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Award Season 2013-2014


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Ich hoffe, dass das nicht wieder zu unnötigem Streit führt, aber die "linksliberale Ausrichtung" Hollywoods ist wirklich ein Mythos. Da geht es um Geld, da entscheiden die Konzerne. Wo sind denn die sozialkritischen Geschichten und wirklich unbequemen Stoffe über Armut, Krieg und gun culture? Sowas leisten sich Produzenten und Studios auch nur alle paar Jahre mal - und auch die Academy umweht in der Ära Obama eher kleinbürgerliche Gemütlichkeit, denn Bush ist ja weg. Oder so.

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 Wo sind denn die sozialkritischen Geschichten und wirklich unbequemen Stoffe über Armut, Krieg und gun culture? Sowas leisten sich Produzenten und Studios auch nur alle paar Jahre mal

wenn solche filme nominiert werden bzw. auch gewinnen schwingt für mich eigentlich immer so eine alibifunktion mit. oh, wir haben hier einen wichtigen filmstoff, nominieren wir den mal bzw. lassen wir ihn gewinnen.

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wenn solche filme nominiert werden bzw. auch gewinnen schwingt für mich eigentlich immer so eine alibifunktion mit. oh, wir haben hier einen wichtigen filmstoff, nominieren wir den mal bzw. lassen wir ihn gewinnen.


Ich finde es da bezeichnend, wie sich das US-Filmgeschäft im Erfolg von 12 YEARS A SLAVE sonnt - ein Film eines britischen Regisseurs, der nur mit viel britischem Geld und prominenter Unterstützung überhaupt möglich war. Da tun jetzt in Hollywood alle so, als wären sie ja ach so engagiert - aber finanzieren würde das in Amerika doch niemand.

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Ich hoffe, dass das nicht wieder zu unnötigem Streit führt, aber die "linksliberale Ausrichtung" Hollywoods ist wirklich ein Mythos. Da geht es um Geld, da entscheiden die Konzerne. Wo sind denn die sozialkritischen Geschichten und wirklich unbequemen Stoffe über Armut, Krieg und gun culture?

Linksliberal für amerikanische Verhältnisse - man darf in den USA nicht das erwarten, was man in Europa mit dieser Einstellung verbindet.

Und sicher entscheiden auch die Konzerne und Filmstudios über die Oscarchancen mit - aber auch die Konzerne vertreten mit den von ihnen produzierten Filmen eine bestimmte Politik.

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Und sicher entscheiden auch die Konzerne und Filmstudios über die Oscarchancen mit - aber auch die Konzerne vertreten mit den von ihnen produzierten Filmen eine bestimmte Politik.


Ja, klar. Und diese Politik heisst: Zerstreuung und don't rock the boat. Das war ja das Gute an den späten Bush-Jahren: Da war der öffentliche bzw. Zuschauer-Druck plötzlich so stark, dass auch systemkritische Stoffe und Agitatoren wie Michael Moore oder Oliver Stone interessant waren. Aber heute? Bestenfalls filmische Feigenblätter (12 YEARS A SLAVE), technische Meisterleistung von eher flüchtigem inhaltlichen Mehrwert (GRAVITY) und - wie ich immer noch meine - schlimm überschätzte HANGOVER-Spielchen im Arthouse-Format (WOLF OF WALL STREET).


An der aktuellen Mut- und Zahnlosigkeit des Kinos ist natürlich auch das US-Fernsehen schuld: Wer sich was trauen will, arbeitet für HBO, AMC oder Showtime.

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Es ist wieder am abnehmen, da gebe ich dir Recht - aber in den Jahren zwischen etwa 2004 und 2011 gab es schon einen massiven politischen Ruck nach links in den Reihen der Academy. Vermutlich war Obama mit ein Grund, wieso sich das Ganze dann wieder etwas relativiert hat.

