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Sony Classical: James Horner - THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN

Marcus Stöhr

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... und jetzt wissen wir auch warum der Chor synthetisch hat klingen müssen, man wollte diesen Sound bekommen ...

Dann hätte der Chor echt sein müssen, bei Enya ist er das auch. ;)

@ Thomas "The sun in the stream" klingt aber eher nach "My heart will go on" als "Book of Days", das ist eher die Titanic-Auslauf-Musik. :D

Bei Filmtracks gibt es dazu folgendes zu lesen:

The score that Cameron sought for Titanic was radically unconventional, bypassing the typical orchestral weight that would be expected for a period drama of this magnitude. Massive brass fanfares with sweeping string interludes were exactly what he did not want. Instead, he concentrated on accentuating the love story and Irish undertones of both the Jack Dawson character and the ship's origins by choosing the new age, Celtic sounds popularized by Enya, Clannad, and several other artists popular in the 1990's.

The resulting temp track for several portions of Titanic would feature the music of Enya and, most specifically, the song "Book of Days" that had not only been released on her album, "Shepherd Moons," but had been featured successfully in Ron Howard's 1992 film Far and Away. There has always been speculation about the method by which composer James Horner came to receive a seven-figure salary for the composition and recording of the score. There were unconfirmed reports that Cameron had approached Enya directly to provide vocals for the score, though the same reports indicate that she withdrew from the process after learning that Horner would be writing the material (rather than Enya being allowed to write her own score). The more interesting aspect of Titanic for film score fans was the apparent reconciliation between Horner and Cameron, who had not parted on good terms after the post-production disagreements of Aliens a decade before. Horner's track record of writing scores saturated with both the tones of Ireland and Scotland in the 1990's was well known, with an apparent obsession on the cultural influence forcing the tones of uillean pipes and whistles, among other instruments, into scores that didn't really require their contributions. While this somewhat tiresome habit by Horner severely bothered many of the composer's detractors, Cameron must have seen a perfect fit with his intended Celtic, new age sound and instructed Horner --who agreed with Cameron on the unconventional direction of the music-- to follow the guidelines of the temp track. Horner was also skilled in the adaptation of existing music into films with just enough variation to avoid legal troubles, though Horner does remain one of the few composers ever to be sued for plagiarism. He succeeds at this task with better efficiency in some projects than others, with perhaps the most laughable adaptation coming over the credits of Red Heat. His score for Titanic would sound very much, in parts, like Enya's music, and despite significant talk about a possible lawsuit and settlement between Enya and Horner, no such event has been officially reported.

There remains much speculation about whether Eithne Patricia Ni Bhraonain (not quite as marketable a name as "Enya") could have received damages from Horner for copyright infringement in Titanic. Enough mainstream viewers were duped into thinking that they were listening to Enya during the film that a case might have been merited. The chart-topping new age artist was referred to by agents at the time as "the plaintiff," and while she would not receive the public recognition for inspiring the soundtrack for Titanic that she deserved, she would eventually be nominated for an Academy Award herself for the song in the first The Lord of the Rings installment (though she would, in an act of sad but appropriate justice, lose to the long overdue Randy Newman). For Horner, Titanic would net him the only two Oscar wins in the first three decades of his career (for both score and song), and backstage after his win, he answered a question about Enya by stating that he simply used the same genre of music rather than Enya herself. With that comment, he brushed aside the controversy and has been estimated to personally profit to the sum of $30 million from the immense popularity of the two albums for the soundtrack.

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Kann man jetzt deuten wie man will:

Webb reveals that he just heard James Horner’s first cue for the film and he calls it “spectacular.” I also tried to find out what songs would be in the movie and if he went after any bands, but Webb just smiled and wouldn’t answer.

Quelle: http://collider.com/...terview/153084/

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ach ich glaub da muss man sich keine Sorgen machen, dass Jamies Musik rausgeworfen wird... der wird soviel gekostet haben, da is kein Geld fürn Rescore da... und ausserdem weiss Horner nun wirklich was er tut...

ach das wird super, bin da ganz zuversichtlich... vielleicht hat er sich ja bestenfalls rocketeer mal wieder angehört hahaha

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  • 4 Wochen später...

An dieser Stelle vergleiche ich mal Danny Elfman´s HULK mit Craig Armstrong´s HULK.

