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Kurz & knapp: Sammelthread für "kleine" Veröffentlichungen


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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Mephisto:

Interessant, ich dachte, auf der Hülle steht nur "Isolated Music Track" und nicht, wie sonst "Music and Effects Track". Weißt Du denn, wie es um die anderen Dunings bei TWILIGHT TIME steht? Also PICNIC und COWBOY? Die sind ja auch mit "Isolated Music Track" gekennzeichnet. Von Effekten steht da nichts.

Da es von PICNIC und COWBOY früher LPs gab, ist es klar, daß davon bei Columbia/Sony sicher noch Originalbänder erhalten sind. Die Situation ist allerdings bei TWO RODE TOGETHER - und auch beim Anthony Mann-Western THE MAN FROM LARAMIE von 1955 - komplett anders, da es davon früher nie was auf Tonträger gegeben hat. Und in 90% der Fälle hat das Columbia-Studio aus dieser Zeit der 50er und frühen 60er dann auch keine reinen Musik-Tracks mehr archiviert. Ausnahmen wie ON THE WATERFRONT oder FACE OF A FUGITIVE bestätigen die Regel.
Meiner Erinnerung nach stand damals an 2014, als TWO RODE TOGETHER auf Twilight Time erschien, auf der SAE-Webseite schon auch Isolated Music and Effects Track dabei. Irgendwie scheint dann aber wohl eine Verwirrung entstanden zu sein und manche hielten das für einen isolierten Score ohne Effekte. Dann hat Masters of Cinema in England an 2017 nochmals eine Edition veröffentlicht mit in etwa demselben Bonusmaterial und da steht dann auch wirklich "Isolated Music and Effects Track" dabei. Es kann aber eigentlich nicht sein, daß nur auf der einen Ausgabe der isolierte Score drauf sein soll.

Ich habe meine CD-R mit dem M&E-Track der Blu-Ray vor etwa 5 Jahren mal von einem spanischen Sammler erhalten, der Duning-Fan ist. Und es ist wirklich nicht viel, was man da so an Geräuschen hört - das ist eigentlich minimal und bis auf vielleicht zwei, drei Stellen nicht groß störend.
Den Music and Effects-Track von MAN WITH LARAMIE habe ich nicht, aber da scheinen wie man so liest mehr Effekte zu hören zu sein.

Jedenfalls mochte ich die Duning-Musik zu TWO RODE TOGETHER schon immer sehr gern und das Hauptthema ist einfach herrlich. Da möchte man doch am liebsten gleich mitreiten:

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Bei Dunings Westernmusiken wäre ich auch dabei, wenn da irgendwas möglich wäre, auch mit moderner Mastering und "Renovierungstechnologie" bei der Nutzung von Stems. (Wäre Goliath Awaits eine gepresste CD, hätte ich sicher auch zugegriffen)

Diese Scores könnte man heutzutage vermutlich noch am besten in einer Westernbox vermarkten, wie das früher mehrfach FSM und dann auch LLL mit dem Paramount-Set vorgemacht hat.

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Trekfan:

Diese Scores könnte man heutzutage vermutlich noch am besten in einer Westernbox vermarkten, wie das früher mehrfach FSM und dann auch LLL mit dem Paramount-Set vorgemacht hat.

So wie die Lage heutzutage auf dem Soundtrackmarkt wirklich ist und wie sich die US-Labels fast nur noch nach dem Massengeschmack orientieren - bestes Beispiel aktuell TOP GUN - kann ich an so was gar nicht mehr glauben. Sofern der Komponist nicht Goldsmith heißt, wird sich kein US-Label mehr alte Western-Scores vornehmen, die zum Großteil nur noch in Form von M&E-Tracks vorliegen. Und eben von Duning schon gleich zweimal nicht. Selbst bei COWBOY, den es ja auf LP gab, hat es ein Label wie Disques Cinémusique in Kanada gebraucht, damit diesen Score überhaupt jemand mal auf CD herausbringt. Einfach verrückt.
Und warum kommt GOLIATH AWAITS? Weil es sich wie so oft um Science Fiction handelt, und es wie man jetzt wieder anhand der FSM-Postings sieht, für dieses Genre immer noch so einige Fans gibt, die die Musik vom TV-Film her kennen und sie als Souvenir haben wollen. Schau Dir dagegen mal an, wie viele auf die Dragon´s Domain-Veröffentlichung von Ernest Golds TOM HORN vor ein paar Monaten reagiert hatten. So gut wie kaum jemand, weil eben auch die Fans älterer US-Western im Lauf der Zeit immer weniger werden.

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Da bin ich ganz bei dir, für diese Dunings bräuchte man im Boxformat noch wenigstens einen Aufhänger, so wie das bei der Paramount Box natürlich der noch von einigen Leuten herbeigesehnte Nevada Smith war. Das mit Duning ist jetzt auch bei mir nur Wunschdenken. Aber du siehst ja, selbst bei dem "SciFi" Duning reicht es nicht mehr zur gepressten CD (und zu einer Linzenz, den Infos auf dem Backcover nach zu urteilen).


