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Alexander Grodzinski

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Alle Inhalte von Alexander Grodzinski

  1. Snow Files of the Week: „Night Forest/Forest Search" aus „The X-Files", Episode „Pilot" (1993). So fing alles an. 1993, die erste Folge „The X-Files" mit einem für spätere Verhältnisse fast schon rohem Score von Mark Snow. Man merkt, dass hier noch alles neu war und alle Beteiligten sich erst einmal in dieser neuen Welt zurechtfinden mussten. Dennoch hört man auch hier schon die düsteren Klanglandschaften, mit der Snows Musik die Serie ebenso prägen sollte, wie seine wundervollen Themen. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
  2. Ein Easter Egg für wirkliche Hardcore-Fans in HALLOWEEN KILLS. Beim Talentwettbewerb in der Bar, wo sich die alten Überlebenden treffen, singt ein Trio aus drei jungen Frauen den Song "She doesn't want you anymore". Das ist ein Song von Carpenters Band, den Coupe De Villes, ebenfalls ein Trio (Carpenter, Tommy Lee Wallace und Nick Castle). Der Song erschien auf dem einzigen Album der Band, "Waiting Out The Eighties", von 1985, welches in relativ geringer Stückzahl für Freunde und Kollegen auf Vinyl produziert wurde.
  3. Scheinbar schon, laut Ghostbusters Deutschland. Endlich haben wir einen Termin für den Score zum neuen Film! Unseren Quellen zufolge erscheint die CD zu Ghostbusters Afterlife – bzw. Legacy – am 26. November, einige Tage nach dem Kinostart. Dass der Score auch auf Schallplatte erscheinen wird ist wahrscheinlich, dazu haben wir aber noch keine Informationen. Beim diesem Soundtrack handelt es sich um den Score, d.h. die orchestrale Filmmusik von Komponist Rob Simonsen. Ein separates Album mit Filmsongs wird nicht erscheinen, allerdings könnte es auch sein, dass sich einige Songs auch auf dieser Veröffentlichung finden werden. Bisher gibt es noch keine Informationen oder eine Titelliste, so dass nur spekuliert werden kann. Simonsen tritt hier in die Fußstapfen des großen Elmer Bernstein, der Teil 1 musikalisch untermalt hatte. Dessen Sohn, Peter Bernstein, war nun auch in die Musik für Legacy involviert. Ghostbusters II wurde seinerzeit von Randy Edelman komponiert, Answer The Call von Theodore Shapiro.
  4. Ich habe die CD auch mal bestellt. Hörproben habe ich auch keine gesehen, aber man bekommt nach dem Kauf sofort das Ganze als mp3. Ich habe bisher nur mal reingehört und muss sagen, dass die „Training Montage" durch das Orchester zwar voller wirkt, während DiColas Synthies darüber ein wenig aus der Rolle fallen, aber das Originalstück dennoch mehr Power hat. Besonders das Schlagzeug wirkt in der Symphonie eher dünn und kraftlos.
  5. Snow Files of the Week: "Prologue/Main Title/The Boys Find The Cave/The Kiss/Happy Ending" aus dem TV-Film THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS (1990). Für diese Disney-Channel-Produktion konnte Mark mal wieder auf ein volles Orchester zurückgreifen. Der von einer Solo-Flöte eingeleitete "Main Title" mausert sich im weiteren Verlauf zu einem schwelgerischen Stück Musik und das Thema taucht auch immer wieder im Score auf. Die Musik betritt dann sogar beschwingte Kinderabenteuer-Pfade in Tracks wie "The Boys Find The Cave". Alles in allem ein klangschöner Abenteuer-Drama-Score, der wieder einmal zeigt, dass Snow auch abseits der X-Akten musikalisch durchaus zu überzeugen weiß. Die Musik ist, gekoppelt mit Snows Musik zu IN THE LINE OF DUTY: SMOKE JUMPERS, auf der "Mark Snow Collection Volume 1" von Dragon's Domain Records erschienen. Die CD ist auf 500 Exemplare limitiert. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