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Es ist wieder am abnehmen, da gebe ich dir Recht - aber in den Jahren zwischen etwa 2004 und 2011 gab es schon einen massiven politischen Ruck nach links in den Reihen der Academy. Vermutlich war Obama dann mit ein Grund, wieso sich das Ganze dann wieder etwas relativiert hat.


Ja, leider scheint mit Obamas Amtsantritt das politische oder sozialkritische Interesse erlahmt zu sein. Schade auch, dass sich niemand traut, sich auf der großen Leinwand mit der Kluft zwischen Anspruch und Realität seiner Präsidentschaft zu befassen. Da waren auch die Clinton-Jahre echt ergiebiger, wenn es um respektlose Auseinandersetzungen mit der Präsidentschaft ging.


Aber back to topic: Vielleicht sehen wir die Broughton-Geschichte auch von der falschen Seite. Kann es nicht sein, dass der Druck nicht gegen Broughton, sondern für einen potenziellen Nachrücker kam?

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Schindler-List Produzent Gerald Molen über das ganze..

Gerald Molen, an Oscar-winning producer of Schindler's List, is accusing the Academy of discriminating against a religious movie in revoking its nomination in the best song category.

In a feisty letter to Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, a copy of which was obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, Molen attacks the group's Jan. 29 decision to rescind the nomination for Alone Yet Not Alone, an overtly faith-based film, over allegations that its songwriter Bruce Broughton, a former Academy governor, improperly lobbied members of the song branch. If Broughton and co-writer Dennis Spiegel are ineligible for an Oscar merely for asking people to give their tune a listen, he argues, more Oscar winners should be required to return their statues because they all promoted their work to some degree or another.

"Every film, director, writer, cinematographer, actor, art director, costume designer and efx house finds a way to pitch or promote their work. Many will see this decision as faith-based bigotry pure and simple," Molen says in the letter to Boone Isaacs.

The Academy nominated "Alone Yet Not Alone" for best song then took back the nomination two weeks later saying that Broughton improperly emailed "members of the branch to make them aware of his submission during the nominations voting period." The nomination had been controversial because Alone Yet Not Alone earned just $134,000 in its 21-day run and Broughton is a former governor and current music branch executive committee member.

In the movie, the song is sung not by a professionally trained singer, but by Joni Eareckson Tada, a 64-year-old woman who has been without the use of her arms and legs for 47 years and runs a charity that provides wheelchairs to needy children. She also authors Christian books and broadcasts Christian radio.

"Critics will pounce and accuse us of being out of touch and needlessly offending middle America by stripping this song -- a song sung by a quadriplegic hero to evangelical Christians who has captured the imagination of the American people -- of its nomination," Molen writes. "In my humble opinion, it seems to me that this has turned a Cinderella story that America loves into a story of the wicked stepmother who wants to keep her daughter from the ball, with we the Academy cast as the villain."

After its nomination, several songwriters affiliated with other films expressed dissatisfaction with the selection, and a PR firm representing a song not nominated hired a private investigator to research whether Alone Yet Not Alone should be disqualified for not meeting advertising requirements, but the Academy wasn't convinced on those grounds.

The email sent by Broughton, though, convinced the Academy to make the highly unusual move to rescind the nomination. Broughton's email read in part: "I'm dropping you a line to boldly direct your attention to entry #57," a reference to the track number on a CD containing songs up for nomination consideration. "I'm sending this note only because it is extremely unlikely that this small, independent, faith-based film will be seen by any music branch member; it's the only way I can think of to have anyone be aware of the song."

"My goodness," writes Molen, "if we were truly to operate by this new standard the committee has cited, your office would be filled with returned Oscars from past winners and nominees who have lobbied their friends and colleagues. This seems to me to have been a normal practice for a long, long time, and yet the Academy has suddenly discovered lobbying in the case of this one song?"

This isn't the first time Molen has expressed displeasure with the Academy. Last year, he fired off another letter to then-president Hawk Koch complaining about the selection process for best documentary, including that the selection committee included left-leaning filmmaker Michael Moore.