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Aber bedeutet dass, dass Twilight Time lediglich die auf der LP veröffentlichten Stücke auf den Film legen konnten, oder waren noch die vollständigen Bänder erhältlich? Disques Cinémusique scheint aber nur einen Download angeboten zu haben. Weder auf soundtrackcollector, noch auf discogs finde ich hier einen Eintrag zu einer CD.

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Ach ja, stimmt, das war ja schon die Zeit als Disques Cinémusique nur noch auf digitalen Download umgeschwenkt hat. Insofern gibt es überhaupt keine CD-Veröffentlichung von COWBOY. Hinzu kommt natürlich noch das Problem mit dem Universal-Brand an 2008, wo viele Decca-LP-Master wohl vernichtet wurden.
Es dürfte bei den beiden Blu-Rays schon die jeweils komplette Musik von PICNIC und COWBOY als isolierter Musik-Track oben sein, denn es macht keinen Sinn, die LP-Schnitte da anzulegen. Erstens ist das mit UMG bezüglich der Tonträger ein anderer Rechteinhaber und zweitens auch ein völlig anderes Archiv als das von Columbia/Sony. Ich nehme aber einfach an, daß aufgrund der damaligen LPs man bei Columbia gerade diese Scores eben eher aufbewahrt hatte als anderes, das nie für eine Tonträger-Veröfffentlichung bestimmt war. Denn sonst wären diese beiden isolierten Scores auf Blu-Ray ja gar nicht möglich.
Vorsicht ist allerdings bei der Twilight Time Blu-Ray von ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA geboten. Ich weiß nicht, ob Du vorhast, Dir diese Blu-Ray wegen angeblich isoliertem Tiomkin-Score auch zuzulegen. Ich habs vor Jahren gemacht und war schwer enttäuscht, da die Angabe mit "isolated score" hierbei mehr oder weniger ein Witz ist. Es ist zwar ein isolierter Track dabei, aber der enthält hauptsächlich Musik aus Rimksy-Korsakows "Scheherazade" sowie synthetische Library-Musik und nur wenig Tiomkin (eben da, wo kein Dialog im Film selbst vorkommt). Der Grund dafür ist, daß der originale M&E-Track schon längst nicht mehr existiert und das Studio - in dem Fall wohl die Fox, die den verliehen hat, obwohl es ursprünglich eine Allied Artists-Produktion war - eben für Synchronisationen im Ausland vor langer Zeit schon einen neuen M&E-Track angefertigt hat.
Ich hatte das vor 5 Jahren mal im FSM Board angesprochen und von Mike Matessino dann diese Antwort dazu erhalten:
"The music tracks do not exist at all and there was never an original M&E created. There are thousands of what are called "filled" M&E's created by studios later for foreign language use. The music can be retained as-is, obviously, for any sections where there is no dialogue, but otherwise dialogue is covered by tracking music from other parts of the movie, putting in library music, or having no music at all! My recollection on this title is that when no music elements could be located, Twilight Time elected to include the M&E "as-is" from the HD master that the studio provided."

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Da haben die bei DC 2015 offenbar die Produktion eines gepressten CD für nicht mehr lohnenswert erachtet.

Von einem anderen kanadischen (Bootleg-) Label kam 2007 der die Tage in einem anderen Thread angesprochene Around The World In Eighty Days, der wohl wichtigste Score von Victor Young. Das war damals auf dem Höhepunkt des "Kampfes gegen die Bootlegs". Das wäre natürlich schön gewesen, diese Musik auf LLL oder Intrada zu sehen, das wird aber natürlich nicht mehr passieren. Jedenfalls ist das eine sehr schöne Produktion mit sehr gutem Booklet gewesen. Produziert hat es Didier C. Deutsch, der viel für Sony/Columbia gemacht hat, im Booklet werden auch bekannte Namen wie David Wishart und Beth Krakower erwähnt. Tja, und trotz der ganzen Schreierei damals um Bootlegs, Kanada, EU-Recht usw. wurde diese CD sogar auch bei Screen Archives vertrieben, wo ich sie damals auch gekauft habe.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Trekfan:

Da haben die bei DC 2015 offenbar die Produktion eines gepressten CD für nicht mehr lohnenswert erachtet.