  6. Quartet Records, in collaboration with Sony Music Spain and Divucsa Music, presents an album that pairs two scores by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis (ORZOWEI, SANDOKAN, ZORRO, SAVANA VIOLENTA, MILANO TREMA) for two beloved Spanish cartoon TV series directed by Claudio Biern Boyd. LA VUELTA AL MUNDO DE WILLY FOG is based on Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days, but here all the charming characters are animals. The De Angelis brothers wrote a number of catchy songs that were performed by the famous pop group Mocedades, highlighting the main opening song that became an immediate classic on Spanish TV. The score was based, mainly, on variations of those songs and instrumental versions of them. D’ARTACÁN Y LOS TRES MOSQUEPERROS was another success and is based in the Alexandre Dumas’ masterpiece Les trois Mousquetaires, with all the characters being dogs. The music followed the same treatment, with several songs performed by Popitos, and variations on these as a background score. Although these two TV series were dubbed into several languages around the world (in English, Italian, French, etc.) and some albums and singles were released elsewhere with dubbed versions of the songs, we have included here only in the original Spanish versions as they were originally conceived. This CD has been mastered by Chris Malone from original master tapes provided by Sony Music and Divucsa, and the illustrated package includes liner notes by Gergely Hubai. LA VUELTA AL MUNDO DE WILLY FOG 1. La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog (3:18) 2. Hay que viajar (2:41) 3. Dix y Transfer (2:31) 4. Romy (3:02) 5. La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog (2º versión) (3:20) 6. América, América (2:54) 7. Rigodón (3:12) 8. Dar la vuelta al mundo (7:47) 9. Hay que viajar (Instrumental) (2:41) 10. Dix y Transfer (Instrumental) (2:31) 11. Romy (Instrumental) (3:02) 12. América, América (Instrumental) (2:54) 13. Rigodón (Instrumental) (3:12) 14. La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog (Instrumental) (3:54) D’ARTACAN Y LOS TRES MOSQUEPERROS 15. D’artacán y los tres mosqueperros (3:01) 16. Uno para todos y todos para uno (3:08) 17. Richelieu (2:53) 18. Únete a nosotros (3:44) 19. Julieta (3:33) 20. Mi amigo Pom (3:45) 21. El duelo (2:23) 22. Julieta (Instrumental) (3:33) 23. D’artacán y los tres mosqueperros (3:01) THE FIRST 50 UNITS PURCHASED DIRECTLY FROM OUR ONLINE STORE WILL BE AUTOGRAPHED BY ALBERTO IGLESIAS AND PEDRO ALMODÓVAR Quartet Records and El Deseo present the soundtrack album of the eagerly anticipated new collaboration between Academy Award-winning director Pedro Almodóvar and prestigious three-time Academy Award-nominated composer Alberto Iglesias (THE CONSTANT GARDENER, THE KITE RUNNER, TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY) for MADRES PARALELAS, their thirteenth film together, coming after twenty-five years of intense collaboration and worldwide success with such films as ALL ABOUT MY MOTHER, TALK TO HER or PAIN AND GLORY. The film is about two women, Janis and Ana, who coincidentally land together in a hospital room where they are going to give birth. Both are single and became pregnant by accident. Janis, middle-aged, doesn’t regret it and she is exultant. Ana, an adolescent, is scared, repentant and traumatized. Janis tries to encourage her while they move like sleepwalkers along the hospital corridors. The few words they exchange in these hours create a very close link between the two, which by chance develops, complicates and changes their lives in a decisive way. Alberto Iglesias has written one of his most intense, emotional and moving large-orchestral scores, with echoes of Ravel, Debussy and the Spanish tradition of Manuel de Falla. The music was recorded at Air Studios, London, with Thomas Bowes as concertmaster. The album also includes two classic pieces by Janis Joplin and Miles Davis. Sesión de fotos (1:12) El visillo volante (2:15) Las visitas (4:12) Fotos a la niña (2:24) Prueba de maternidad (4:42) El cuestionario del laboratorio (0:50) Terrible certeza (0:58) Madre de día (2:13) La pesadilla (3:53) Tortilla española (0:57) Anita ha muerto (2:51) ¡No te despiertes! (2:42) La revelación del secreto (10:32) Campo de cultivo (0:48) La vieja cama (1:15) Relato del bisabuelo asesinado (0:49) En procesión / La fosa (10:09) Summertime Big Brother & The Holding Company, Janis Joplin (4:01) Autumn Leaves Miles Davis (11:40)
  7. So etwas Ähnliches hat MV auch damals gesagt, als nach dem ersten Set zu MillenniuM die Frage nach weiteren Sets kam. Und dann kam doch noch ein zweites Set. Aber klar, bei der Menge an X-Files, die veröffentlicht wurden, kann man auch nicht meckern. Eventuell legen sie auch das zweite Set noch mal auf, wie beim ersten Set nach dessen Ausverkauf.
