliant scores for the studio, including White Witch Doctor, Beneath the 12-Mile Reef, King of the Khyber Rifles, Garden of Evil, The Egyptian (with Alfred Newman), Prince of Players, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, A Hatful of Rain, Blue Denim, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Tender Is the Night. In his score for The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Herrmann captures all moods of the story, from nostalgia to sadness to joy to romance. The music is achingly beautiful, most especially in the sublime “The Memory Waltz.” As always with Herrmann, his orchestral colors are uniquely his own (as are his orchestrations), and even though with most Herrmann scores you can easily say it’s one of his best, The Snows of Kilimanjaro is right up there with his greatest. The Snows of Kilimanjaro was previously released as part of the Bernard Herrmann at Fox box on Varese Sarabande. This is the scores’ first standalone release. Quelle: http://www.kritzerland.com/kilimanjaro.htm
  4. Von dem Film hab ich erst vor 2 Wochen erfahren und seitdem reizt er mich schon sehr, denn was ich bisher von ihm gesehen habe.. schaut sehr interessant aus. Dazu auch noch eine Musik von Carter Burwell. Jap, das könnte filmisch und musikalisch was ganz tolles ergeben. Score kommt übrigens bei Lakeshore Records raus.
  5. Seit heute ist David Buckleys Musik zur Serie The Good Wife als Download erhältlich. The Good Wife (Theme) (2:26) Hitting The Fan (4:15) Alicia Keeps Her Cool (2:25) Waiting Room Rondo (2:18) Peter The Penitent (2:28) Partner Vote Sting (2:50) Working Late (2:22) Plaintiff's Partita (1:53) The Verdict (2:23) J'accuse (3:49) Felon's Fugue (2:06) Our Office Is Busier Than Yours (2:30) Alicia Reflects (2:40) Willicia (2:25) Tell Her She's Terrific (3:37) Dead Man Walking (1:58) Alicia Alone (2:46) I Need A Plan (3:47) Countdown To Execution (1:35) I Wanna Kiss Peter Florrick (3:06) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KMCN3AA/ref=as_sl_pd_tf_lc?tag=hanszimmercom-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B00KMCN3AA&adid=0QBWX83RJM0NSBV3405X&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hans-zimmer.com%2Findex.php%3Frub%3Ddisco%26id%3D1242
  6. Es ist Edward und da freut sich meine Geldbörse, denn den hab ich schon in der erweiterten Version
  7. Music Box Records hat drei neue CDs angekündigt. Besonders über den Jarre freue ich mich wirklich. Schon die alte Prometheus-LP lief sehr sehr oft. Wunderbarer, bezaubernder Score! Einer meiner Jarre-Lieblinge. Cinefonia hatte die Musik vor Jahren schon einmal angekündigt, ging dann allerdings vorher Pleite.
  8. Es ist hiiiierrr!. Varese hat die Katze aus dem Sack gelassen und offeriert uns mit Konzertticket die phänomenale 85-er Box im LP-Format: https://www.varesesarabande.com/products/back-in-time-the-concert-experience . Hab ich sofort bestellt, weil das schnell ausverkauft sein wird. Jetzt noch Flug buchen und los geht's........
  9. http://www.tadlowmusic.com/2016/01/epic-hollywood-the-music-of-miklos-rozsa/
  10. Joseph LoDuca wird wieder Musik für Ash schreiben, wie Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert und Bruce Campbell in einem Interview über die neue Serie verraten haben.
  11. John Paesano wird die Musik für die nächste Marvel-Serie schreiben.. diesmal geht es um DAREDEVIL
  12. Caldera Records is proud to present the original score for the television movie Rebecca from 1997, directed by Jim O'Brien and starring Emilia Fox, Charles Dance, Faye Dunaway and Diana Rigg. The movie is based on the famous novel of the same name by Daphne du Maurier which had already been made into a successful movie by Alfred Hitchcock in 1940. It tells the tragic love story between a rich gentleman and his second wife who not only has to cope with an obsessive and evil housekeeper but also with the shadow of the first wife who obviously died under strange circumstances... Christopher Gunning wrote one of his most beautiful and rich scores for this adaption, capturing every aspect of the story in his music. While there is a dark and melancholic main theme, the romance between the (happy) couple is described in a lush melody for the full orchestra which receives its variations throughout the whole score. The tense moments in the movie are accompanied by aggressive outbursts from the orchestra, often featuring prominent, difficult and expressive solos from the cello. Christopher Gunning himself thinks of Rebecca as one of his very best scores and we are glad that you can finally see for yourself that it is indeed – but even more than that: it is one of the most diverse and inspired scores ever written for television. As a bonus, we included an exclusive audio commentary by the composer where he talks about his work. The eleventh CD-release of Caldera Records features a detailed booklet-text by Gergely Hubai and elegant artwork by Luis Miguel Rojas. The CD was produced by Stephan Eicke and John Elborg. 1. Opening and Main Title (3:10) 2. Courting (4:03) 3. Mrs. Danver's Obsession (1:52) 4. Manderley (3:50) 5. Falling in Love (2:14) 6. The Proposal (2:36) 7. Max Enjoys His Estate (2:18) 8. The Second Mrs. De Winter Investigates the West Wing (1:55) 9. Conflict (2:31) 10. Mrs. Danvers' Nightmare (3:21) 11. The Second Mrs. De Winters' Turmoil (2:25) 12. Rebecca's Theme (2:18) 13. Mrs. Danvers is Chastised (1:47) 14. Preparations for the Ball (3:01) 15. No One Could Match my Lady for Spirit (4:03) 16. Shipwreck in the Cove (2:06) 17. Max and the Second Mrs. De Winter (1:06) 18. The Anguish of Mrs. Danvers (4:34) 19. A Night of High Drama (3:21) 20. Manderley Destroyed (1:47) 21. Closing Credits (1:46) Bonus: 22. Audio Commentary by Christopher Gunning (4:47) Listen to a 5 min clip here: SoundCloud For more information visit our homepage: http://caldera-records.com/portfolio/rebecca/gallery/soundtracks/
  13. Atlis Musik zum isländischen Comedy-Drama RAMS kommt bei Lakeshore heraus
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