Offiziell hatte Clément Fontaine sich im Juli 2015 von CD-Veröffentlichungen verabschiedet:

Mit CD-Editionen, die nur Vinyl-Rips alter US-LPs - und hier überwiegend Decca-LPs aus den 50ern - beinhalteten, war allerdings schon Ende 2012 Schluß. DCM wollte ja noch ANASTASIA mit DIARY OF ANNE FRANK auf CD koppeln, mußte diese geplante Veröffentlichung aber dann ziemlich schnell wieder zurückziehen - entweder ist da UMG eingeschritten oder es war, weil es an 2013 noch eine weitere ANNE FRANK-CD von diesem Reel Gone Music-Label gab. Späterhin an 2015 haben sie beide Titel aber dann doch noch digital gebracht.
So ab 2013 ist Clément Fontaine wieder auf sein eigentliches Spezialgebiet, nämlich französische Filmmusik, umgestiegen. Und die zum Teil herausragenden Sachen, die dann noch auf CD kamen wie etwa Sarde´s HELLÉ oder Pierre Jansen´s LA DENTELLIÈRE, sind zum Großteil wieder völlig korrekt lizenziert worden - diese beiden Titel etwa bei Sugar/CAM in Italien. In der Zeit 2013/2014 habe ich auch noch einiges von DCM gekauft, was sich wirklich gelohnt hat. Und dann kam an 2015 dieser komplette Umstieg auf digital, da diese älteren französischen, meist auf 300 oder 350 Stück limitierten Scores, auf CD natürlich überhaupt kein kommerzieller Erfolg mehr waren und es sich für das Label nicht mehr gelohnt, hat, diese Schiene weiter zu verfolgen..

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Wegen einer Anfrage bei Facebook zur Amazon-Prime-Serie "Die rote Königin", welches Musikstück da ab und zu gepfiffen wird,
habe ich da mal reingeschaut und bin da echt dran hängen geblieben - die Spanier verstehen es halt, gekonnte Thriller zu produzieren,
auch wenn es hier ab und an etwas seltsam anmutende Szenen gibt.
Auch beim eigentlichen Score von Victor Reyes (beim Pfeifstück handelt es sich um Peer Gynt "In the Hall of the Mountain King" von Edward Grieg) wurde ich hellhörig.
Empfand ich als durchaus passend und ein Ohr wert


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  • 2 Wochen später...

Geil! Bester Kauf seit Langem:



Wer auf die Hintergrundmusik von Manfred Rürup der Hörspiele vom Tonstudio EUROPA steht, dem wird auch dieser Soundtrack gefallen. Zwar beinhaltet dieser eine andere Art von Ensemblemusik (mehr Brass-Sektion und orchestraler), aber trotzdem werden leichte Hörspielmusik-Gefühle wach. An manche Titel erinnere ich mich noch durch die TV-Serie.

Die Lieder sind in englisch gesungen, auch wenn das Tele 80 Album mit französischem Titel ein Re-Recording auf französisch vermuten lässt (was ja auch oft der Fall ist bei deren Alben).

Auf alle Fälle ist das Album für mich ein schönes 70er Jahre TV-Musik Highlight!

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Derzeit gibt es einige digitale Veröffentlichungen von Piero Piccioni Soundtracks aus dem Piccioni Archiv, die sich zum Teil stark von den CD-Veröffentlichungen unterscheiden.

-L'Imprevisto (einige neue Lieder, aber es fehlen leider auch viele schöne Lieder der CD)

-Soraya - I Tre Volti (im Bonusmaterial nach dem LP-Programm sind fast nur Lieder, die nicht auf der CD waren. Dafür fehlen einige der Bonuslieder der CD)

-Nata Di Marzo (mehr Lieder als auf der CD)

-Gioventu' di notte (Neu)

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All die Piccionis werden ja seit einigen Monaten vom Piccioni-Sohn Jason Piccioni digital reingestellt - als CD auf seinem Camille 3000-Label macht er davon wohl nichts mehr. Der sehr schöne NATA DI MARZO von 1958 ist mir vor zwei Wochen auch aufgefallen - das ist genau die Version, die ich schon seit mehr als 15 Jahren auf einer CD-R habe - damals auch direkt aus dem Piccioni-Archiv erhalten. Ich hatte mich dann auch ein wenig geärgert als 2011 die offizielle CD von Legend kam, wo leider mehr als die Hälfte von dem, was ich schon kannte, dann fehlte - aber Maurizio Buttazzoni, der das Legend-Label damals managte, konnte eben nur das bringen, was im Laurentiis-Archiv von der Musik überhaupt noch vorhanden war und das waren eben nur diese knapp 20 Minuten.
Bei der neuen digitalen Fassung von L´IMPREVISTO fehlt dagegen in der Tat sehr viel. Da hatte Roberto Zamori an 2007 für die Dagored-CD doch deutlich mehr zur Verfügung, was er über den Zafire-Musikverlag wohl Jahre davor schon privat erhalten hatte.

Danke noch für den Hinweis auf GIOVENTU`DI NOTTE. Das habe ich noch gar nicht gesehen, daß dieser Titel nun plötzlich auch digital greifbar ist.

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Music Composed by Alexeï Aïgui

In collaboration with SBS Productions, Music Box Records presents the original motion picture soundtrack of Le Tableau volé (Auction), composed by Alexei Aigui (The Truth, I Am Not Your Negro). The film is directed by Pascal Bonitzer (Small Cuts). 