  8. Snow Files of the Week: „No place like home/Silo" aus „The X-Files", Episoden „Triangle" und „Apocrypha" (1996-1998). Hier hören wir zwei Seiten von Snows X-Files-Musik. „No place like home" ist ein weiteres, wundervolles Piano-Thema, welches aus dem X-Files-Thema erwächst. In „Silo" kommen wieder mysteriöse Klanglandschaften und treibende Action zum Zuge. Auch diese Tracks stammen vom vierten Set von LLL, welches auf 2.000 Exemplare limitiert ist. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
  9. Hab ich das übersehen oder wurden die beiden Auftritte von Goldsmith in den beiden GREMLINS-Filmen hier noch nicht erwähnt? Links neben ihm ist hier auch noch seine Frau Carol zu sehen.
  10. Im Grunde recht viel, da Carpenter einen orchestraleren Sound wollte. Von ihm stammen die bluesigen, rockigen Sachen, die besonders im ersten Drittel zu hören sind. Einige seiner Synthie-Sachen tauchen natürlich auch auf, aber der Rest, vor allem der Showdown mit seiner heroischen Actionmusik, gehören ganz Walker.
  11. Die ESCAPE FROM L.A. dürfte wohl einfach eine Wiederveröffentlichung der bereits von LLL veröffentlichten, erweiterten Fassung von vor ein paar Jahren sein. Nur mit anderem Cover.
  12. Snow Files of the Week: „Only way to escape/Lamp/Chimera Man/Fix it for good" aus „The X-Files", Episoden „Talitha Cumi", "Gethsemane" and "Redux II" (1995-1998). Eine bunte Mischung aus verschiedenen Episoden, die aber alle beinhalten, was wir an Marks Musik so lieben: die sanften, ruhigen Piano-Passagen, geheimnisvolle Mystery-Klänge, unheimliche Klanglandschaften und melancholische Streicher. Die Tracks stammen vom vierten Set von LLL, welches auf 2.000 Exemplare limitiert ist. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
  13. Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents THE ALBERT GLASSER COLLECTION Volume 3, featuring the premiere releases of Albert Glasser’s music for FOUR BOYS AND A GUN and STREET OF SINNERS. The two films in this third collection of 1950s classic Albert Glasser scores from Dragon’s Domain Records are essentially juvenile delinquent crime films from 1957, and were released by United Artists. Both films were directed by William Berke (1903–1958), a veteran director of nearly 100 films since 1934, including many Westerns and crime dramas, and a handful of television episodes during the early 1950s. The years 1957-58 were Albert Glasser’s busiest as a film composer, having scored fifteen B-movies that saw release in 1957, and ten in 1958. The films included Glasser’s celebrated science fiction/monster films BEGINNING OF THE END, THE CYCLOPS, MONSTER FROM GREEN HELL, THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN in ’57, and GIANT FROM THE UNKNOWN, ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE, WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST, and THE SPIDER from the following year, as well as a slew of Westerns, adventure sagas, crime, and juvenile gang movies. FOUR BOYS AND A GUN is based on a 1944 novel of the same name by Willard Wiener (1900-1982) who later wrote episodes of TV’s FOUR STAR PLAYHOUSE and the like in the 1950s. Leo Townsend and Philip Yordan wrote the screenplay. While the four “boys” – Ollie, Eddie, Johnny, and Stanley – are clearly young grown-ups, the juvenile delinquent genre tag fits the presentation of their characters. These four young friends, needing cash to pay off a bookie after Ollie spent the money impressing a girl instead, decide at Ollie’s direction to hold up a boxing arena in order to obtain the necessary cash to pay off the loan. When a cop is killed during the robbery, the four are quickly found and arrested, and the district attorney is brought in to determine which of the four boys fired the fatal shot. He leaves it to the four of them to identify the shooter, or else all four will go to the electric chair – and three of them don’t know which of them that was. Albert Glasser provides a powerful score using a jazz group of 20 players (4 trumpets, 4 trombones, 5 saxophones, piano, etc.) that perfectly fits the style of the film and the attitude of the period. STREET OF SINNERS is based on a story by Philip Yordan, with a screenplay written by John McPartland (THE WILD PARTY, NO DOWN PAYMENT, THE LOST MISSILE). It’s as hard-hitting a story as FOUR BOYS AND A GUN although it focuses on a rookie cop taking over the beat on a particularly unruly downtown street. Unlike his genial predecessor, the young new officer, strictly by-the-book, is unwilling to look the other way and let the young hoodlums hanging out on the street