The Academy's decision to take back its nomination caused a stir in Christian media, with many journalists and bloggers speculating that Hollywood is simply prejudiced against faith-based films. But Molen's stern letter amounts to much more significant criticism, given his pedigree as an Oscar winner for best picture and producer credits on blockbusters like Jurassic Park and Minority Report. He also produced the political documentary 2016: Obama's America and is working on the follow-up to that film, called America, set to open July 4.

"It has been reported that a rival film hired a private investigator to find dirt on the film in an attempt to discredit it as not having been advertised properly and that when this failed to sway the committee, a decision was instead made to disqualify it because of the email," Molen wrote in his letter to Boone Isaacs. "I urge you and the Academy to reconsider this decision and restore the song and fairness and integrity to our process."

Quelle: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/oscar-winner-pens-letter-accusing-676255


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Ist vielleicht doch so, wie ich dachte und Broughton ist gar nicht der eigentliche Grund der Hetzkampagne. Hätte mich auch wirklich gewundert, wenn denen plötzlich irgendein (mittlerweile) unbedeutender Filmkomponist ein schlimmerer Dorn im Auge gewesen wäre als ein evangelikaler Propagandafilm.

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Keine Entschuldigung für etwaige Academy-Überreaktionen, aber der Film scheint schon schlimmer reaktionärer Quark zu sein:


Based on an evangelical book of the same title, Alone Yet Not Alone tells the story of a family that emigrated to the United States during the French and Indian War, fleeing religious persecution in 18th-century Germany. Under overwrought narration that strains to replicate the classic “in a world” tone of action trailers, the movie’s preview shows the settler protagonists clashing with Native American antagonists—beautiful, blonde Europeans brutalized by angry, dark savages. The title refers to the situation of the two female leads who are captured by “Injuns” (“alone...”) and ask God to rescue them (“...yet not alone”). ((Quelle: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/01/31/alone-yet-not-alone-inside-the-conservative-christian-movie-the-oscars-ousted.html ))


Was natürlich noch eine ganz andere Frage aufwirft: Warum arbeitet eine (Ex-) Grösse wie Bruce Broughton seit 20 Jahren nur noch an TV- und B-Ware? Neigung? Mangelnde Nachfrage? Unbeliebt als Mitarbeiter?

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william ross hat zu diesem film ja die filmmusik komponiert, somit ist hier ja ein weiterer bekannter komponist an dem film beteiligt, der aber ab und zu wohl auch noch a-movies vertont.


Was ja nicht die Frage nach Broughtons (un)freiwilligem Exil beantwortet.

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Was ja nicht die Frage nach Broughtons (un)freiwilligem Exil beantwortet.

da wirst du im moment auch noch keine antwort finden. aber vielleicht erzählt er ja etwas in dem interview, das anne mit ihm geführt hat. komisch natürlich, dass er nur den song komponiert hat. eigentlich hätte er den score ja auch gleich mitübernehmen können.

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Bruce könnte so einige Filme vertonen, aber warum soll er sich diesen Stress antun?

Er komponiert heutzutage lieber Stücke für Konzerte, arbeitet auch sehr viel für die Vergnügungsparks, denn die sind relaxter, dankbarer und lassen einem viel Freiraum. Es ist bitte nicht so dass er nur untätig herumsitzt ;)

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Wie hältst Du es eigentlich mit dem Gedanken der Religionsfreiheit?


Alles hat seine Grenzen, die zumeist ein gutes Stück von Maß und Mitte entfernt liegen.


Broughtons bisherige Diskografie lässt sich durchaus in eine "nette" Richtung auslegen. Möglicherweise ist die Begründung für den Ausschluss ein Mischmasch aus gegensätzlichen Ansichten.