André Masson (Alex Lutz), an auctioneer at the famous Scottie’s auction house, receives a letter one day stating that a painting by Egon Schiele has been discovered in Mulhouse at the home of a young worker Martin (Arcadi Radeff). Very skeptical, he makes the trip and has to face the truth: the painting is authentic, a masterpiece gone missing since 1939, confiscated by the Nazis. André sees this discovery as the pinnacle of his career, but also the beginning of a struggle that could jeopardize it. Fortunately, he will be assisted by his ex-wife and colleague Bertina (Léa Drucker), and by his eccentric intern Aurore (Louise Chevillotte).

For this art-world thriller and a study in human nature, Alexei Aigui provides a short delicate and dramatic score with his regular unrivalled style. Le Tableau volé is released in French theaters on May 1, 2024. The album is available on CD and digital version.

This present edition also features the three other original motion picture soundtracks composed by Alexei Aigui for Pascal Bonitzer's films Je pense à vous, Le Grand Alibi and Cherchez Hortense (previously released on Music Box Records in 2014) with some previously unreleased tracks.

1. Le Tableau volé (0:57)
2. Aurore (1:42)
3. Arrivée à Paris (2:23)
4. Aurore et son père (0:53)
5. Les appels (1:08)
6. Dispute (1:25)
7. L’arnaque (1:08)
8. Conversations (1:30)
9. Martin (1:09)
10. Lettre de Martin (2:20)

11. Générique début (1:48)
12. Anne sort du métro (1:08)
13. Anne seule (2:08)
14. La nuit (1:33)
15. Générique de fin (3:02)

16. Le Grand Alibi (1:53)
17. Générique début (2:31)
18. Soupçons (1:32)
19. Révélations (1:44)
20. Le lieu du crime (2:02)
21. Dénouement (3:33)
22. Générique de fin (3:36)

23. Zoritsa et Damien (3:00)
24. Damien va voir son père (3:12)
25. Cherchez Hortense (Nuit) (1:19)
26. La tristesse de Damien (3:55)
27. Zoritsa part (2:21)
28. Générique de fin (3:27)

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zur blutrünstigen Vampirballerina Horrorcomedy hat Brian Tyler seinen wohl besten Horrorscore geschrieben, normalerweise mag ich dessen Horrorwerke nicht, aber hier gibts nen schönes Thema, das immer wieder vorkommt, bisschen pseudoklassisch und nen paar flotte Actionstücke. Da der Film eher einen humorvollen Ton hat gibt es eigentlich wenig Stalk and Slash Horrorattacken, alles ist entweder Suspense oder actionlastig... mit 90min wieder zu lang, aber kann man sich ja was rauseditieren:


Die Suite und Lend me a Hand sind sicherlich die Highlights (die Szene zu Lend me a hand ist auch eine wirklich sehr lustige over the top Actionszene)

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Citadel Records, a division of BSX Records, presents FRANZ WAXMAN: LEGENDARY HOLLYWOOD VOL. 1, featuring music from several films from the composer’s lengthy filmography, focusing on Westerns and World War II centered films. The music is performed by the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Richard Mills.


Composer, conductor and impresario,

 Franz Waxman was best known for his prolific career as a composer for the motion picture industry, spanning 150 scores throughout the 1930-1960s. Waxman won two Oscars for Best Score, was nominated twelve times and was the first to receive the honor in two consecutive years. Waxman was also an accomplished concert composer and conductor. In 1947, Waxman founded the Los Angeles Music Festival and, over the course of two decades, used it as a platform to champion American composers and introduce significant international composers with over seventy premieres, including work by Stravinsky, Shoenberg and Shostakowitz. His massive filmography includes legendary films such as BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, REBECCA, SUSPICION, WOMAN OF THE YEAR, SUNSET BLVD, A PLACE IN THE SUN, THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS, SAYONARA, PEYTON PLACE, THE NUN’S STORY, THE STORY OF RUTH, MY GEISHA, TARAS BULBA and many, many more.

Richard Mills is a central figure in Australia’s musical life. He is one of the country’s most frequently commissioned and performed composers and a regular guest conductor of all Australia’s leading orchestras. Mills pursued his advanced musical studies under Edmund Rubbra (composition) and Gilbert Webster (percussion) at the Guildhall School of Music, London. He is currently the artistic director of Victorian Opera, and formerly artistic director of the West Australian Opera and artistic consultant with Orchestra Victoria. He was commissioned by the Victoria State Opera to write his opera SUMMER OF THE SEVENTEENTH DOLL and by Opera Australia to write the opera BATAVIA.

Since its first concert in March, 1947, the Queensland Symphony Orchestra has established itself as a major cultural force within the city of Brisbane and the state of Queensland, Australia. Over 100,000 people attend more than 100 performances by the orchestra each year.

This series of recordings is a natural progression from SUNSET BOULEVARD: THE CLASSIC FILM SCORES BY FRANZ WAXMAN, which Charles Gerhardt recorded with the National Philharmonic for RCA in the 1970s. Like that disc, most of the music heard in this series was faithfully reconstructed from the original scores especially for these recordings. Originally presented as four volumes of LEGENDS OF HOLLYWOOD: FRANZ WAXMAN on compact disc by Varese Sarabande in the 1990s, those volumes have become very scarce over the years. Citadel Records, a division of BSX Records, is proud to bring these recordings back into the marketplace in a series of new volumes with the music newly remastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland and liner notes written by John Waxman and author Randall Larson.