continue to get away with minor crimes. Veteran actor George Montgomery (who starred in Glasser’s HUK! in 1956) plays officer John Dean; with Geraldine Brooks as Terry, an alcoholic divorcee hoping to get a second chance at romance with the tall, handsome beat cop; and Marilee Earle as Nancy, one of the street’s tough girls who manages to reform herself through the influence of Officer Dean, ultimately serving as the film’s leading heroine. William Harrigan plays Gus, the retiring officer who tolerated much of what happens on “Nameless” Street but finds a chance for redemption later in the story. Nehemiah Persoff is Leon, the bar owner who runs crime on the street and becomes Dean’s leading adversary, and Stephen Joyce plays Ricky, the unhappy ex-soldier who fancies himself as Nancy’s guy until he jumps at the opportunity to become Leon’s “muscle.” Another veteran actor getting his first feature film role here is Clifford Davis, whose star took off on television in the 1970s and in films during the 1980s and beyond (BILL & TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE, THE EXORCIST III, SIGNS, KINSEY). He plays Tommy, Leon’s brother and one of the toughs hanging out on Nameless Street. Glasser’s score, like that of FOUR BOYS AND A GUN, is heavily styled in jazz, but with more of a dramatic punch and a touch of noir intonations than was found in the previous movie. With few exceptions, the film’s music is music of the street – the wild, the brash, the lifestyle of the hustlers and the wannabees; Glasser’s occasional interludes are reserved for a handful of specific dramatic or emotional moments. Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed by BuySoundtrax, presents the world premiere release of THE ALBERT GLASSER COLLECTION Volume 3, featuring original music composed by Albert Glasser, mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland. The booklet contains analytical liner notes written by noted film music journalist Randall D. Larson and superb artwork by Andrea Rouleau. THE ALBERT GLASSER COLLECTION Volume 3 is a limited edition release of 500 units and is expected to begin shipping the week of October 12th, 2021. FOUR BOYS AND A GUN 1. Four Boys and a Gun Main Title 1:44 2. After the Robbery 1:29 3. At the Bar 2:30 4. Her Apartment 2:54 5. The Cops Arrive/Walk to the Chair 2:15 6. Truck Run 1:24 7. Dandelion Club 2:35 8. Ollie's Sad Story 2:09 9. Rumble at the Pool Hall 3:32 10. Bad Luck 2:20 11. Stanley's Story/Johnny and His Wife 3:40 12. Al's Bar 2:11 13. The Boys Dejected 4:31 14. 'Ten years if we are Lucky" 3:12 15. The Final Choice/Four Boys and a Gun End Credits 1:36 16. Albert Glasser Wraps-Up Four Boys and a Gun 3:04 STREET OF SINNERS 17. Street of Sinners Main Title/On the Beat/Suicide 4:54 18. Nancy and Ricky 3:41 19. Walking the Beat 2:43 20. Off Duty 3:15 21. Street Action 2:32 22. Car Trouble/Leon and Nancy 4:23 23. Night Life 2:34 24. Leon and Ricky 2:34 25. The Truth about Leon 2:38 26. Ricky's Place 2:52 27. The End of Leon and Street of Sinners End Title 3:54 28. Albert Glasser Wraps-Up Street of Sinners 1:01 Total Time: 79:20 Dragon’s Domain Records presents the original motion picture soundrack release of THE DEEP ONES, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com. THE DEEP ONES features music composed by Richard Band for the 2020 horror film directed by Chad Ferrin, based on the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and starring Gina La Plana, Robert Miano, Johann Urb, Silvia Spross, Jackie Debatin, Kellie Maroney and Nicolas Coster. After suffering an untimely loss, Alex (La Piana) and her husband Petri (Urb) visit California for a much-needed break from reality. At an unassuming AirBnB rental near Ventura Beach, they meet the mysterious Russell Marsh (Miano). Marsh introduces them to the oddly enthusiastic locals, fixes them a lavish meal and invites them out on his luxury boat. Little do they know that beneath Mr. Marsh’s thin veneer of avuncular charm lurks a dark devotion to an archaic evil. After a successful collaboration on the horror comedy EXORCISM AT 60,000 FEET in 2019, director Chad Ferrin knew there was only person to score THE DEEP ONES. Only one composer holds the record for scoring the most H.P. Lovecraft projects and it’s Richard Band, which includes his music for RE-ANIMATOR, FROM BEYOND, THE RESURRECTED and a memorable episode of MASTERS OF HORROR. Richard Band was born in Los Angeles on December 28, 1953. He is the son of film producer-director-writer Albert Band (THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE – screen