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Composer Bruce Babcock, regarding the latest LA Times article:

There is no requirement that former AMPAS governors retire from show business. And there is no rule declaring sitting governors ineligible for academy awards. The current 51 members of the AMPAS board of governors have about 70 Oscar nominations between them. The list of governors includes some of the biggest names in the business. All of these folks have had Oscar campaigns mounted on their behalf, involving millions of advertising dollars. Wouldn't all the members of the Public Relations Branch of the Academy be out of business if all it took to garner an Oscar nomination was sending out a single email to 70 people? Wouldn’t any PR professional be quickly fired for suggesting such a strategy to, for example, Disney or Universal?

The rescission of the nomination of Bruce Broughton and Dennis Spiegel wrongly and shamefully impugns their integrity. The actions of the Academy further imply that the members of the music branch cannot be trusted to use their own musical judgment, and their conscience, to properly evaluate their professional peers.


Marc Shaiman::


Bruce! Please tell them that I got your Email and still voted for someone else! As I often cried out at the endless rule changing meetings at the Music Branch meetings, we are adults, we must be trusted to vote with our ears and conscience! Your Email was NOTHING compared to what goes on. This is wrong and I am terribly saddened. x


Daniel Licht:


Hey Bruce, Sorry to hear about the ridiculousness of the Academy. What a disgrace they are. Well what a great song you wrote and glad at least that it got out there.


Douglass Fake:


Your response has been remarkably gracious and professional given this is wrongdoing on the part of the Academy. The blemish is theirs, not yours.


Dennis McCarthy:


Outrageous! Bruce has dedicated his life to furthering the art of music composition and now he has arbitrarily been singled out? Might as well ban all pre Oscar "For your consideration" ads - Appalling!


Conrad Pope:


Bruce Broughton did nothing inappropriate in my opinion. I am a member of the Music Branch, I received Bruce's email informing me that he had written a song that was eligible for consideration. That was all. When I consider the blandishments proffered by the major studios to "consider" their submissions, I feel that the Board of Governors is over reacting and committing a grave injustice.


Regarding the "Alone, Yet not Alone"controversy, I think DON DAVIS' petition statement for APMAS Music Branch members to sign, nails it! See below for Don's statement. I agree with Don and signed his petition.( Also, please see the LA Times article from today if you're curious as to what Bruce's email said-- see if you think that that email constitutes a breach of "ethics" and a "strong arm" tactic.)


Don Davis:


Reinstate the Original Song Nomination for “Alone Yet Not Alone”

We object to the rescinding of the Original Song Nomination by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Board of Governors for the song “Alone Yet Not Alone.” As members of the AMPAS Music Branch, we consider this act an usurpation of our rights as voters, and we demand that this nomination be reinstated.

“Alone Yet Not Alone” was eligible by all of AMPAS applicable rules and regulations. Any personal correspondence some of us may have received from the artists involved was miniscule in comparison to the deluge of email, print and recorded promotion that we received from every studio production for every possible nomination. It should be noted that there was no studio promotion for this film or the song nomination whatsoever, and that the song did appear on the official AMPAS DVD that was sent to each of us for consideration along with every other eligible song. The act of rescinding this nomination had no consideration for the artistic merit of the song in question, and as such is an insult to those of us who were asked to consider the artistic merit of each song and found “Alone Yet Not Alone” to be fully worthy of an AMPAS nomination in its category. The revoking of this nomination is wrong, and we demand that the Board of Governors reverse this unjust decision.


John Debney:


A grave injustice was done this week. Bruce broughton's lovely and heartfelt underdog song has been pulled from the 5 songs nominated. Dubious reasons we're cited by the Academy for doing this. As a member of the Academy; I am ashamed by this act. The nominations for work in film are meant to be merit based. Finally, a song from a small film barely seen, was deemed worthy of nomination. That is the way it should work. But alas, the winds of PC and cronyism seem to be at work here. Please join those of us who feel that great work should be judged on its own merits and express your outrage over this travesty.


Es ist unglaublich und gleichzeitig fantastisch zu sehen, wieviel Unterstützung von den Komponisten, Musikern, Filmemachern etc. kommt. Ich kenne Bruce und er hat es wahrlich nicht verdient so von der Academy behandelt zu werden. Nicht im geringsten!

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