Franz Waxman: Legendary Hollywood Vol. 1  is a limited edition release of 500 units and is expected to begin shipping the week of May 3rd.

Music From Red Mountain, Cimarron and The Indian Fighter

3. UNTAMED 7:18
Suite: Prelude; Capetown Street; By the River; Vorwarts & Finale

4. THE FURIES 7:01
Suite: Prelude; Juan & Vance; The Mark Of The Furies;
The Romance Revived & The King Of The Furies
5. TASK FORCE Liberty Fanfare 0:50
6. DESTINATION TOKYO 6:22 A Montage For Orchestra
7. HOTEL BERLIN Cafe Waltzes 8:32
Suite: Prelude; Main Title; Final Scene; End Cast
Suite: Prelude; Take-Off; In the Plane; Jumping; The Patrol;
Stop Firing; No Landing; Up the Hill; Invasion; Retreat; Finale
Total Time: 62:33



Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE, featuring music composed by Morton Stevens for the 1979 television miniseries directed by Michael O’Herlihy, developed for television by Gwen Bagni and Paul Dubov. The cast included Leslie Uggams, Olivia Cole, Louis Gossett Jr., Robert Hooks, Bill Overton, David Downing Celeste Holm, Lee Grant, Larry Gates, Jan Sterling, Eileen Heckart, John Anderson, Harry Morgan, Estelle Parsons, Barbara Barrie, Andrew Duggan, Leslie Nielsen, Hari Rhodes, George Kennedy, Ed Flanders, Victor Buono, Barry Sullivan, Paul Winfield and Robert Vaughn.

BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE was a 1979 NBC television miniseries presented in four parts and based on the 1961 book ‘My Thirty Years Backstairs At The White House’ by Lillian Rogers Parks (with Frances Spatz Leighton). The series, produced by Ed Friendly Productions, was the story of behind-the-scenes workings of the White House and the relationship between the staff and the First Families. BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE was nominated for 11 Emmy Awards at the 31st Primetime Emmy Awards, winning for Outstanding Achievement in Make-up.

At its heart, BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE is a story about resilience, self-sacrifice, and the enduring human spirit. Through its diverse cast of historical characters, the series celebrates the unsung heroes whose contributions often go unnoticed in the annals of American history. Whether it's the dedicated housemaids, the skilled chefs, or the loyal butlers, each member of the White House staff plays a vital role in upholding the traditions and dignity of the presidential residence.

The music for BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE was crafted by composer extraordinaire Morton Stevens. Stevens gained industry-wide recognition for his work as the composer for the mega-hit television series HAWAII FIVE-O, which boasted one of the most recognizable themes in the history of television. Stevens’ music for BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE is a veritable journey through six decades of period-accurate American folk music, with a European romantic twist. The modest-sized orchestra helps to create a close intimacy between the characters on screen and the audience. The main theme, often expressed in the upper strings, is peppered throughout the entirety of the series. The individual presidential administrations are scored as if each were its own “episode” within the larger framework of the narrative. There are individual themes and motifs representing the Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower families. Along the way, Stevens’ music evolves throughout the various administrations, mirroring the ongoing maturation of the United States as a nation.

Born In Newark, New Jersey in 1929, Morton Stevens studied composition at the Juilliard School and became the arranger and later, the musical director, for Sammy Davis, Jr., Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Liza Minnelli. He also served as music director for CBS and was a prolific composer and arranger for television for over 30 years. Best known for the famous theme music for HAWAII FIVE-0, for which he won two Emmys, Stevens contributed music to many television shows, including GUNSMOKE, POLICE WOMAN, THRILLER, WAGON TRAIN, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E., CIMARRON STRIP, THE WILD WILD WEST and TINY TOON ADVENTURES. Stevens also served on the board of directors for the Academy Of Television Arts And Sciences. Surprisingly, he only scored a few feature films including ACT OF PIRACY, THEY STILL CALL ME BRUCE, CRACKING UP and THE RAIDERS. Stevens scored 101 TV movies and nine motion pictures in a three-decade career that began in the early 1960s and ran until 1990. A former student of Jerry Goldsmith, he co-scored the 1981 miniseries MASADA and Arthur Hayley’s WHEELS in 1978, for which he both received Emmy nominations.

Dragon’s Domain Records presents the premiere release of BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE, featuring music composed by Morton Stevens. The liner notes are written by author and composer Brian Satterwhite. The music has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland.