adaptation), brother to producer-distributor Charles Band and uncle to young rock star Alex Band of the rock group ‘The Calling’. Shortly after his brother Charles had formed his first movie company, Richard decided to take a break from music and began to work as an assistant director on some of his films. He then went from assistant director to production manager, to associate producer and finally producer on over 13 films. Richard has since gone on to score over 75 feature films and many television productions including multiple episodes of STARGATE SG-1, WALKER: TEXAS RANGER and Disney's SING ME A STORY series. Richard has composed the music for more than 10 interactive computer/video games over the years and has had many soundtracks that have been released of his film works. Richard has also scored many documentaries including the award-winning series’ MOST DECORATED, BRUTE FORCE and WEAPONS OF WAR and has also contributed much music to other series’ like THE REAL WEST, CIVIL WAR JOURNALS and BIOGRAPHIES. His experience over the years has brought him to record over 22 film scores with internationally renowned orchestras such as THE ROYAL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, THE LONDON SYMPHONY and THE ROME PHILHARMONIC. He has also had his music recorded in Prague, Romania, Croatia and Munich. In more recent years, Richard has also enjoyed scoring a variety of family and comedy films for Viacom and Paramount Pictures as well as hundreds of animated vignettes for the WB kid's network all of which were scored with orchestra. His musical talents can also be heard on several amusement park rides including ALIENS - THE RIDE as well as several Vegas venues. Among the many interactive games Richard has scored the music for STAR TREK, WATERWORLD, CASPER, STONEKEEP, DECENT UNDER MOUNTAIN, CLAYFIGHTER and INVICTUS: THE SHADOW OF OLYMPUS. Dragon’s Domain Records presents the original motion picture soundtrack to THE DEEP ONES, digitally mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland, featuring liner notes written by composer and author Brian Satterwhite. THE DEEP ONES is a limited edition release of 500 units. THE DEEP ONES is expected to begin shipping the week of October 12th, 2021. The first 50 copies ordered through the buysoundtrax.com website will be autographed by the composer at no extra charge. 1. The Deep Ones - Main Title (2:30) 2. The Drive / The Colony / Alex’s Bad Dream (3:17) 3. Finley Calls Doc / Petri’s Hypnotized (3:47) 4. Below Deck / Pittle Time / Mom Surprises Alex (2:59) 5. Mom’s Run (6:39) 6. Party A (2:28) 7. It’s Cuban Time (2:41) 8. Hypnotized Again / Leaving Party / Little Girl (5:33) 9. Deb’s Death (4:56) 10. Alex / Kitchen (6:02) 11. Alex Runs (3:54) 12. The Ritual (1:45) 13. The Deep Ones - End Title (3:25) BONUS TRACKS 14. Party Source #1 (1:45) 15. Party B (2:40) Total Time: 54:57 Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents the original motion picture soundtracks to SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II & III, featuring music composed by Chuck Cirino for the 1995 horror sequels directed by Jim Wynorski, written by Mark Thomas McGee, J.B. Rogers and Bob Sheridan, and starring Gail Thackray, along with Wynorski regulars such as Deborah Dutch, Toni Naples, Kelli Maroney and Monique Gabrielle, not to mention Peter Spellos as Orville Ketchum. SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II began life one day when director Jim Wynorski noticed some sets were available at Roger Corman’s studios. After getting permission to film on the sets from Roger’s wife, Julie, while they were out of town and under the condition that Roger not find out, Wynorski wrote, cast and filmed under the title JIM WYNORSKI’S HOUSE OF BABES with no producer supervision. The Cormans were pleasantly surprised at how well the film had turned out and thought it would be easier to sell if it were a sequel to an existing film but neither of these sequels have anything to do with Carol Frank’s SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE, released in 1986. In SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II, five college girls buy the old Hokstedter place for their new sorority house. Once the site of a multiple murder five years earlier, the girls are able to get a good price on the house. The girls decide to spend the night in the house so they can greet the movers in the morning. Before you can consult your Ouija board or take a really long shower, the girls are being creeped on by neighbor from Hell Orville Ketchum, who also happens to ply