Film wie Musik passen jeweils perfekt zusammen.

Dem Trailer zu AMAZING SPIDER-MAN nach, wird der Film mehr ''ernster'', mehr ''realistischer'' betrieben, wärend die vorhergehende Spider-Man-Trilogy schon ein wenig Comedy-durchzogen war. (man denke an die Szene im ersten Teil, wie Pete zum erstenmal sein Netz ausprobieren möchte und Dinge wie: ''fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieg''; ''shazam''; ''auf auf und davon'' etc.) von sich gibt.

Craig Armstrong´s HULK war im Gegensatz zu Elfman´s HULK diese geweisse mehr ''ernstere'', ''realistischere'' Variante. So klingt dann auch der Score.

Vergleichen wir also Elfman´s Spider-man mit dem von James Horner.......Leute, da kommt ein Knüller auf uns zu!!!

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Amstrongs Hulk fehlten aber die wunderschönen ethnischen Frauenklänge, die Elfman's Score mal erfrischend anders gemacht haben...

Ich selbst hab auch nix gegen Frauenstimmen.

Es sollte auch keine Kritik an Elfman´s Score sein, zumal ich ihn voll bewundere.

Wollte nur ein Vergleich zwischen Comedy und Ernsthaftigkeit verdeutlichen, um sich eventuell eine kleine Vorfantasie zu machen, wie James Horner´s Musik zu einem comedyfreien Film sein könnte.

Im übrigen hätten Frauenklänge in Armstrong´s HULK nicht unbedingt gepasst, finde ich. Dafür hat er Joe Harnell´s ''The lonely man'' mit eingebunden.

Und wenn man bei Elfman´s Hulk genau hinhört, Harnell´s Musik kennt, kann man da auch etwas Harnellsches raushören. Beseonders im Main Title ;)

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  • 2 Wochen später...

sowas wird aber schon eher 2-3 monate vorher aufgenommen... das sieht mir ja nicht nach ner Chaosproduktion aus und Horner lässt sich vertraglich auch ne Menge Zeit zusichern, der nimmt doch allein 2 Wochen immer auf oder so... kann mir schon vorstellen das is alles fertig...

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Ja, wie zum Bespiel ein 9 Minuten- Cue, wie hier Peter Boyer, einer der Orchestratoren schreibt..

Peter Boyer

2 hours ago

Just orchestrated a 9-minute cue for "The Amazing Spider-Man," which was recorded on Sunday--my first time orchestrating on a score for James Horner. Proud to be working on a team with folks like JAC Redford and Simon Franglen. Looking forward to the movie's release on July 3!

Quelle: https://www.facebook...61921173&type=1

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Gast Stefan Jania

"Peter Boyer" hat mir jetzt auf Anhieb nichts gesagt. Nach Textsuche in meinem Archiv habe ich vier Einträge gefunden. Zum einen bei den drei Giacchino-CDs in meiner Sammlung (Star Trek, Super 8, John Carter), zum anderen bei Kamens Open Range. Hm, und jetzt bei Horner? Interesting.

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"Peter Boyer" hat mir jetzt auf Anhieb nichts gesagt. Nach Textsuche in meinem Archiv habe ich vier Einträge gefunden. Zum einen bei den drei Giacchino-CDs in meiner Sammlung (Star Trek, Super 8, John Carter), zum anderen bei Kamens Open Range. Hm, und jetzt bei Horner? Interesting.

Laut IMDB gut im Geschäft als Orchestrator und gelegentlich auch Doku-Musik-Komponist. Hat angeblich auch an der WINGS-Restaurierung gearbeitet.

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Kommt bei Sony Classical raus:

The first TV spot for the upcoming comic book adaptation of The Amazing Spider-Man reveals that Sony Classical will be releasing the score album for the reboot of the film series. The film’s music is composed by James Horner. No more details about the soundtrack release are currently available, but check back on this site for up-to-date information on one of the most anticipated scores of the summer. The Amazing Spider-Man is directed by Marc Webb and stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy and Rhys Ifans as The Lizard, as well as Martin Sheen, Sally Field and Denis Leary. The movie portrays Parker as he is developing his super powers in high school. The superhero adventure is set to be released on July 3, 2012 by Sony Pictures. Check out the first TV spot below and visit the official movie website for updates on the film
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