The music is presented on two CDs. When the score for BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE was recorded , it was common for studios or networks to house the master tapes wherever storage space was available, even if proven detrimental to the materials over time. There was no foresight in preserving these reels for posterity. Many recordings during this period (especially for television) have not survived the passage of time. Magnetic tape warps and will eventually disintegrate if not properly stored in precise conditions. Several tracks of BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE weathered significant damage which can be heard in the final transfer. Effort was taken to mend the damaged reels and digitally remove as much of the unwanted artifacts as possible. However, a handful of tracks were scarred beyond repair and are properly labeled as “Damaged” on this album presentation.

BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE is a limited edition release and is expected to begin shipping the week of May 13th and can be ordered at www.buysoundtrax.com.

CD 1 EPISODE 1 (Taft, Wilson, Harding)
1. Main Theme (2:12)
2. The Story Begins / Getting To Work /Montage (4:48)
3. The Fan / Sneaking Food / Lillian in Catholic School (2:25)
4. Maggie’s Fine Dress / The Tafts Leave /Enter The Wilsons (4:19)
5. May 1914 / The Death of Mrs. Wilson / Hardly Dignified (2:17)
6. War Is Imminent / A Letter / War Is Over / Wilson Collapses (4:06)
7. Lincoln’s Bed / Fooling Senators / Meet The Prince Of Wales (7:03)
8. Wilsons Leave White House / Preparing For The Hardings / End Credit Theme (2:48)
9. Forgotten Coat / Contaminated Blood / Harding Walks Out / The Suicide / Goodbye (5:19)
EPISODE 2 (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover)
10. Annie’s Farewell / Efficient Coolidge / Bowl Of Peanuts (3:38)
11. Coolidge To The Dress Shop / Miss Jaffrey Resigns (4:11)
12. Repo Men Take Freezer / Lillian Goes To Work / First Day On The Job / Coming Up (5:26)

13. Marching Band (Source) (3:57)
14. Party (Source) (3:24)
15. Piano A (Source) (2:00)
16. Victrola (Source) (0:24)
17. The Charleston (Source) (0:45)
18. Music Box (Source) (0:16)

19. Spring 1912* / Mrs. Taft’s Stroke* / Lillian’s Surgery* / Lillian’s Crutches* (4:34)
20. Recap Episode 1 / Illegal Booze / Teapot Dome* / Mrs. Harding and Maggie (3:31)
21. Spring 1912* (Alternate) (0:22)
22. Main Theme* (Alternate) (2:06)
Total Time - Disc One: 70:51

CD 2 EPISODE 3 (Hoover, Roosevelt)
1. Main Theme (Long Version) (2:25)
2. Roosevelts Take Over / Lillian and FDR Bond / First Maid / Cleaning Frenzy (3:28)
3. I Am Never Going To Leave You / Salary Cut / Louis Howe Is Dead / Maggie Retires (5:50)
4. Miss LeHand Has A Stroke / Fraser Says Goodbye / FDR Talks of War (6:09)
EPISODE 4 (Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower)
5. Recap Episode 3 (3:46)
6. 1942 / Nothing But A Towel / Maggie Returns / Tea Tasting / No Excuse For Slovenliness (2:32)
7. Take Me Home / Fraser’s Death (3:20)
8. Lillian and FDR / The Trumans Take Over (4:15)
9. Mushroom Cloud / The Scrapbook / Blair House / Shootout / Surprise Birthday Party (5:22)
10. The Mays Funeral / Maggie’s Last Breath (5:01)
11. Lillian’s Last Day / I Am Going To Write A Book (3:40)
12. End Credit (1:05)
13. Happy Days Are Here Again (Source) (2:14)
14. Newsreel (Source) (0:38)
15. Radio Play (Source) (0:56)
16. Big Band (Source) (0:45)
17. Piano B (Source) (0:42)
18. Party A / B (Source) (3:16)
19. Piano C (Source) (0:27)
20. Recap Episode 2 / Money’s Gone* / Secret Service (5:33)
21. Face To Face With Hoover / Henry Loses His Job* / Maggie Collapses (6:47)
22. Main Theme* (Short Version) (1:29)
Total Time - Disc Two: 70:38



Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents GERALD FRIED: THE WESTERNS, VOLUME 1, featuring music composed by Gerald Fried (THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E., STAR TREK, ROOTS) for several projects in the Western genre from his extensive filmography appearing for the first time on compact disc.

STORY OF A RODEO COWBOY was a 1963 two-reel television documentary produced by the David L. Wolper Production Company. The 24-minute black and white documentary was directed by Kent MacKenzie, filmed in Salinas, California, and narrated by John Willis. The short film follows the life and travels of a group of professional rodeo cowboys.

WAGON TRAIN was a popular TV series that aired 284 episodes over eight seasons, first on NBC (1957–1962) and finally on ABC (1962–1965). Fried scored the second season episode, 'The Steve Campden Story,' directed by Christian Nyby (THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD, HELL ON DEVIL’S ISLAND). In this episode, Flint (Robert Horton) must find a way to get the wagon train around a snow-covered pass. On a scouting trek, he meets a father and son who are willing to help him, but they want to hike up the mountain… and the adventure ahead surprises them all. This episode was for Fried’s first Western film series and his only score for the show.

