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THE DARK CRYSTAL: AGE OF RESISTANCE von Daniel Pemberton und Samuel Sim


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Daniel Pemberton und Samuel Sim treten in den Fußstapfen von Trevor Jones.


Daniel Pemberton (Steve Jobs, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Ocean’s 8, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) and Samuel Sim (Awake, The Halcyon, Home Fires) have been tapped to score the upcoming Netflix fantasy adventure series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. The show directed by Louis Leterrier (Now You See Me, The Incredible Hulk) is a prequel to the classic 1982 feature (scored by Trevor Jones), and follows three young Gelflings as they inspire a rebellion against the cruel emperor when they discover a horrifying secret. Leterrier is also executive producing project with Lisa Henson (Good Boy, Julie’s Greenroom) and Halle Stanford (Sid the Science Kid) for The Jim Henson company. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance will premiere in 2019 exclusively on Netflix.


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Regisseur Louis Leterrier und Pemberton über die Musik.



For director Louis Leterrier, Pemberton was the natural choice:

I approached the music the same way I approached the filming and the puppetry. I wanted somebody to come on this journey that would be willing to take big risks. I wanted something that was almost tribal. I wanted to hear the strings being plucked and the skin wrapped over the drum. At the same time, I wanted somebody who could write beautiful melodies, understood music, and was a lover of beautiful music. I wanted someone who would approach it in a very organic way and who would tell the story through the score. My search led me to Daniel.

Daniel Pemberton is rapidly becoming one of my favorite composers, as he has previously scored The Man from U.N.C.L.E, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, and Ocean’s 8, just to name a few. Hearing his thoughts on how he approached the score for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, makes me even more excited to experience the prequel series (and I don’t often say that about prequels).

Daniel had this to say about scoring The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance:

I wanted the music to be as magical as Thra itself – organic, imperfect, strange, mystical, otherworldly and wonderful. I wanted to create new sounds that felt like they came from the world itself, as well as using thematic large scale orchestral elements to bring an emotion to the journey of the characters. I wanted music and sounds that would fill you with wonder, but also terrify you. It was very important to me that all the sounds felt like they could only be from Thra itself – no grand pianos or overtly electronic elements. Every sound had to feel organic and visceral, from the dark detuned glissando cello sounds made for the Skeksis, to the upbeat flutes from the Podling’s bar. We created noises out of wine glasses, metal chains, wooden drums, metal sculptures on a snow covered mountain and old creaky medieval instruments to try and make a sonic world as unique as the visual one.

Quelle: https://filmmusiccentral.com/2019/08/22/daniel-pemberton-talks-the-dark-crystal-age-of-resistance-2019/



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Gast Stefan Jania
vor 19 Minuten schrieb TheRealNeo:

Keine Geduld oder keine Hoffnung auf eine CD?

CDs kommen doch von Varèse. Vielleicht kaufe ich mir die irgendwann mal. Bei digital ist der Vorteil, dass Du es sofort hören kannst und keinen Zoll bezahlst. Und es kommt aus genau denselben Boxen.

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Ach übersehen... hab nur den youtubeclip entdeckt...

na is nun schon so spät, muss in die heia. Hör morgen mal dann in Vol 2 rein.

crystal chamber erinnert vage an shores lord of the rings‘ ring thema... so stilistisch.

insgesamt isses aber schon experimentell, folksy würd ich sagen.



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