his trade as a butcher. Released in 1993, SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE III, also known as HARD TO DIE, actually does not take place anywhere near a sorority house but finds at least five college girls who work in the high rise building of the Acme Lingerie Company working overtime one evening. A package mistakenly arrives at the office and one of the girls make the fatal mistake of opening the package, releasing an evil spirit that begins to pursue them. Peter Spellos returns as Orville Ketchum in his newfound role as building janitor. SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II & III continues the longtime collaboration between filmmaker Jim Wynorski and composer Chuck Cirino, which includes films such as CHOPPING MALL, DEATHSTALKER II, NOT OF THIS EARTH, TRANSYLVANIA TWIST, RETURN OF SWAMP THING, A DOGGONE CHRISTMAS, A DOGGONE HOLLYWOOD and, most recently, A DOGGONE ADVENTURE. Chuck Cirino did not start his career as a composer, but rather as a programmer in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania for a Public Access cable TV station, where he learned how to create TV shows by himself, without a crew. In his spare time, he experimented with the station’s video equipment and created a series of genre productions that allowed him the opportunity to learn how to incorporate special effects into his work. After relocating to California, Cirino transitioned into directing high-end special effects television commercials. His first work as composer was for the 1980 cult film GYPSY ANGELS, which starred Vanna White and Richard Roundtree. Since then he has scored films for Roger Corman, directed music videos for bands like Earth, Wind & Fire and The Dickies’ KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE, and has recorded over 40 music soundtracks for feature films including SORCERESS, HARD TO DIE, TRANSYLVANIA TWIST, and many others. Most recently, he has scored A DOGGONE CHRISTMAS, A DOGGONE HOLLYWOOD and A DOGGONE ADVENTURE. Chuck has worked as a producer, director, filmmaker, videographer, animator, special effects technician, editor, and composer. He executive produces and directs WEIRD TV, a television series featuring weird Americans, bizarre news, unbelievable events and outlandish skits. Chuck’s credits also include executive producer and director of the Sci Fi Channel projects, WORLDWIDE WEIRD and WARPED IN SPACE, and BABERELLAS, an independent Sci Fi feature distributed by Xenon Pictures. Dragon’s Domain Records is excited to bring SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II & III to compact disc for the first time, mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland with exclusive liner notes by composer and author Brian Satterwhite, with the participation of the composer. SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II & III is a limited edition release of 500 units. As a special offer, the first 50 people to order the album from the record label’s website will have their copy autographed by the composer at no additional charge. This title is expected to ship on the week of October 12th. 1. Sorority House Massacre II: Main Title (3:12) 2. This is the Place / Orville Appears (1:48) 3. Hokstedter’s Funhouse (2:46) 4. You’ll be Needing Me / Squeaky Clean (1:47) 5. Spooky Basement (3:26) 6. Peeping Orville / Ouja (2:45) 7. Spooky Kids (1:54) 8. Bumps In the Night / Spooky Bear Traps (5:49) 9. Bad Basement / Blood Face (3:11) 10. It’s Got To Be Orville! (3:09) 11. Toilet Death (4:17) 12. Bathtub and Basement Blues (4:33) 13. Hokstedter’s Revenge / Orville’s Big Rescue (5:11) 14. This Man is Not Dead! (1:20) 15. Sorority House Massacre II: End Credits (2:36) Total Time: 48:22 CD 2 - SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE III 01. Hard to Die: Main Title (2:54) 02. Enter Orville / Flash Back (4:28) 03. Zombie Movie Source Cue (1:37) 04. The Box / The Basement (8:28) 05. The Girls Start to Die (7:24) 06. Going For the Gun / Orville Returns / Elevator Drop (10:33) 07. From the Basement to the Roof / Over the Edge (3:56) 08. Still Alive / Shoot Out (3:36) 09. Final Confrontation / Orville Saves the Day (4:40) 10. A Beginning (1:01) 11. End Cast (1:06) 12. Hard to Die: End Credits (2:20) 13. A Beginning (Alternate Mix) (1:05) 14. End Cast (Alternate Mix) (1:00) Total Time: 54:45
  14. Mein liebster Film-Review-Kanal Red Letter Media hat sich einem Ranking aller John-Carpenter-Filme angenommen. Teil 2 und 3 folgen sicherlich die nächsten Tage/Wochen bis Halloween.
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