 TERROR IN A TEXAS TOWN was a 1958  Western film written by Dalton Trumbo and directed by Joseph Lewis, who had helmed 40 primarily action-oriented films from 1938 to 1958.

 TERROR IN A TEXAS TOWN is about a Swedish whaler (Sterling Hayden) who is out for revenge when he learns that a greedy oil man murdered his father for their land. It was Lewis’ last feature, after which he found a place in television work like many other Hollywood directors. Like other feature films by Lewis, such as GUN CRAZY, it has, over the years, acquired a cult following for Lewis’s stylistic flourishes, leading some to describe it as a Western film noir.

Born February, 1928 in the Bronx, Gerald Fried’s interest in music found its first fruition at the High School of Music & Art in New York City. He attended The Juilliard School of Music as an oboe major, graduating in 1945. Among his earliest friends was a bright kid named Stanley Kubrick. The two of them used to hang around Greenwich Village and talk about their budding interests, Fried’s in classical music and Kubrick’s in filmmaking. Their interests merged when Kubrick began filming DAY OF THE FIGHT, an 18-minute short about boxing. Knowing Fried was a music major, Kubrick asked him if he could write the score for his boxing picture. Fried agreed, then spent months going to the movies to learn how film scores worked, there being no schools or courses on film music in those days. Fried wrote an effective score, and Kubrick sold the film to RKO Pathé. Fried rejoined Kubrick to score four more of his films, including THE KILLING and PATHS TO GLORY, where the young filmmaker first gained his reputation.

After the success of THE KILLING in 1956, Kubrick moved to Los Angeles, shortly followed by Fried, who was immediately hired to compose and arrange music for several films, including THE VAMPIRE, THE RETURN OF DRACULA, MACHINE GUN KELLY and I, MOBSTER, I BURY THE LIVING, and TIMBUKTU (1959). By the 1960s, Fried moved into television, scoring episodes of such seminal shows of the decade as GILLIGAN’S ISLAND, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E., MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE and STAR TREK. By the 1970s Fried was composing music for numerous made-for-TV movies. His best-known score of the decade was for the 1977 miniseries ROOTS, which he took over scoring when Quincy Jones fell behind and was unable to meet the broadcast deadline for the eight-hour miniseries. Both Jones and Fried won Emmy Awards for their musical efforts on the series. During the ‘80s, Fried continued to compose music for television series, movies, and documentaries, and an occasional feature film well into his 90’s and passed away in February, 2023.

Dragon’s Domain Records presents GERALD FRIED: THE WESTERNS, VOLUME 1, featuring the world premiere releases of music composed by Gerald Fried for these Western related projects. The music has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland and the liner notes have been written by noted author Randall Larson.

GERALD FRIED: THE WESTERNS, VOLUME 1 is a limited edition release. GERALD FRIED: THE WESTERNS, VOLUME 1 is expected to begin shipping the week of May 13th, 2024 and can be ordered at www.buysoundtrax.com .

01. Pick Up Man (4:56)
02. Bronco Busting (5:20)
03. Barrell Man (5:24)
04. The Mountain (3:18)
05. Meet The Campdens (3:00)
06. Climbing The Mountain (6:29)
07. The Cave (7:02)
08. Top Of The World / Finale (5:41)

09. Prologue And Main Title (3:14)
10. The Saloon (2:27)
11. The Black Hat / A Father’s Death (2:02)
12. Hansen And The Boy (2:59)
13. End of Pepe (2:28)
14. Back To The Saloon (3:04)
15. Shootout And Finale (3:10)
Total Time: 61:14



Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents THE JIM DOOLEY COLLECTION, VOLUME 1, featuring music composed by Jim Dooley (WHEN A STRANGER CALLS, PUSHING DAISIES, THE LAST SHIP) for various projects from his filmography.

THE JIM DOOLEY COLLECTION, VOLUME 1 opens with music from an industrial film Dooley was hired to score for Mercedes-Benz, entitled ‘The Mercedes-Benz Axor. The industrial film was meant to be used for promotional purposes and featured shots of the truck in question.

The hit television series COSMOS based on the writings of author Carl Sagan was successfully rebooted in 2014 by Seth MacFarlane, Brannon Braga, Mitchell Cannold and Ann Druyan, featuring astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson as the host. When COSMOS went into production, two composers were brought in to pen scores for each episode—one of them was Jim Dooley who was tasked to produce a series of themes that best demonstrated his proposed prescription to scoring the series. His demos were a huge hit with the producers. However, there was one alarming issue. The composer was already temporarily employed by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baily Circus, preventing Dooley from accepting a role as composer for Cosmos. His demos for COSMOS are presented on this album for the very first time.

Also included on this album are a smattering of rare tracks from obscure projects early in Dooley’s career. UNTITLED: 003-EMBRYO was a short film directed by Mike Goedecke. The plot centers around a certified agoraphobic who receives a wooden box with items inside and promise to fulfill his deepest fantasies if he feeds five dreams to a grotesque creature stored within the machine. The entire score is presented here.

A collection of cues from the made-for-television sci-fi comedy AREA 52 appear next. AREA 52 was directed by Dooley’s college friend Adam Turner and starred Fred Savage. The plot revolved around a group of rag-tag government agents not good enough to guard Area 51 so they are assigned to the lesser Area 52. Hilarity ensues when they stumble into a legit mission requiring their services to help save the world.

The final selection on the album is the entire orchestral score for Dreamworks’ animated short film FIRST FLIGHT about a fastidiously organized businessman whose perspective on life is forever changed through an unexpected encounter with a fledgling bird.

Jim Dooley is an Emmy Award-winning composer/songwriter with a diverse repertoire spanning the film, television, video gaming and live theatrical industries.  He has earned accolades for his solo work as well as proud collaborations with many of the top names in music, from Hans Zimmer, Kristin Chenoweth to Babyface. Dooley is a graduate of New York University and upon completion of his degree moved to Los Angeles to study the art of film composing at USC in the SMPTV program with prolific scoring legends Christopher Young, Elmer Bernstein and Leonard Rosenman. He joined Media Ventures (now known as Remote Control Productions) in 1999 and collaborated with Hans Zimmer on THE DA VINCI CODE, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL, THE RING and many others. Dooley is currently the composer of the hit CW show WALKER                                          
Dragon’s Domain Records presents THE JIM DOOLEY COLLECTION, VOLUME 1, featuring music composed by Jim Dooley, appearing for the very first time on compact disc. The music has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland and the liner notes have been written by author and composer Brian Satterwhite, with the participation of the composer.

THE JIM DOOLEY COLLECTION, VOLUME 1 is presented as a disc-on-demand release.

THE JIM DOOLEY COLLECTION, VOLUME 1 is expected to begin shipping the week of May 13th, 2024 and can be ordered at www.buysoundtrax.com.

The first 50 copies sold through the website will include a booklet autographed by composer Jim Dooley.

01. The Mercedes-Benz Axor (6:49)
From The Promotional Video
02. Looking At The Stars (4:00)
03. Starscape (4:08)
04. Beyond The Solar System (1:51)
05. Solar Winds (3:25)
06. Europa (2:05)
07. The Void (2:12)
08. The Martian Landscape (2:38)
09. The Outer Planets (2:17)
10. The Asteroid Belt (2:13)
11. Suite From EMBRYO (12:39)
12. Opening / Dante’s Friends / First Mission (3:55)
13. First Cable / Haps Discovered (3:30)
14. Chase Dropped Off / Haps Tire Yard / Return / Van Hangar (1:51)
15. Return / End Credits (3:52)
16. Suite From FIRST FLIGHT (8:31)
Total Time - 66:40


BSX Records and Bukimisha the Weird Society are proud to present the a Capella recreation of Akira Ifukube’s unreleased score to the 1961 film spectacular BUDDHA. To chronicle the origin of Buddhism, Daiei Studios spared no expense to create large and elaborate sets that were filled with hundreds of extras, all captured in 70mm by VistaVision cameras. Ifukube utilized the skills of The Tokyo Symphony Orchestra and the result was one of the maestro’s most magnificent efforts, an emotionally moving assemblage of thoughtful and awe-inspiring motifs. Shockingly, an original soundtrack album has never been released, though an abbreviated suite was included on a compilation album (it was just audio lifted from the film). The original master tapes were shipped to England for mixing and apparently never returned to Japan. Plus, Ifukube was apparently dissatisfied with their work. 

Bukimisha the Weird Secret Society is a self-proclaimed ‘secret society’ (pronounced “Boo-key-may-sha” and roughly translating into “Creepy Company”) and have enthralled Japanese audiences over several decades. They have transformed their love of music into a unique art form, building an impressive catalog currently exceeding 170 albums! Many of these feature selections from Akira Ifukube’s vast output of classical compositions and complete film scores. Bukimisha was even given the opportunity to perform before the legendary composer at one of his final birthday celebrations.

BSX Records is proud to once more offer the distinctive performance art of Bukimisha to movie music fans around the world. This album has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland from the group’s original digital recordings, all supervised and approved by Takeo Yahiro & their great mentor, Dr. Bukimi. Exclusive liner notes by author David Hirsch with Sam Scali, and comments from scholar Erik Homenick (akiraifukube.org) on the music featured.

This CD set is a limited run of 500 units.

01. Opening 2:47
02. Above and Below Heaven, I Am Worthy 2:49
03. Martial Arts Tournament 4:33
04. Kapila Castle 5:17
05. The Tragedy of Princess Yashodhara 3:41
06. Bodhi Tree 8:33
07. Kishimojin 2:59
08. Hanako Castle 1:58
09. Enlightenment of Kunara 5:49
10. Devadathha’s Divine Power 10:49
11. Rajgir 4:39
12. Collapse of the Rasatta Temple 7:43
13. Closing 5:16
14. Return of

 Buddha, Devadathha (unused) 3:12



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